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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

GRR Spartan
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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera Empty Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

Post by GRR Spartan Wed 6 Apr 2016 - 22:33

Vivaldi is from the people who created Opera introduced it today. I downloaded, used it and its got some slick features.

From the link:

In a direct comparison of all four browsers displaying only the Digital Trends homepage, Safari occupied the most RAM at 355.1MB, while Firefox and Chrome took up 254.7MB and 188.8MB, respectively. Meanwhile, Vivaldi only used 62.2MB when carrying out the same task.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera Empty Re: Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

Post by SpartanInNH Wed 6 Apr 2016 - 22:49

Looks pretty slick. Thanks for posting.

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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera Empty Re: Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

Post by Death Roe Wed 6 Apr 2016 - 22:52

I like my Chrome browser, and my Chromebook, way too much. Looks cool, though.
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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera Empty Re: Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

Post by Rocinante Wed 6 Apr 2016 - 23:11

I'll check it out, thanks.

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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera Empty Re: Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

Post by Snake Plissken Wed 6 Apr 2016 - 23:41

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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera Empty Re: Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

Post by SpartanInNH Sat 9 Apr 2016 - 8:28

I thought "Fuck it" and downloaded it. I am a Firefox user and fan, FWIW.

Been rocking Vivaldi, not exclusively, but mostly, for a few days now. I like it. It handles video and Tweetdeck much better than Firefox: fewer hangs, smoother reloads/scrolling.

It isn't my default browser -- yet -- but I like it, and can see myself using it exclusively for a lot of tasks.

Thanks for posting, GRR.

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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera Empty Re: Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

Post by GRR Spartan Sun 10 Apr 2016 - 23:08

The biggest issue I have with Vivaldi is there aren't any good ad blocks yet.

It's quick, does great with video that every site seems be adding (videos get more hits therefore more ad revenue) and I like the way it can be customized.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera Empty Re: Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

Post by Ted Brogan Mon 11 Apr 2016 - 1:25

Vivaldi is based on Chromium and uses/links to the Chrome web store when you click "get more extensions" from settings. You should be able to add any Chrome extension (e.g. ad blockers) to Vivaldi and use them like you would in Chrome, but some extensions may have compatibility bugs/issues.
Ted Brogan
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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera Empty Re: Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

Post by SpartanInNH Mon 11 Apr 2016 - 21:15

Ted Brogan wrote:Vivaldi is based on Chromium and uses/links to the Chrome web store when you click "get more extensions" from settings. You should be able to add any Chrome extension (e.g. ad blockers) to Vivaldi and use them like you would in Chrome, but some extensions may have compatibility bugs/issues.

Yeah, I downloaded AdBlock Plus and a buncha stuff. Biggest issue so far appears to be a Flash-based issue: I can't see YouTube previews, for example, on this site, Instagram posts, or click on them.

So if I'm really interested in that, I copy the url to Firefox and get my eyeful.

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Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera Empty Re: Vivaldi - New Browser from the people who brought Opera

Post by Ted Brogan Mon 11 Apr 2016 - 23:36

SpartanInNH wrote:Yeah, I downloaded AdBlock Plus and a buncha stuff.  Biggest issue so far appears to be a Flash-based issue:  I can't see YouTube previews, for example, on this site, Instagram posts, or click on them.  

So if I'm really interested in that, I copy the url to Firefox and get my eyeful.  

Your flash issue might be related to this. I'm not well versed on the technical details, but the main browsers are phasing or have phased out an older plugin interface (NPAPI) in favor of a newer one (PPAPI). Chrome-based browsers support the latter which requires an alternate Flash plugin. Solution from here:

Please go to
Select your Windows
Select "FP... for Opera and Chrome - PPAPI"
Start Installer
Wait until downloaded and installed
Start Vivaldi

Couple other links for reading or visual guides:
Ted Brogan
Ted Brogan

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