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Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Cym Jim
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by The_Dude 2014-07-14, 13:07
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Cym Jim 2014-07-14, 16:56

Please provide some commentary.
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Turtleneck 2014-07-14, 17:01

Cym Jim wrote:Please provide some commentary.

Without commentary, his post is a big whiff.


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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by The_Dude 2014-07-14, 19:05

Article speaks for itself. Not surprised liberals keep their head in the sand about it.
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Turtleneck 2014-07-14, 19:17

The_Dude wrote:Article speaks for itself. Not surprised liberals keep their head in the sand about it.

I am too busy thinking about Izzo's inability to coach the game of basketball. What is the article about?

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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Rocinante 2014-07-15, 11:40

She seems smart.

Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Ajdelgado

This woman is a fucking moron. That shit is racist as ****.  She completely marginalizes the upward mobility of citizens and instead just assumes that black people are manual laborers.  If you agree with that piffle, you're dumber than I thought.

oooh, and she thinks a "rape culture" exists.  How... nice.

Can I get a defense of Donald Sterling for the idiot hat trick?

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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-07-15, 13:09

I love the National Review..

Robert J Sakimano
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by The_Dude 2014-07-15, 15:21

Rocinante wrote:She seems smart.

Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Ajdelgado

This woman is a fucking moron. That shit is racist as ****.  She completely marginalizes the upward mobility of citizens and instead just assumes that black people are manual laborers.  If you agree with that piffle, you're dumber than I thought.

oooh, and she thinks a "rape culture" exists.  How... nice.

Can I get a defense of Donald Sterling for the idiot hat trick?

It's an opinion article designed to spark discussion. Easy on your hate there bro. Disagreeing with your own personal opinions doesn't make one a racist, although you and your ilk are quick to judge and label people that disagree with you.

that is all.
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by The_Dude 2014-07-15, 15:26

Did you actually read her article about Sterling?  Instead of actually reading and comprehending what she said, you looked at a headline, labeled her a name and lashed out like a bonar.  Here is a quick excerpt:

"The NBA may have reacted too confidently and too quickly in the wake of the Sterling witch-hunt, biting off more than it was able to chew. A more sensible approach of slowly exploring its true legal options would have been the prudent course, rather than rushing to those calling for Sterling’s head. Now, the organization finds itself in a pickle. To make matters trickier, as tempers slow down, public opinion is starting to shift in favor of Sterling, as Forbes’s Mike Ozanian reported this weekend. A Rasmussen poll last week found only 38 percent of Americans feel Sterling should be forced to sell the team – and that was before Sterling’s apologetic appearance with CNN’s Anderson Cooper."

Seems like she is well grounded in reason and fact here.  She pointed out the NBA was too quick to judge and hand out punishment to appease the public opinion mob and it has backfired.

Tell me what specific parts of her Sterling article you find offensive or flat out wrong.  She didn't once defend him for the comments he made, something you probably assumed she would do.  Oops.  

You can't even really make Roc's attack on her up.  Reads headlines, calls someone a racist for having a differing opinion...par for the course for brain dead liberals who can only parrot empty rhetoric.
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Rocinante 2014-07-15, 15:28

The_Dude wrote:

It's an opinion article designed to spark discussion.  Easy on your hate there bro.  Disagreeing with your own personal opinions doesn't make one a racist, although you and your ilk are quick to judge and label people that disagree with you.

that is all.

It's not my personal opinion that black people are capable of more than manual labor or rudimentary employment. That article is racist. and her history suggests that she's a mindless parrot. "news" or "editorials" like that are not worth discussing because they bring the collective intelligence of the conversation down to levels beneath people with even half a brain. It's exactly the same way with every other Fox "news" contributor and only getting worse by according to my brief views of that horrific channel when visiting my mother a couple weeks ago.

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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by The_Dude 2014-07-15, 15:31

Wow, her article on rape was one of the best articles on the subject I've ever read.

What parts do you specifically disagree with her? Or you blindly hate someone because they don't follow your mindless political beliefs?
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Rocinante 2014-07-15, 15:32

The_Dude wrote:Did you actually read her article about Sterling?  Instead of actually reading and comprehending what she said, you looked at a headline, labeled her a name and lashed out like a bonar.  Here is a quick excerpt:

"The NBA may have reacted too confidently and too quickly in the wake of the Sterling witch-hunt, biting off more than it was able to chew. A more sensible approach of slowly exploring its true legal options would have been the prudent course, rather than rushing to those calling for Sterling’s head. Now, the organization finds itself in a pickle. To make matters trickier, as tempers slow down, public opinion is starting to shift in favor of Sterling, as Forbes’s Mike Ozanian reported this weekend. A Rasmussen poll last week found only 38 percent of Americans feel Sterling should be forced to sell the team – and that was before Sterling’s apologetic appearance with CNN’s Anderson Cooper."

Seems like she is well grounded in reason and fact here.  She pointed out the NBA was too quick to judge and hand out punishment to appease the public opinion mob and it has backfired.

Tell me what specific parts of her Sterling article you find offensive or flat out wrong.  She didn't once defend him for the comments he made, something you probably assumed she would do.  Oops.  

You can't even really make Roc's attack on her up.  Reads headlines, calls someone a racist for having a differing opinion...par for the course for brain dead liberals who can only parrot empty rhetoric.

The anderson cooper interview was not apologetic.  Public opinion has never shifted in favor of the old racist, the NBA is a private organization and does not have to do what the "majority of" some poll think.  etc etc.  it's funny that you say I parrot, when I come up with all of my thoughts myself and don't pay attention to either the leftist or rightist media.... I guess that's your go-to though, when your stupidity is pointed out.

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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Rocinante 2014-07-15, 15:34

The_Dude wrote:Wow, her article on rape was one of the best articles on the subject I've ever read.

What parts do you specifically disagree with her?  Or you blindly hate someone because they don't follow your mindless political beliefs?

It doesn't surprise me that you liked that article.

the second fucking sentence...

"But how far the pendulum has swung in the other direction! Now, the term “rape” or “sexual assault” is thrown around almost effortlessly, accusations easily made and lives easily ruined."

Let's blame the victim mentality. It amazes me that you are so stupid you can't even tell when a moron is using loaded language to manipulate you. Have some respect for yourself man.

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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by The_Dude 2014-07-15, 15:36

Rocinante wrote:

It's not my personal opinion that black people are capable of more than manual labor or rudimentary employment.  That article is racist. and her history suggests that she's a mindless parrot.  "news" or "editorials" like that are not worth discussing because they bring the collective intelligence of the conversation down to levels beneath people with even half a brain.  It's exactly the same way with every other Fox "news" contributor and only getting worse by according to my brief views of that horrific channel when visiting my mother a couple weeks ago.

You're a psycho, dude. Sorry but you are. You are wildly accusing her of saying stuff she didn't just so you can make a point that doesn't exist. Here is her exact quote:

"African Americans are disproportionately employed in lower-skilled jobs – the very same jobs immigrants take."

That is a fact. Not opinion. How in the **** do you read that article and come away with the author says that black people can only do manual labor? You have severe mental issues when it comes to this kind of stuff. You can't even see straight.

Take a chill pill and relax. Stroking out over stuff people didn't even say but you perceived them to say base upon what politicians have said in speeches makes you a pretty ignorant sob.
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Rocinante 2014-07-15, 15:41

The_Dude wrote:

You're a psycho, dude.  Sorry but you are.  You are wildly accusing her of saying stuff she didn't just so you can make a point that doesn't exist.  Here is her exact quote:

"African Americans are disproportionately employed in lower-skilled jobs – the very same jobs immigrants take."

That is a fact.  Not opinion.  How in the **** do you read that article and come away with the author says that black people can only do manual labor?  You have severe mental issues when it comes to this kind of stuff.  You can't even see straight.

Take a chill pill and relax.  Stroking out over stuff people didn't even say but you perceived them to say base upon what politicians have said in speeches makes you a pretty ignorant sob.

No. The sole purpose of that disgusting twats article is to attempt to stir up a tempest when there is no issue. Distilled to one sentence it is this: "Hey Black People, democrats don't care about you anymore because they are pandering to the latino vote while immigrants take your job at wal-mart."

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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Rocinante 2014-07-15, 15:55

In addition, I take everything negative you say about my mental status as a compliment. If you thought I was awesome I'd kill myself.

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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-07-16, 12:59

Rocinante wrote:In addition, I take everything negative you say about my mental status as a compliment.  If you thought I was awesome I'd kill myself.
he is a gun nut.. I don't like to get too close to those types.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Hut1hut2 2014-07-16, 14:45

Rocinante wrote:In addition, I take everything negative you say about my mental status as a compliment. If you thought I was awesome I'd kill myself.

No one thinks you are awesome - keep on living

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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by I.B. Fine 2014-07-16, 16:02

Rocinante wrote:

No.  The sole purpose of that disgusting twats article is to attempt to stir up a tempest when there is no issue.  Distilled to one sentence it is this: "Hey Black People, democrats don't care about you anymore because they are pandering to the latino vote while immigrants take your job at wal-mart."
Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Truth-is-the-new-hate-speech-george-orwell_w520_int_wm
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by The_Dude 2014-07-17, 12:53

This is amazing. Thanks for exposing yourself as the typical idiotic liberal, roc. You stroke out over what you hypothetically think the author said. Then you call her a racist based upon coming up with your own delusional thoughts about what she said. Sadly this is par for the course with how liberals think.
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Black Americans:  The True Casualties of Amnesty Empty Re: Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty

Post by Rocinante 2014-07-17, 14:38

The_Dude wrote:This is amazing. Thanks for exposing yourself as the typical idiotic liberal, roc. You stroke out over what you hypothetically think the author said. Then you call her a racist based upon coming up with your own delusional thoughts about what she said. Sadly this is par for the course with how liberals think.

Do you continue to refer to my "stroking out" because I'm able to decipher the racist codes that neocons use because they know that they can't say ****** anymore?

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