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And so it begins....

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And so it begins.... Empty And so it begins....

Post by SeeRockCity Thu 19 Mar 2015 - 12:12

Have a great tourney everyone!

Some tips:

1.)Don't wait until your beer is empty before getting a new one. If you wait, you might get into that empty beer / I'll get one in a minute no-man's-land.
2.)Try to space your bathroom breaks. Use, the "smart scheduling" system to pace your drinking to match the better games.
3.)Surround yourself with soft items.
4.)Don't be distracted by family! This is a tough one, there always seems to be stupid family stuff getting in the way of a good tourney deep-dive. Try to keep it light, let your kids do things they normally don't get to do (like play M video games, watch R-rated movies, etc.) in order to keep them out of your hair. There'll be plenty of time for family later.
5.)Be proactive - Blankets and pillows should be on the couch AT THE START, chargers, fleshlights and other watching aids should be at arms reach and easily accessible.
6.)Be creative! Remember, with phones, tablets and laptops, you can have 4 or 5 games going at any given time. Don't be that "one-game" guy.
7.)Food should be ready to go. The freezer and microwave are your friends! Ask your wife for a quick orientation on using the oven BEFORE the games start.

Good luck and Go Green!
Ephor (Board Steward)
Ephor (Board Steward)

Posts : 3930
Join date : 2014-04-15
Location : Atlanta, GA

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And so it begins.... Empty Re: And so it begins....

Post by Robert J Sakimano Thu 19 Mar 2015 - 12:32

SeeRockCity wrote:Have a great tourney everyone!

Some tips:

1.)Don't wait until your beer is empty before getting a new one. If you wait, you might get into that empty beer / I'll get one in a minute no-man's-land.
2.)Try to space your bathroom breaks. Use, the "smart scheduling" system to pace your drinking to match the better games.
3.)Surround yourself with soft items.
4.)Don't be distracted by family! This is a tough one, there always seems to be stupid family stuff getting in the way of a good tourney deep-dive. Try to keep it light, let your kids do things they normally don't get to do (like play M video games, watch R-rated movies, etc.) in order to keep them out of your hair. There'll be plenty of time for family later.
5.)Be proactive - Blankets and pillows should be on the couch AT THE START, chargers, fleshlights and other watching aids should be at arms reach and easily accessible.
6.)Be creative! Remember, with phones, tablets and laptops, you can have 4 or 5 games going at any given time. Don't be that "one-game" guy.
7.)Food should be ready to go. The freezer and microwave are your friends! Ask your wife for a quick orientation on using the oven BEFORE the games start.

Good luck and Go Green!

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

Posts : 49914
Join date : 2014-04-15

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