Spartan Swill
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The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.

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The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.  Empty The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.

Post by DoogieHouser 2016-02-07, 17:43

The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.  1837840279

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The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.  Empty Re: The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2016-02-07, 17:46

And then you found $5?
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.  Empty Re: The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2016-02-07, 18:10

Hey, it's a doogie thread that I don't hate. Nice.
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.  Empty Re: The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2016-02-07, 18:19

I don't believe you. Can you link a slideshow on Bleacher Report to prove it?

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The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.  Empty Re: The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2016-02-07, 19:45

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:Hey, it's a doogie thread that I don't hate. Nice.

I don't hate it either Travis.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Join date : 2014-04-18

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The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.  Empty Re: The last six times Michigan State won by double digits at rival Michigan, as it did Saturday, the Spartans went on to make the Final Four.

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