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Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix

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Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix Empty Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix

Post by SeeRockCity 2016-04-25, 10:25

With Netflix moving to more exclusive content, Amazon seems like it is now a better bet for finding something to watch. And Chrome/X-Ray is pretty fucking awesome.

Anyone else find this to be true?

Ephor (Board Steward)
Ephor (Board Steward)

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Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix Empty Re: Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2016-04-25, 10:28


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Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix Empty Re: Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix

Post by SeeRockCity 2016-04-25, 10:31

WhiteBoyHatcher wrote:Details?

Open Chrome, go to Amazon, fire up a movie and then "mouse over" the window.

" X-Ray will display the cast members in the current scene, the title and performer of the music you’re hearing, and trivia such as goofs, location information, and general facts about the video. Clicking on any of the actors, music or trivia that are listed will reveal additional information about them."
Ephor (Board Steward)
Ephor (Board Steward)

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Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix Empty Re: Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix

Post by steveschneider 2016-04-25, 10:33

I still have Netflix DVD and I like it. I like getting shit in the mail, I like the DVD extras and I have access to almost everything I want. Waiting a day for a movie is not a big deal.

Regarding Netflix streaming I agree with you, it has gone way down hill. I don't like their exclusive content and all of the good movie choices are gone.

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Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix Empty Re: Amazon streaming in Chrome with X-Ray >>>>>>> Netflix

Post by Rocinante 2016-04-25, 12:18

It's not just in chrome.

And yes, I think Amazon has some pretty good shit as far as television shows to watch, but their movie selection is terrible.

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