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Where do Michigan and Michigan State's football recruits come from? A 10-year review

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Where do Michigan and Michigan State's football recruits come from? A 10-year review Empty Where do Michigan and Michigan State's football recruits come from? A 10-year review

Post by Turtleneck 2016-06-14, 12:48

The 10-year period reflects all of the recruits signed by Mark Dantonio, since he was hired at Michigan State in 2006. For Michigan, that period encompasses Lloyd Carr's last class, three years of Rich Rodriguez, four years of Brady Hoke and the first two groups inked by Jim Harbaugh.

Although they're bitter rivals, Michigan and Michigan State have fairly similar recruiting patterns. Both, unsurprisingly, hit Michigan and Ohio heavily. In the last decade, 62.6 percent of Dantonio's recruits came from Michigan and Ohio, with 34.4 percent from Michigan and 28.2 from Ohio. In the last decade, 45.7 percent of Michigan's recruits came from Michigan and Ohio, with 22.8 percent from each.

The top high school Michigan tapped is Detroit Cass Tech, with 11 players from the talent-rich program. Dantonio's go-to school is Archbishop Moeller in Cincinnati, Ohio, with five signees.

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Where do Michigan and Michigan State's football recruits come from? A 10-year review Empty Re: Where do Michigan and Michigan State's football recruits come from? A 10-year review

Post by tGreenWay 2016-06-14, 13:34

It took that dude ten years to review the rosters? Hell, even I read faster than that.
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Where do Michigan and Michigan State's football recruits come from? A 10-year review Empty Re: Where do Michigan and Michigan State's football recruits come from? A 10-year review

Post by Floyd Robertson 2016-06-14, 13:47

tGreenWay wrote:It took that dude ten years to review the rosters?  Hell, even I read faster than that.  

They slacked off until Harbaugh showed up, just wasn't worth their time beforehand.
Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson

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