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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Floyd Robertson
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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by DWags 2017-03-03, 12:42

Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   502811600

EPA?  What EPA?   Great Lakes pollution clean up goes from 300 Million to 10 Million and a "good luck with that" slap on the back.

Frankly, long term planning?  It will kill the tourist and fishing industry.   five years.  Guaranteed.

Oh, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Madison, Milwaukee, Green Bay. Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   1966794946

you send way more money to Washington DC then the states of Montana, Idaho, North and South Dakota Iowa, etc etc, and they just gave us a big fuck you, give us your money and shut up and now take this shit and shove it up your ass. Small states have way more power than the large population states and that so many populated cities are near and around the great lakes its an extra special fuck you to them damn liberal cities. What's the best is that GR is very tuned into the tourist and fishing industries and they will suffer in the years to come and it's at their own hand. I actually love this.

Last edited by DWags on 2017-03-03, 14:02; edited 1 time in total

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by The_Dude 2017-03-03, 12:46

That's it, I'm not voting for Trump.
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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-03-03, 12:59

Trump's master plan to keep Cleveland warm by lighting Lake Erie on fire again. Genius.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Herbie Green 2017-03-03, 13:20

The_Dude wrote:That's it, I'm not voting for Trump.

seriously, how could you have possibly voted for this guy - assuming you live in Michigan. You honestly want to destroy the Great Lakes?

Herbie Green
Herbie Green

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by DWags 2017-03-03, 13:55


Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   E364ba10

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by kingstonlake 2017-03-03, 14:17

If the state of Michigan has to spend $$ on this then it's time to start charging for great lakes water not used by Michigan residents. Set up a permanent fund like Alaska does for oil.
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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by DWags 2017-03-03, 14:22

kingstonlake wrote:If the state of Michigan has to spend $$ on this then it's time to start charging for great lakes water not used by Michigan residents. Set up a permanent fund like Alaska does for oil.

Many of these states with republican govenors are going to have to pay a whole bunch for medicade. It's gonna get ugly.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2017-03-03, 14:24

Dwags I don't find this as funny.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by The_Dude 2017-03-03, 14:36

Herbie Green wrote:
The_Dude wrote:That's it, I'm not voting for Trump.

seriously, how could you have possibly voted for this guy - assuming you live in Michigan. You honestly want to destroy the Great Lakes?

Yup. I want the Great Lakes gone, and I want to live in a Russian puppet state.

Two of the main reasons I voted for Comrade Trump!
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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2017-03-03, 14:38

The GOP will probably put the Great Lakes funding back into the actual budget, or at least that's what I'm guessing. The thing is that Trump can't submit a budget proposal that massively inflates the deficit, so to get it started he's gotta cut things like this. In the end the deficit will be massively inflated, but they can't present it like that.

That's not to say people shouldn't take issue with it and make sure their voices are heard. They should to make sure it gets put back in. It's important. Perhaps taking in a townhall if your rep has the guts to actually listen to your opinion (mine doesn't. He says that he can get what he needs to know of our opinion by watching cable news. But if yours is better than mine then maybe give it a shot.)
Travis of the Cosmos
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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Guest 2017-03-03, 14:39

DWags wrote:Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   502811600
EPA?  What EPA?   Great Lakes pollution clean up goes from 300 Million to 10 Million and a "good luck with that" slap on the back.
Frankly, long term planning?  It will kill the tourist and fishing industry.   five years.  Guaranteed.

Hey Wags? Not that I favor this cut....but here's a question.

Would you say the water quality of the Great Lakes improved or deteriorated from 1965-2010?

Got an honest answer for me or an evasion?

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2017-03-03, 14:42

Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   502811600 ^^^ now this is funny wags
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Guest 2017-03-03, 14:52

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   502811600 ^^^ now this is funny wags

I'd ask you but you have no point of reference to give a meaningful answer.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by DWags 2017-03-03, 14:52

LooseGoose wrote:
DWags wrote:Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   502811600
EPA?  What EPA?   Great Lakes pollution clean up goes from 300 Million to 10 Million and a "good luck with that" slap on the back.
Frankly, long term planning?  It will kill the tourist and fishing industry.   five years.  Guaranteed.

Hey Wags?   Not that I favor this cut....but here's a question.  

Would you say the water quality of the Great Lakes improved or deteriorated from 1965-2010?

Got an honest answer for me or an evasion?

Evasion?  Changing subjects?  Only people who know they're wrong about something do that shit goose.   Know anybody like that?

"While sustained governmental and public efforts have measurably improved Great Lakes water quality, rapid reduction in ice cover and the resurgence of some pollutants like excess nutrients are among the indicators currently raising concerns," states a news release from the International Joint Commission, a binational board that oversees U.S. and Canadian boundary waters issues.

The Joint Commission's report released Tuesday is an assessment of 16 measures of the lakes in terms of their chemical, biological and physical integrity.

The release says that the seven indicators of chemical health show "mostly favorable results" since 1987, but "some data also reveal a leveling off or even a reversal of reductions in toxic chemicals such as mercury and nutrient loadings in the past decade and earlier."

From 2013.  Great lakes have imporoved but there are still issues so lets cut 97%

But here's what we need to understand.   Cutting 97% of a budget will devastate what is the great lakes.  Lake St. Claire is very polluted, outside my house it's sickening somedays in summer.  Swimming areas in Metro park a couple miles on football from my house are closed often in the summer and the park just isn't as busy anymore.  Pepsi will be taking 1 million gallons of Lake Michigan warter daily, this region is headed for disaster.    The beaches will increase in length, the lakes will become more shallow, the tourist industry will dry up.  Our states that border them which send a shit ton of money to DC will get nothing in return.  

And most of these states voted for the guy who just pulled the trigger on a 97% cut.  

It's entertaining as hell to know we voted against self interest.    I got mine though goose, sure maybe in 5 years my house is worth less, but what do I need?  I dont' give a fuck about the future.  20-25 years left, fuck em.  

Honest enough answer?

Last edited by DWags on 2017-03-03, 14:53; edited 1 time in total

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by NigelUno 2017-03-03, 14:53

LooseGoose wrote:
DWags wrote:Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   502811600
EPA?  What EPA?   Great Lakes pollution clean up goes from 300 Million to 10 Million and a "good luck with that" slap on the back.
Frankly, long term planning?  It will kill the tourist and fishing industry.   five years.  Guaranteed.

Hey Wags? Not that I favor this cut....but here's a question.

Would you say the water quality of the Great Lakes improved or deteriorated from 1965-2010?

Got an honest answer for me or an evasion?

If it deteriorated, do you think it's a good idea to cut funding?

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by DWags 2017-03-03, 14:55

BTW, the EPA and the DOE will be gone. We should revisit that thread of WBH, and what we think will be effected the most in 4 years.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Guest 2017-03-03, 15:01

DWags wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:

Hey Wags?   Not that I favor this cut....but here's a question.  

Would you say the water quality of the Great Lakes improved or deteriorated from 1965-2010?

Got an honest answer for me or an evasion?

Evasion?  Changing subjects?  Only people who know they're wrong about something do that shit goose.   Know anybody like that?

Honest enough answer?

How about a simple yes or no?

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by NigelUno 2017-03-03, 15:03

LooseGoose wrote:
DWags wrote:

Evasion?  Changing subjects?  Only people who know they're wrong about something do that shit goose.   Know anybody like that?

Honest enough answer?

How about a simple yes or no?

Are you in favor of cutting funding?

Yes or No?

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by DWags 2017-03-03, 15:08

LooseGoose wrote:
DWags wrote:

Evasion?  Changing subjects?  Only people who know they're wrong about something do that shit goose.   Know anybody like that?

Honest enough answer?

How about a simple yes or no?

Not a simple answer Goose, for example:

The chemical health of the lakes has indeed in many ways improved dramatically since the passage of the Clean Water Act of 1972. But that landmark piece of legislation never addressed contaminated ballast water discharges from overseas freighters, and the lakes' biological health has suffered greatly because of that.

"For example, the small, bottom-dwelling shrimplike organism, Diporeia, an important part of the food chain, was once abundant in cold, offshore regions of the Great Lakes but is now completely absent from large areas of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Ontario and Erie," states the Joint Commission release. "Also, from 1987 to 2006, 34 new non-native species became established in the Great Lakes, causing extensive and costly damage to the ecosystem."

So, chemically is it better? Yes, biologically is it better? I grew up 300 yards from Lake Michigan. I can tell you the biology of it has changed. Maybe I can take a drink without getting the runs or poisoned but fishing is different and it will get worse. No simple answer Goose. But I know cutting a budget by 97% won't help much.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by NigelUno 2017-03-03, 15:11

Goose? Stop doing gymnastics.

Do you support the cut in funding?

Yes or No.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Guest 2017-03-03, 15:14

And Wags already knows there's a reason not to answer my question, so here it is.

The DEVASTATING cuts are to a program that's only existed since 2010.

So what happened before then? As anyone that's been around the Great Lakes long enough knows - the water quality has been improving since the mid to late 60s. The same is true on a lot of environmental issues. Those of us that pre-date the bottle law know how our roads looked then. It was damned awful - and was solved by the State, not the Feds. The trash on the roadsides back in the 60s and early 70s was terrible, again much improved by littering laws. How are those related? Well the laws started changing on the State and Federal levels regarding water at the same time. Most of the improvement in water quality happened from 1972-1982 in my opinion, there was noticeably cleaner water nearly everywhere. Do I support going back to polluting like prior to the 1970s? Nope...

And that's not the case here. Cutting funding that just started in 2010 doesn't devastate anything as long as the laws that we have now stay in place and I've not seen any proposal to change them. 2nd this was a proposal anyway, the support for this $$ is too broad and across too many states for it not to be reinstated. So again it's much to do over nothing. Thus I'll pass on joining your freakout. 3rd - I'd like to know how much Great Lakes related funding that started prior to 2010 is still out there?

The really nasty cut took place last week for the Great Lakes. Did any of you write your congressman or senator? None of you freaked out on here. Without searching can you tell me what I wrote to Stabenow, Peters and Bergman about? Or do you only pay attention when your approved media outlets tell you to?


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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Guest 2017-03-03, 15:15

DWags wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:

How about a simple yes or no?

Not a simple answer Goose, for example:

The chemical health of the lakes has indeed in many ways improved dramatically since the passage of the Clean Water Act of 1972. But that landmark piece of legislation never addressed contaminated ballast water discharges from overseas freighters, and the lakes' biological health has suffered greatly because of that.

"For example, the small, bottom-dwelling shrimplike organism, Diporeia, an important part of the food chain, was once abundant in cold, offshore regions of the Great Lakes but is now completely absent from large areas of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Ontario and Erie," states the Joint Commission release. "Also, from 1987 to 2006, 34 new non-native species became established in the Great Lakes, causing extensive and costly damage to the ecosystem."

So, chemically is it better? Yes, biologically is it better? I grew up 300 yards from Lake Michigan. I can tell you the biology of it has changed. Maybe I can take a drink without getting the runs or poisoned but fishing is different and it will get worse. No simple answer Goose. But I know cutting a budget by 97% won't help much.

Bullshit. You know damned well the water quality improved by a bunch in those years. I didn't ask if it were perfect. I asked if it improved.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by DWags 2017-03-03, 15:16

LooseGoose wrote:And Wags already knows there's a reason not to answer my question, so here it is.

The DEVASTATING cuts are to a program that's only existed since 2010.

So what happened before then? As anyone that's been around the Great Lakes long enough knows - the water quality has been improving since the mid to late 60s.  The same is true on a lot of environmental issues.  


The GLRI funds state and local projects that combat invasive species, restore wildlife habitats and clean up watersheds polluted by a Rust Belt economic legacy across the eight-state Great Lakes region

Last edited by DWags on 2017-03-03, 15:19; edited 1 time in total

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by The_Dude 2017-03-03, 15:17

Damn, Wags wrote a fucking small novel instead of a simple 'yes' or 'no'.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by GRR Spartan 2017-03-03, 15:17

Comrade Goose has spoken.
You will listen.
GRR Spartan
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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by NigelUno 2017-03-03, 15:18

LooseGoose wrote:And Wags already knows there's a reason not to answer my question, so here it is.

The DEVASTATING cuts are to a program that's only existed since 2010.

So what happened before then? As anyone that's been around the Great Lakes long enough knows - the water quality has been improving since the mid to late 60s. The same is true on a lot of environmental issues. Those of us that pre-date the bottle law know how our roads looked then. It was damned awful - and was solved by the State, not the Feds. The trash on the roadsides back in the 60s and early 70s was terrible, again much improved by littering laws. How are those related? Well the laws started changing on the State and Federal levels regarding water at the same time. Most of the improvement in water quality happened from 1972-1982 in my opinion, there was noticeably cleaner water nearly everywhere. Do I support going back to polluting like prior to the 1970s? Nope...

And that's not the case here. Cutting funding that just started in 2010 doesn't devastate anything as long as the laws that we have now stay in place and I've not seen any proposal to change them. 2nd this was a proposal anyway, the support for this $$ is too broad and across too many states for it not to be reinstated. So again it's much to do over nothing. Thus I'll pass on joining your freakout. 3rd - I'd like to know how much Great Lakes related funding that started prior to 2010 is still out there?

The really nasty cut took place last week for the Great Lakes. Did any of you write your congressman or senator? None of you freaked out on here. Without searching can you tell me what I wrote to Stabenow, Peters and Bergman about? Or do you only pay attention when your approved media outlets tell you to?

Do you support the cut in funding?

Yes or No.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Guest 2017-03-03, 15:20

DWags wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:And Wags already knows there's a reason not to answer my question, so here it is.

The DEVASTATING cuts are to a program that's only existed since 2010.

So what happened before then? As anyone that's been around the Great Lakes long enough knows - the water quality has been improving since the mid to late 60s. The same is true on a lot of environmental issues.


How so? Have you looked at air quality from the 60s and early 70s and how different it was 10 years later?

What ever.

I came back to clarify that I made a mistake. My letters were earlier this week, not last week. Time flies.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by DWags 2017-03-03, 15:23

The GLRI has tried to bring back species and wildlife that the great lakes were once known for. Unlimited net fishing for Indians have also devastated much of our great lakes. We will suffer greatly if we have less chemicals in the water, but also a bare wildlife oasis. Ask the people of lake Erie how the fishing is going.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by DWags 2017-03-03, 15:23

The GLRI funds state and local projects that combat invasive species, restore wildlife habitats and clean up watersheds polluted by a Rust Belt economic legacy across the eight-state Great Lakes region

The GLRI funds state and local projects that combat invasive species, restore wildlife habitats and clean up watersheds polluted by a Rust Belt economic legacy across the eight-state Great Lakes region

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Blanch32 2017-03-03, 15:38

The_Dude wrote:
Herbie Green wrote:

seriously, how could you have possibly voted for this guy - assuming you live in Michigan. You honestly want to destroy the Great Lakes?

Yup. I want the Great Lakes gone, and I want to live in a Russian puppet state.

Two of the main reasons I voted for Comrade Trump!


how many pussies have you grabbed today? I'm at a bakerd dozen, slow day, i know

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Blanch32 2017-03-03, 15:41

.....and i support th3 cuts. 300M sounds like a huge waste of money. fine the polluters instead

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Blanch32 2017-03-03, 15:51

DWags wrote:The GLRI has tried to bring back species and wildlife that the great lakes were once known for. Unlimited net fishing for Indians have also devastated much of our great lakes. We will suffer greatly if we have less chemicals in the water, but also a bare wildlife oasis. Ask the people of lake Erie how the fishing is going.

good have the fisherman and eco dudes like you pay for it. not me

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by NigelUno 2017-03-03, 15:53

LooseGoose wrote:And Wags already knows there's a reason not to answer my question, so here it is.

The DEVASTATING cuts are to a program that's only existed since 2010.

So what happened before then? As anyone that's been around the Great Lakes long enough knows - the water quality has been improving since the mid to late 60s. The same is true on a lot of environmental issues. Those of us that pre-date the bottle law know how our roads looked then. It was damned awful - and was solved by the State, not the Feds. The trash on the roadsides back in the 60s and early 70s was terrible, again much improved by littering laws. How are those related? Well the laws started changing on the State and Federal levels regarding water at the same time. Most of the improvement in water quality happened from 1972-1982 in my opinion, there was noticeably cleaner water nearly everywhere. Do I support going back to polluting like prior to the 1970s? Nope...

And that's not the case here. Cutting funding that just started in 2010 doesn't devastate anything as long as the laws that we have now stay in place and I've not seen any proposal to change them. 2nd this was a proposal anyway, the support for this $$ is too broad and across too many states for it not to be reinstated. So again it's much to do over nothing. Thus I'll pass on joining your freakout. 3rd - I'd like to know how much Great Lakes related funding that started prior to 2010 is still out there?

The really nasty cut took place last week for the Great Lakes. Did any of you write your congressman or senator? None of you freaked out on here. Without searching can you tell me what I wrote to Stabenow, Peters and Bergman about? Or do you only pay attention when your approved media outlets tell you to?

Any reason you kept that to yourself? Any reason you're being petty about it now?

Maybe you could tell everyone about it, and you could get some people to support your stance. Just a thought.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by kingstonlake 2017-03-03, 16:12

Goose. Do you support this cut in funding, or no?
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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Floyd Robertson 2017-03-03, 16:18

So are the great lakes going to be overrun by Asian carp now or what?
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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by NigelUno 2017-03-03, 16:19

kingstonlake wrote:Goose. Do you support this cut in funding, or no?

I don't think he does.

So, not sure why he's arguing about it.

Must Protect Trump?

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-03-03, 16:54

Since the Great Lakes will soon be too polluted to drink at least we won't be on the front lines of the eventual Water War.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by DWags 2017-03-05, 12:49

“It is outrageous that just days after delaying a critical plan to stop Asian carp, it appears that President Trump’s budget is calling for a 97% cut in funding for the bipartisan Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.”

Leaner water for the Asian carp to swim in.

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by GRR Spartan 2017-03-05, 13:05

More fake news.
Business and industry will do a better job of funding Great Lakes clean up than the government because government can't do anything right.
One way they will generate funds will be from the profits outfits like Nestle will make by selling us drinking water.
Around 70,000 people in 3 states made it possible to make a businessman President. This businessman has been myopic his whole career. Why should anyone expect him to change at 70.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

Post by Floyd Robertson 2017-03-05, 13:32

Michigan to offer prize in fight against invasive Asian carp
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Floyd Robertson

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Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.   Empty Re: Trump will slash Great Lakes funding by 97%- Here's why I laugh at the electoral college too.

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