Spartan Swill
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So, Trump now says other countries meddled with the election

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So, Trump now says other countries meddled with the election Empty So, Trump now says other countries meddled with the election

Post by NigelUno 2017-07-06, 07:43

I'm guessing he'll want to investigate that also.

Trump: Russia 'and others' meddled in election


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So, Trump now says other countries meddled with the election Empty Re: So, Trump now says other countries meddled with the election

Post by GRR Spartan 2017-07-06, 08:13

It would be funny if it were a movie or sit-com.

For the first time in his life Trump can't control things and can't call bankruptcy attorneys to negotiate an exit.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Join date : 2014-04-25

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