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Insurance companies blast Cruz-Lee Amendment to Senate health care bill

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Insurance companies blast Cruz-Lee Amendment to Senate health care bill Empty Insurance companies blast Cruz-Lee Amendment to Senate health care bill

Post by Turtleneck Sat 15 Jul 2017 - 11:30

In a letter sent to Cruz and Lee today, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association CEO Scott Serota warns that the proposal is “unworkable as it would undermine pre-existing condition protections, increase premiums and destabilize the market.”

America’s Health Insurance Plans additionally is circulating a memo that raises similar concerns about the individual insurance market.

“Unfortunately, this proposal would fracture and segment insurance markets into separate risk pools and create an un-level playing field that would lead to widespread adverse selection and unstable health insurance markets,” reads the AHIP memo.

In addition to the above, a Friday letter from the CEO of BCBS and America's Health Insurance Plans to Senate leadership basically said the amendment would make a disaster out of health care.

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