Spartan Swill
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Bob, do you have a milk crate bungeed to the back of your bike?

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Bob, do you have a milk crate bungeed to the back of your bike? Empty Re: Bob, do you have a milk crate bungeed to the back of your bike?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-10-25, 08:04

no, man, I'm not that resourceful.

if I ever ride anywhere that I need to carry things along with me, I'll usually just throw them into a backpack. If I can't fit whatever it is into a backpack, I'm not riding my bike.

I mean, I'm rough around the edges at times, but I'm not homeless.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

Posts : 52250
Join date : 2014-04-15

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Bob, do you have a milk crate bungeed to the back of your bike? Empty Re: Bob, do you have a milk crate bungeed to the back of your bike?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-10-25, 09:26

Coconut Sid wrote:I'm calling bullshit. You ride down to the farmer's market and load that shit up with arugula and chia seeds.
the closest I get to the EL farmer's market is hitting up Crunchy's for lunch on Sundays.

the ilk that hangs out at such places isn't my scene.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

Posts : 52250
Join date : 2014-04-15

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Bob, do you have a milk crate bungeed to the back of your bike? Empty Re: Bob, do you have a milk crate bungeed to the back of your bike?

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2017-10-25, 22:59

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
I mean, I'm rough around the edges at times, but I'm not homeless.

Bob, do you have a milk crate bungeed to the back of your bike? 502811600
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Join date : 2014-04-18

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Bob, do you have a milk crate bungeed to the back of your bike? Empty Re: Bob, do you have a milk crate bungeed to the back of your bike?

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