Spartan Swill
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Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen

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Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen Empty Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen

Post by NigelUno 2018-04-16, 09:12

Michael Cohen Is Such an Awesome Lawyer


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Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen Empty Re: Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2018-04-16, 09:40

meh - Cooley serves some people well.. I don't think that the racist, bigoted sexual predator's personal slimebag attorney is a reflection on Cooley.

It's a reflection on the racist, bigoted sexual predator.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen Empty Re: Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen

Post by InTenSity 2018-04-16, 09:54

I could only read 1 sentence. I'm not registering to read.

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Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen Empty Re: Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen

Post by NigelUno 2018-04-16, 10:38

Robert J Sakimano wrote:meh - Cooley serves some people well.. I don't think that the racist, bigoted sexual predator's personal slimebag attorney is a reflection on Cooley.

It's a reflection on the racist, bigoted sexual predator.

Seems like every mention of Cooley brings up that it's the worst (or one of the worst) law schools in the country.


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Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen Empty Re: Cooley Law School is taking a beating with Cohen

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