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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

GRR Spartan
Dr. Strangelove
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-22, 21:51

Gotta be a son-of-a-bitch taking a knee, right?
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by DWags 2019-02-22, 21:55

I know what’s easier and more fun.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by tGreenWay 2019-02-22, 21:57

No, it’s always going to be the black dude. Rich old white men almost always get a pass.
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Dr. Strangelove 2019-02-23, 10:58

Dr. Strangelove
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-23, 11:02


Aren't those Asian "love spas" basically human trafficking store fronts?
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Dr. Strangelove 2019-02-23, 11:58

kingstonlake wrote:


Aren't those Asian "love spas" basically human trafficking store fronts?
I don't know for sure. I will need funds for an in-depth investigation. Please PayPal me the required $79 per visit
Dr. Strangelove
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by StylesGShmooth 2019-02-23, 12:12

Not sure if it matters to anyone but he's not married.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Dr. Strangelove 2019-02-23, 12:24

StylesGShmooth wrote:Not sure if it matters to anyone but he's not married.

Doesn't matter to the police.

I have no problems with someone going pro. Think of it this way you aren't paying for the sex you're paying for her to leave after the sex is done.

I would think a billionaire would be getting a higher class whore but maybe the allure of the cheap Asian kink is part of the attraction for him.

Dr. Strangelove
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-23, 12:26

StylesGShmooth wrote:Not sure if it matters to anyone but he's not married.

My mistake
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-23, 12:30

Apparently the sting also nabbed former citigroup President and COO, president of a Florida boys and girls club, and three former law enforcement officials
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Rocinante 2019-02-23, 12:43

Dr. Strangelove wrote:
StylesGShmooth wrote:Not sure if it matters to anyone but he's not married.

Doesn't matter to the police.

I have no problems with someone going pro. Think of it this way you aren't paying for the sex you're paying for her to leave after the sex is done.

I would think a billionaire would be getting a higher class whore but maybe the allure of the cheap Asian kink is part of the attraction for him.

You are ignoring how many of these women have no real choice in the matter, and that’s gross.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by steveschneider 2019-02-23, 12:58

I drove by a billboard sign for an Asian spa last time I was in Michigan. I can’t belive they can advertise for one of those places right on a major highway.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by GRR Spartan 2019-02-23, 14:27

There was a "Spa" located on the south side of I-96 Ionia exit for over a decade, even after at least one round of arrests.

Like it or not, the addage "The rich live differently" still applies.

This is a national story about a widowed billionaire who started a "relationship" with a then 32 year old woman a year after his wife died and for the last 2 years has been suporting her and her 2 year old child (father is not Bob Kraft). I suspect he'll spend whatever it takes to get a plea using the Sargent Schultz defense and he'll move on with his life.
GRR Spartan
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by MiamiSpartan 2019-02-23, 14:35

steveschneider wrote:I drove by a billboard sign for an Asian spa last time I was in Michigan. I can’t belive they can advertise for one of those places right on a major highway.
They have billboards for some along 75 in Georgia. The establishments are legal and provide legal services. They're hardly the only businesses that also allow illegal stuff.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-02-23, 17:45

kingstonlake wrote:Gotta be a son-of-a-bitch taking a knee, right?
only if he's black.
Robert J Sakimano
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Heat Miser 2019-02-23, 18:08

One act is legal (not worse). One is not (worse).
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by DWags 2019-02-23, 18:58

Dr. Strangelove wrote:
StylesGShmooth wrote:Not sure if it matters to anyone but he's not married.

Doesn't matter to the police.

I have no problems with someone going pro. Think of it this way you aren't paying for the sex you're paying for her to leave after the sex is done.

I would think a billionaire would be getting a higher class whore but maybe the allure of the cheap Asian kink is part of the attraction for him.

The second part of this is, if any of those girls are there as a result of human trafficking it brings you down a whole new path.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Rocinante 2019-02-24, 11:17

“Beyond the lurid celebrity connection, however, lies the wretched story of women who police believe were brought from China under false promises of new lives and legitimate spa jobs. Instead, they found themselves trapped in the austere back rooms of strip-mall brothels — trafficking victims trapped among South Florida’s rich and famous.“

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-24, 12:46

So a guy worth twice as much as the President visits or has Chinese females who may or may not be of legal age at best, and performing sexual acts against their will at worst, at his disposal.

I'm just glad Kraft personal friend (the president) and fellow Jupiter Florida buddy doesn't have a history of finding underaged girls, his own daughter, porn stars, Russian nude models, attractive or desirable. Thankfully he's never shown predatory behavior or just thinks he can grab them by the pussy. Whew. We're in the clear here fellow Americans.

I just don't understand how Kraft and Trump are friends. What possibly could they have common ground on? Especially in Jupiter FLA.
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by GRR Spartan 2019-02-25, 10:54

Its telling that some of the clients are millionaires and billionaires like Bob Kraft, John Havens (former president and CEO of Citi Group) and John Childs (founder of JW Childs, a private equity fund worth $4.4B) aren't only men with access to at least a million in cash but they are cheap.

From the link:
In the case of the Orchids of Asia parlor in Jupiter, where services were listed for $59 for half an hour or $79 for an hour, an arrest affidavit for the women managing the spa detailed a similar investigative approach. Police officers watched men going into the spa for 30 to 45 minutes at a time.

Once they left, officers followed the men, pulled them over for traffic violations and confronted them about paying for sex. That evidence led to warrants for surveillance cameras, which police secretly installed inside the massage parlors — apparently under the ruse of a possible bomb threat.

All of the men arrested in Jupiter were filmed paying for manual or oral sexual stimulation, according to police. Sheriff Snyder said the sex acts his deputies recorded in Martin County included sexual intercourse.

Inside the Thriving Sex Trafficking Trade in Florida
GRR Spartan
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-02-25, 11:27

GRR Spartan wrote:Its telling that some of the clients are millionaires and billionaires like Bob Kraft, John Havens (former president and CEO of Citi Group) and John Childs (founder of JW Childs, a private equity fund worth $4.4B) aren't only men with access to at least a million in cash but they are cheap.

From the link:
In the case of the Orchids of Asia parlor in Jupiter, where services were listed for $59 for half an hour or $79 for an hour, an arrest affidavit for the women managing the spa detailed a similar investigative approach. Police officers watched men going into the spa for 30 to 45 minutes at a time.

Once they left, officers followed the men, pulled them over for traffic violations and confronted them about paying for sex. That evidence led to warrants for surveillance cameras, which police secretly installed inside the massage parlors — apparently under the ruse of a possible bomb threat.

All of the men arrested in Jupiter were filmed paying for manual or oral sexual stimulation, according to police. Sheriff Snyder said the sex acts his deputies recorded in Martin County included sexual intercourse.

Inside the Thriving Sex Trafficking Trade in Florida
I don't think it's any coincidence that people like the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator, Rush Limbaugh, Robert Kraft, et al. spend a bunch of time in Florida.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by MiamiSpartan 2019-02-25, 12:13

GRR Spartan wrote:Its telling that some of the clients are millionaires and billionaires like Bob Kraft, John Havens (former president and CEO of Citi Group) and John Childs (founder of JW Childs, a private equity fund worth $4.4B) aren't only men with access to at least a million in cash but they are cheap.

From the link:
In the case of the Orchids of Asia parlor in Jupiter, where services were listed for $59 for half an hour or $79 for an hour, an arrest affidavit for the women managing the spa detailed a similar investigative approach. Police officers watched men going into the spa for 30 to 45 minutes at a time.

Once they left, officers followed the men, pulled them over for traffic violations and confronted them about paying for sex. That evidence led to warrants for surveillance cameras, which police secretly installed inside the massage parlors — apparently under the ruse of a possible bomb threat.

All of the men arrested in Jupiter were filmed paying for manual or oral sexual stimulation, according to police. Sheriff Snyder said the sex acts his deputies recorded in Martin County included sexual intercourse.

Inside the Thriving Sex Trafficking Trade in Florida
People need to stop thinking that $59/$79 is what was paid for sex. That's the house fee for an actual massage. Tips are then negotiated between the customer and the "masseuse", which allows the owners to claim innocence, and that they don't know what's happening behind the doors of the massage rooms.

I'm not saying that from experience (really, I'm not!), but there's usually a sting against a few of these places that makes the news once or twice per year down here, so you hear other stories of how they work. People acting so shocked, as if it isn't the same at the Asian spas all over the country, or at most of your local strip clubs, etc. But it makes people secure to think that this was a lone brothel-type place in a Florida town.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by MiamiSpartan 2019-02-25, 12:27

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
GRR Spartan wrote:Its telling that some of the clients are millionaires and billionaires like Bob Kraft, John Havens (former president and CEO of Citi Group) and John Childs (founder of JW Childs, a private equity fund worth $4.4B) aren't only men with access to at least a million in cash but they are cheap.

From the link:
In the case of the Orchids of Asia parlor in Jupiter, where services were listed for $59 for half an hour or $79 for an hour, an arrest affidavit for the women managing the spa detailed a similar investigative approach. Police officers watched men going into the spa for 30 to 45 minutes at a time.

Once they left, officers followed the men, pulled them over for traffic violations and confronted them about paying for sex. That evidence led to warrants for surveillance cameras, which police secretly installed inside the massage parlors — apparently under the ruse of a possible bomb threat.

All of the men arrested in Jupiter were filmed paying for manual or oral sexual stimulation, according to police. Sheriff Snyder said the sex acts his deputies recorded in Martin County included sexual intercourse.

Inside the Thriving Sex Trafficking Trade in Florida
I don't think it's any coincidence that people like the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator, Rush Limbaugh, Robert Kraft, et al. spend a bunch of time in Florida.
Or, you know, maybe it's because they're wealthy people and it's one of the wealthiest areas of the country. Nah, it's because of these Asian spas, even though they're all over the country, and even though there are varying levels of hookers that they could hire anywhere in the country. Not that the three that you mentioned aren't slimeballs, but it's pretty stupid and naive to think that some asian spas are why they have places in the Palm Beach area. There are slimeball reasons that are much, MUCH more valuable, such as how their assets are more protected here (i.e., why OJ moved here after his murder trial, and the civil suit against him wasn't able to hardly get anything).

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by GRR Spartan 2019-02-25, 13:21

Great point Miami Spartan.

Florida has a lot of laws on the books that protect assets that wouldn't be protected in other states.

The fact these ultra-wealthy clients frequented Orchids of Asia Spa is surprising given the lengths they go to be discreet in other parts of their business and personal lives.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by MiamiSpartan 2019-02-25, 14:44

GRR Spartan wrote:Great point Miami Spartan.

Florida has a lot of laws on the books that protect assets that wouldn't be protected in other states.

The fact these ultra-wealthy clients frequented Orchids of Asia Spa is surprising given the lengths they go to be discreet in other parts of their business and personal lives.
On the contrary, I'd say that they were pretty discreet, considering that they've likely been going to these places for years and no one ever squealed. It took a health inspector noticing luggage at a DIFFERENT spa in order to even start this ball rolling. They're also going to a place that has a legitimate cover.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-02-25, 15:01

it's pretty funny that racists are more upset at black people peacefully protesting than they are rich white people contributing to sex trafficking.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by AvgMSUJoe 2019-02-25, 15:43

I always assumed the private plane set had "instagram influencer" type whores to unload on. Not sex slave asian strip mall girls.


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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-25, 17:04

The store front is just the face of the business. It's the "pay a fine" giveaway the syndicate allows. I'm gonna bet there's a much deeper wormhole for those willing to dig deep enough. It's like the old fireworks stands. Hey thanks for the lady fingers and smoke bombs. But psst, I'd really like a few projectiles, announcers, and display launchers. And I'm willing to pay.
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-25, 19:39

Lol they installed cameras on Jan 17th and pegged Kraft on the 20th and 21st. What are the odds it was just a coincidence and those were his only two visits? Poor guy.
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-25, 19:43

Mr Kraft, if you're willing to cooperate with the prosecutors office you will not be forced to sell your NFL franchise. Mr Kraft, could you provide us with names of other creeps who've enabled the filth of human trafficking.........What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? 1837840279
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by tGreenWay 2019-02-25, 20:08

On a side note, I was just checking out google for info and pics of his 39-year-old companion, Ricki Lander. It was interesting to me how, in a large majority of photos of her with Kraft, she’s leaning away from him. Maybe he has old man smell, or poops his Depends, or maybe she really doesn’t like the guy and doesn’t want to be seen as completely tied to him.
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-25, 20:29

tGreenWay wrote:On a side note, I was just checking out google for info and pics of his 39-year-old companion, Ricki Lander. It was interesting to me how, in a large majority of photos of her with Kraft, she’s leaning away from him. Maybe he has old man smell, or poops his Depends, or maybe she really doesn’t like the guy and doesn’t want to be seen as completely tied to him.

That's probably what an old man's dick tasting like to Brady's ass will do to you.
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Rocinante 2019-03-08, 15:33

This is quite interesting.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Cameron 2019-03-08, 16:28

Seems like probably just a funny coincidence, but it is certainly possible that there's more to it.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Rocinante 2019-03-08, 17:13

Cameron wrote:Seems like probably just a funny coincidence, but it is certainly possible that there's more to it.

You're going to have to explain that to me. The way I read it, this woman is possibly pretty high in the sex trafficking chain of command and has been around all the power brokers in S. Florida for quite a while. Am I reading this wrong?

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-03-08, 22:40

Probably the least surprising turn of events in the history of news. Ever.
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-03-09, 08:53

Remember when it was the end of the world because Obama knew Bill Ayers?

I guess thats alot worse than inviting human traffickers to your illegal alien hiring hotel to party with you during the super bowl.
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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Cameron 2019-03-09, 09:46

Rocinante wrote:
Cameron wrote:Seems like probably just a funny coincidence, but it is certainly possible that there's more to it.

You're going to have to explain that to me. The way I read it, this woman is possibly pretty high in the sex trafficking chain of command and has been around all the power brokers in S. Florida for quite a while. Am I reading this wrong?

Trump and Kraft are friends, and this lady took a picture with Trump during the super bowl that Kraft's team was playing in. Kraft was later arrested in the massage parlor this lady used to own. I guess I was reading some sort of implication in there that there is some kind of other connection there. I think it is exceedingly unlikely that Trump introduced the two or referred Kraft to the massage place or anything like that, I think it's all just a coincidence.

I certainly don't think you're wrong that this lady is high up in the sex trafficking business and appears to be getting involved in politics over the past couple years or whatever. I just don't make much of her taking a selfie with Trump.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by Heat Miser 2019-03-09, 14:04

Cameron wrote:
Rocinante wrote:
Cameron wrote:Seems like probably just a funny coincidence, but it is certainly possible that there's more to it.

You're going to have to explain that to me. The way I read it, this woman is possibly pretty high in the sex trafficking chain of command and has been around all the power brokers in S. Florida for quite a while. Am I reading this wrong?

Trump and Kraft are friends, and this lady took a picture with Trump during the super bowl that Kraft's team was playing in. Kraft was later arrested in the massage parlor this lady used to own. I guess I was reading some sort of implication in there that there is some kind of other connection there. I think it is exceedingly unlikely that Trump introduced the two or referred Kraft to the massage place or anything like that, I think it's all just a coincidence.

I certainly don't think you're wrong that this lady is high up in the sex trafficking business and appears to be getting involved in politics over the past couple years or whatever. I just don't make much of her taking a selfie with Trump.

I think the "possibility" (probability) is that Orange Fuckface got a rub and tug or two over the years as well.
Heat Miser
Heat Miser
Ephor (Operations)
Ephor (Operations)

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

Post by MiamiSpartan 2019-03-09, 14:37

Cameron wrote:
Rocinante wrote:

You're going to have to explain that to me. The way I read it, this woman is possibly pretty high in the sex trafficking chain of command and has been around all the power brokers in S. Florida for quite a while. Am I reading this wrong?

Trump and Kraft are friends, and this lady took a picture with Trump during the super bowl that Kraft's team was playing in. Kraft was later arrested in the massage parlor this lady used to own. I guess I was reading some sort of implication in there that there is some kind of other connection there. I think it is exceedingly unlikely that Trump introduced the two or referred Kraft to the massage place or anything like that, I think it's all just a coincidence.

I certainly don't think you're wrong that this lady is high up in the sex trafficking business and appears to be getting involved in politics over the past couple years or whatever. I just don't make much of her taking a selfie with Trump.
There is a really long in depth article on the Miami Herald website if anyone wants to look it up. Basically she still owns a bunch of spas, and while they weren't in the group of this sting, there are lots of online reviews about people getting sexual services at her current spas. Also, for the last couple of years she has separated herself from running the day to day business (her husband runs at least one of them) and is trying to be big in political circles, going to a lot of parties/events. Apparently has given some $42k to Trump, and his pictures with his sons, too. That doesn't mean they know what she does, though, as there were no reports of her actually talking to any of them beyond getting the photo. She may just be a wannabe mover and shaker trying to act like hot shit, but who knows? I'm sure it will be investigated.

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What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug? Empty Re: What's worse? A son-of-a-bitch taking a knee or a married rich dude taking a rub and tug?

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