Spartan Swill
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Sexual assault survivors are reclaiming the words used to discredit them: 'What were you wearing?'

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Sexual assault survivors are reclaiming the words used to discredit them: 'What were you wearing?' Empty Sexual assault survivors are reclaiming the words used to discredit them: 'What were you wearing?'

Post by NigelUno 2018-04-16, 15:38

Hmmm...this reminds me of a poster here...

Sexual assault survivors are reclaiming the words used to discredit them: 'What were you wearing?'

Survivors of sexual assault at the University of Florida are reclaiming the four words often used to discredit them: "What were you wearing?"

In a new art exhibit, they powerfully lay out their answers -- pajamas, jeans, sweatshirts and overalls -- and in doing so, fight off the blame society tries to cast onto them.

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Join date : 2014-04-16

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Sexual assault survivors are reclaiming the words used to discredit them: 'What were you wearing?' Empty Re: Sexual assault survivors are reclaiming the words used to discredit them: 'What were you wearing?'

Post by NigelUno 2018-04-16, 15:59

Sexual assault survivors are reclaiming the words used to discredit them: 'What were you wearing?' 180416121548-what-were-you-wearing-1-exlarge-169

Posts : 35447
Join date : 2014-04-16

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