Spartan Swill
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If Trump is so bad, why do elite media outlets protect him?

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If Trump is so bad, why do elite media outlets protect him? Empty If Trump is so bad, why do elite media outlets protect him?

Post by Turtleneck 2018-05-28, 21:38

When the Access Hollywood tape of Donald Trump emerged in the home stretch of the 2016 election, it should have been a gift from the tabloid gods for TMZ.

Instead, the celebrity gossip website went into overdrive to help Trump.

Within a week of the tape’s explosion, TMZ ran “exclusive” after “exclusive” giving Trump cover. There was a story that Bill Clinton made “disparaging remarks” about women when he played golf with Trump—as Trump claimed Clinton did when the tape dropped. Another story claimed NBC executives “had a plan to time the release” of the tape to sink Trump. There was also an item from a former Miss Teen USA saying she never had a bad experience with Trump after he was accused of leering at nude girls backstage.

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If Trump is so bad, why do elite media outlets protect him? Empty Re: If Trump is so bad, why do elite media outlets protect him?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2018-05-29, 05:03

As I've been saying for years, the racist, bigoted sexual predator is good for ratings. Hence the reason the mainstream media normalized his racist, bigoted hate speech and demonized Hillary at every opportunity.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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If Trump is so bad, why do elite media outlets protect him? Empty Re: If Trump is so bad, why do elite media outlets protect him?

Post by Bill Cain 2018-07-07, 21:39

Probably because both sides are financed by similar people
Bill Cain
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If Trump is so bad, why do elite media outlets protect him? Empty Re: If Trump is so bad, why do elite media outlets protect him?

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