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Take your pets inside assholes.

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by DWags 2019-01-26, 13:39

Next week I will treat your house like I would treat a hot car in the summer if I see a dog in the back yard at -30 windchill.


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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by aualum06 2019-01-26, 13:41

They have fur

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by DWags 2019-01-26, 13:46

aualum06 wrote:They have fur

My neighbor can tell me that when I throw a rock through his patio window. And I’m talking about the people who aren’t cruel per say but just let the dog out to do it’s business and forget they did for 45 minutes. We’re talking dangerous wind chill if these people are right.

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Post by aualum06 2019-01-26, 13:54

DWags wrote:
aualum06 wrote:They have fur

My neighbor can tell me that when I throw a rock through his patio window. And I’m talking about the people who aren’t cruel per say but just let the dog out to do it’s business and forget they did for 45 minutes. We’re talking dangerous wind chill if these people are right.

And animals aren't people. Yes it will be brutally cold and yeah animals need shelter. But they have fur because they are built to be outside animals.

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by Turtleneck 2019-01-26, 14:00

The Internet is weird. Or maybe humans are weird. Why in the world is this something to argue about?

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by The Pantry 2019-01-26, 15:36

Co-worker said his dog woke him up middle of the night a week or so ago when it was below zero to go do his business. Dog walked up to the door after he opened it and stopped, stuck his nose out and looked around a bit, turned around and went back to his bed.
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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by tGreenWay 2019-01-26, 15:58

The Pantry wrote:Co-worker said his dog woke him up middle of the night a week or so ago when it was below zero to go do his business. Dog walked up to the door after he opened it and stopped, stuck his nose out and looked around a bit, turned around and went back to his bed.

Take your pets inside assholes.  502811600 Exactly what my dog did yesterday morning, and again a couple hours later. And again when it was time for our afternoon walk. At least it wasn’t the middle of the night.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by tGreenWay 2019-01-26, 16:02

aualum06 wrote:
DWags wrote:

My neighbor can tell me that when I throw a rock through his patio window. And I’m talking about the people who aren’t cruel per say but just let the dog out to do it’s business and forget they did for 45 minutes. We’re talking dangerous wind chill if these people are right.

And animals aren't people. Yes it will be brutally cold and yeah animals need shelter. But they have fur because they are built to be outside animals.

Not enough fur on their legs and none in the pads of their feet. Neither do most dogs have outside dens like their ancestors did, nor do most dogs have a pack of other dogs with which to share body heat. We’ve domesticated them to the point where many, if not most, couldn’t survive on their own in the elements. The house is now the den and the pack is the family. Listen to DWags: Keep your dog inside when it’s this cold outside.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by tGreenWay 2019-01-26, 16:05

Turtleneck wrote:The Internet is weird. Or maybe humans are weird. Why in the world is this something to argue about?

Mistreatment of animals is my Achilles heel. I suspect one day I’ll morph into the crazy dog man equivalent of a crazy cat lady. Don’t make me fight you.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by Cameron 2019-01-27, 10:11

aualum06 wrote:
DWags wrote:

My neighbor can tell me that when I throw a rock through his patio window. And I’m talking about the people who aren’t cruel per say but just let the dog out to do it’s business and forget they did for 45 minutes. We’re talking dangerous wind chill if these people are right.

And animals aren't people. Yes it will be brutally cold and yeah animals need shelter. But they have fur because they are built to be outside animals.

Tell that to the dogs they find in peoples' back yards frozen solid.

I hope you don't own pets, dumbass.

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Post by tGreenWay 2019-01-27, 10:23

Cameron wrote:
aualum06 wrote:

And animals aren't people. Yes it will be brutally cold and yeah animals need shelter. But they have fur because they are built to be outside animals.

Tell that to the dogs they find in peoples' back yards frozen solid.

I hope you don't own pets, dumbass.

Can’t do that, cuz they’re dead, and they don’t speak English. Duh.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by aualum06 2019-01-27, 11:21

Cameron wrote:
aualum06 wrote:

And animals aren't people. Yes it will be brutally cold and yeah animals need shelter. But they have fur because they are built to be outside animals.

Tell that to the dogs they find in peoples' back yards frozen solid.

I hope you don't own pets, dumbass.

Hey dumbass I do what you gonna do about it. I think I'm gonna go see if the cat can swim in the bath tub

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by Rocinante 2019-01-27, 12:58

aualum06 wrote:
Cameron wrote:

Tell that to the dogs they find in peoples' back yards frozen solid.

I hope you don't own pets, dumbass.

Hey dumbass I do what you gonna do about it. I think I'm gonna go see if the cat can swim in the bath tub

Take your pets inside assholes.  502811600

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by Turtleneck 2019-01-27, 13:49

tGreenWay wrote:
Turtleneck wrote:The Internet is weird. Or maybe humans are weird. Why in the world is this something to argue about?

Mistreatment of animals is my Achilles heel. I suspect one day I’ll morph into the crazy dog man equivalent of a crazy cat lady. Don’t make me fight you.

Are you a vegan?

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by AvgMSUJoe 2019-01-27, 13:50

I've never shoved my cat inside my asshole, but if you insist.

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by aualum06 2019-01-27, 20:56

Take your pets inside assholes.  Fb_img16

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2019-01-27, 21:16

They put coats on horses au
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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2019-01-27, 21:16

Horses have fur.
Travis of the Cosmos
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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by aualum06 2019-01-27, 21:20

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:Horses have fur.

I know people are stupid

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2019-01-27, 21:21

aualum06 wrote:
Travis of the Cosmos wrote:Horses have fur.

I know people are stupid


They still put coats on them because it’s too cold.
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by tGreenWay 2019-01-27, 21:22

Turtleneck wrote:
tGreenWay wrote:

Mistreatment of animals is my Achilles heel. I suspect one day I’ll morph into the crazy dog man equivalent of a crazy cat lady. Don’t make me fight you.

Are you a vegan?

I are human.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by aualum06 2019-01-27, 21:22

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:
aualum06 wrote:

I know people are stupid


They still put coats on them because it’s too cold.

Have you ever seen a fox coat? It looks warm

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Post by Turtleneck 2019-01-27, 21:22

Fur is a funny word.

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by The Pantry 2019-01-27, 21:25

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:They put coats on horses au
Shoes, too.
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The Pantry

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by aualum06 2019-01-27, 21:26

Turtleneck wrote:Fur is a funny word.

It's funnier if you put beaver in front of it

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by DWags 2019-01-27, 21:34

So i was going to show a picture of frozen dogs and cats but it was horrible to look at. So fuck it. But yeah if my neighbor leaves his dog out for any length of time I’ll knock on his door. If he lets him in it’s cool, if not the dog is coming in my garage with a bed and blankets. Same as I’d break a car window if a dog was in a car at 90 degrees.

Hope the animals in your area are protected.

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2019-01-27, 21:34

The aggressive arguing against taking animals inside is pretty weird tbh. Especially the “they are built to be outside” argument. That’s pretty stupid. A) because they aren’t built to be confined to your shitty backyard for your enjoyment either and B) lots of animals, including humans, live in circumstances they aren’t built for. They either adapt or die. In humans case they build homes and survive. In a dogs case where they are on a 10 foot chain, they die.
Travis of the Cosmos
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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by aualum06 2019-01-27, 21:37

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:The aggressive arguing against taking animals inside is pretty weird tbh. Especially the “they are built to be outside” argument. That’s pretty stupid. A) because they aren’t built to be confined to your shitty backyard for your enjoyment either and B) lots of animals, including humans, live in circumstances they aren’t built for. They either adapt or die. In humans case they build homes and survive. In a dogs case where they are on a 10 foot chain, they die.

I'd never have a dog if I had to keep it on a chain or in a cage the time

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by tGreenWay 2019-01-27, 21:41

The Pantry wrote:
Travis of the Cosmos wrote:They put coats on horses au
Shoes, too.

And when they get cold forever, they stick them in plastic jars with pointy dispensers on them, and change all their names to Elmer.
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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by DWags 2019-01-27, 21:49

tGreenWay wrote:
The Pantry wrote:Shoes, too.

And when they get cold forever, they stick them in plastic jars with pointy dispensers on them, and change all their names to Elmer.

I think back in the 70’s Mcdonald’s Made some into hamberdlers

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by tGreenWay 2019-01-27, 23:08

DWags wrote:So i was going to show a picture of frozen dogs and cats but it was horrible to look at. So fuck it. But yeah if my neighbor leaves his dog out for any length of time I’ll knock on his door. If he lets him in it’s cool, if not the dog is coming in my garage with a bed and blankets. Same as I’d break a car window if a dog was in a car at 90 degrees.

Hope the animals in your area are protected.

I’d recommend against taking the dog yourself unless you’ve exhausted all other options. You never know which of your neighbors are armed. Better to call the local LEOs, or a local rescue group that will act in an emergency.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by tGreenWay 2019-01-27, 23:13

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:The aggressive arguing against taking animals inside is pretty weird tbh. Especially the “they are built to be outside” argument. That’s pretty stupid. A) because they aren’t built to be confined to your shitty backyard for your enjoyment either and B) lots of animals, including humans, live in circumstances they aren’t built for. They either adapt or die. In humans case they build homes and survive. In a dogs case where they are on a 10 foot chain, they die.

Agreed, but it seems more pawsive aggressive.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Regular Season Champion

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by Rocinante 2019-01-27, 23:17

tGreenWay wrote:
DWags wrote:So i was going to show a picture of frozen dogs and cats but it was horrible to look at. So fuck it. But yeah if my neighbor leaves his dog out for any length of time I’ll knock on his door. If he lets him in it’s cool, if not the dog is coming in my garage with a bed and blankets. Same as I’d break a car window if a dog was in a car at 90 degrees.

Hope the animals in your area are protected.

I’d recommend against taking the dog yourself unless you’ve exhausted all other options. You never know which of your neighbors are armed. Better to call the local LEOs, or a local rescue group that will act in an emergency.

Fuck that. Do it wags.

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Post by The Pantry 2019-01-28, 01:08

Story time.

FIL was old school OTB Italian.  Had a hunting dog (Labrador retriever, can't recall her name) he kept in a pen on the side of the house.  House was in a nice residential sub on a small lake and had a walkout basement.  FIL had planned the pen well.  Was about 12 by 12 feet with 6' chained link fence and a gate.  Entire pen was a concrete slab.  The clever thing was the slab sloped to maybe a 4" opening near the center.  He could walk around the pen with a garden hose and wash any turds down the hole.  Was sorta like a built-in doggy outhouse.  

Pen had a normal doghouse he put new straw in occasionally.  FIL was a hardass but brought the dog in the basement when it was really cold outside.  Thunder would drive the dog crazy so he brought it in the basement if knowing storms were coming.  No one home one day storms rolled through.  Dog tore through the pen chain link and took off.  Forget the exact story but someone found her alive 3 miles away later that evening.

FIL had her bred.  Four female pups.  He was an ironically funny/political dude for OTB.  Named them Jessica Hahn, Donna Rice, Fawn Hall, and Nancy Reagan.  Sold them all.
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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by The Pantry 2019-01-28, 02:09

Take your pets inside assholes.  Tiger10
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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-01-28, 05:23

tGreenWay wrote:
Travis of the Cosmos wrote:The aggressive arguing against taking animals inside is pretty weird tbh. Especially the “they are built to be outside” argument. That’s pretty stupid. A) because they aren’t built to be confined to your shitty backyard for your enjoyment either and B) lots of animals, including humans, live in circumstances they aren’t built for. They either adapt or die. In humans case they build homes and survive. In a dogs case where they are on a 10 foot chain, they die.

Agreed, but it seems more pawsive aggressive.
you're barkin' up the wrong tree, brah.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by TheReal_LWS 2019-01-28, 09:49

DWags wrote:Next week I will treat your house like I would treat a hot car in the summer if I see a dog in the back yard at -30 windchill.


My dogs are meant to swim in frigid waters, in sub-zero climates.

But they will be inside.

For people with dogs that don't fit that criteria, please heed DWags advice.

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by TheReal_LWS 2019-01-28, 09:50

P.S. if you let your cats wander around outside you are an idiot that doesn't care about other people and other wildlife.

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Take your pets inside assholes.  Empty Re: Take your pets inside assholes.

Post by TheReal_LWS 2019-01-28, 09:51

P.S. if you let your cats wander around outside you are an idiot that doesn't care about other people and other wildlife.

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Post by Senior Dickfist 2019-01-28, 09:53

P.S. if you let your cats wander around outside you are an idiot that doesn't care about other people and other wildlife.
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