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Presidential Harassment..

Watch Out Pylon!
Robert J Sakimano
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Presidential Harassment..  Empty Presidential Harassment..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-02-07, 12:53

the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator spent all morning whining about {sniffle} being harassed..

he seems to think {sniffle} it's wrong to {sniffle} harass the president. Presidential Harassment..  502811600
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Presidential Harassment..  Empty Re: Presidential Harassment..

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2019-02-07, 13:27

Isn't this from the same yahoo who demanded to see Obama's birth certificate?
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Presidential Harassment..  Empty Re: Presidential Harassment..

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-07, 13:30

Presidential Harassment..  Barack10
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Presidential Harassment..  Empty Re: Presidential Harassment..

Post by Floyd Robertson 2019-02-07, 13:45

How many presidents in the modern era (you pick the cutoff) have declined to release their taxes?
Floyd Robertson
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Presidential Harassment..  Empty Re: Presidential Harassment..

Post by kingstonlake 2019-02-07, 13:49

Floyd Robertson wrote:How many presidents in the modern era (you pick the cutoff) have declined to release their taxes?

Probably only the ones who an American based bank wouldn't even loan lunch money to.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Age : 60

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Presidential Harassment..  Empty Re: Presidential Harassment..

Post by Heat Miser 2019-02-07, 14:18

While Barack Obama was president, Republicans spent more than three years on an investigation of the IRS over a fabricated story of bias. And they spent over a year investigating Planned Parenthood over a video faked by a Republican operative. Then they investigated it again. And they investigated Benghazi. And they investigated it again. And again. And in 2014 they got a “definitive” answer. Then they investigated it twice more, during which time actual House Intelligence Committee member Michelle Bachmann acted as a conduit for right-wing conspiracy theories. And there was that other thing that was investigated over and over … her emails.
Heat Miser
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Presidential Harassment..  Empty Re: Presidential Harassment..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-02-07, 14:28

lying makes jesus sad..

a fine christian like the racist, bigoted sexual predator should know that.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Presidential Harassment..  Empty Re: Presidential Harassment..

Post by Dr. Strangelove 2019-02-07, 17:16

Heat Miser wrote:
While Barack Obama was president, Republicans spent more than three years on an investigation of the IRS over a fabricated story of bias. And they spent over a year investigating Planned Parenthood over a video faked by a Republican operative. Then they investigated it again. And they investigated Benghazi. And they investigated it again. And again. And in 2014 they got a “definitive” answer. Then they investigated it twice more, during which time actual House Intelligence Committee member Michelle Bachmann acted as a conduit for right-wing conspiracy theories. And there was that other thing that was investigated over and over … her emails.

The PP videos and Lois Lerner werent ginned up fakes. And to state that they were is either partisan bullshit or blanket naivety
Dr. Strangelove
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Presidential Harassment..  Empty Re: Presidential Harassment..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-02-07, 20:00

Heat Miser wrote:
While Barack Obama was president, Republicans spent more than three years on an investigation of the IRS over a fabricated story of bias. And they spent over a year investigating Planned Parenthood over a video faked by a Republican operative. Then they investigated it again. And they investigated Benghazi. And they investigated it again. And again. And in 2014 they got a “definitive” answer. Then they investigated it twice more, during which time actual House Intelligence Committee member Michelle Bachmann acted as a conduit for right-wing conspiracy theories. And there was that other thing that was investigated over and over … her emails.
yeah, but he was black.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

Posts : 52571
Join date : 2014-04-15
Age : 55

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Presidential Harassment..  Empty Re: Presidential Harassment..

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