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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

GRR Spartan
Floyd Robertson
Travis of the Cosmos
Robert J Sakimano
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Do we need a board for them now

Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Vote_lcap43%Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Vote_rcap 43% 
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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Vote_lcap57%Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Vote_rcap 57% 
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Total Votes : 7

Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by kingstonlake 2019-08-05, 12:36

Have we reached that point? They're starting to see run together. Hard to keep them straight.
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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-08-05, 12:51

doesn't sound like a bad idea..

we could called it the "Pro-Life" board.. or "Thoughts and Prayers".
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by steveschneider 2019-08-12, 07:30

It will be a board where pro gun patriots argue that libs font even understand what an AR 15 really is.

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2019-08-12, 08:14

steveschneider wrote:It will be a board where pro gun patriots argue that libs font even understand what an AR 15 really is.

The AR stands for assault rifle
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by steveschneider 2019-08-12, 08:22

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:
steveschneider wrote:It will be a board where pro gun patriots argue that libs font even understand what an AR 15 really is.

The AR stands for assault rifle

I’ll play devils stands for Armalite. You guys don’t know what you are talking about with guns!

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2019-08-12, 08:27

steveschneider wrote:
Travis of the Cosmos wrote:

The AR stands for assault rifle

I’ll play devils stands for Armalite. You guys don’t know what you are talking about with guns!

No I’m sure that it stands for assault rifle
Travis of the Cosmos
Travis of the Cosmos

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by Floyd Robertson 2019-08-12, 08:53

You guys should google AR 15 and you'll make new friends when the FBI and ATF bros knock on your door.
Floyd Robertson
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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by GRR Spartan 2019-08-12, 08:59

You do that and then you need a Thoughts and Prayers board too
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by msugolfguy 2019-08-12, 09:19

Robert J Sakimano wrote:doesn't sound like a bad idea..

we could called it the "Pro-Life" board.. or "Thoughts and Prayers".

Recently some pro life people have said it's ok to show pictures of aborted children. Because the terrible pictures should be shocking and changed your mind on the issue. See Ben Shapiro for that quote.

I'd like to propose the same thing for mass shootings. So we can see the carnage of that as well.

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by Jake from State Farm 2019-08-12, 10:06

msugolfguy wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:doesn't sound like a bad idea..

we could called it the "Pro-Life" board.. or "Thoughts and Prayers".

Recently some pro life people have said it's ok to show pictures of aborted children. Because the terrible pictures should be shocking and changed your mind on the issue. See Ben Shapiro for that quote.

I'd like to propose the same thing for mass shootings. So we can see the carnage of that as well.

I'm all for that, but only for a week because then we're on to the next news of the week.
Jake from State Farm
Jake from State Farm

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-08-12, 11:11

msugolfguy wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:doesn't sound like a bad idea..

we could called it the "Pro-Life" board.. or "Thoughts and Prayers".

Recently some pro life people have said it's ok to show pictures of aborted children. Because the terrible pictures should be shocking and changed your mind on the issue. See Ben Shapiro for that quote.

I'd like to propose the same thing for mass shootings. So we can see the carnage of that as well.
I'm not sure who that is.. I suspect he's some right wing "pro-life" person?

it's kind of funny how the most loudly "pro-life" people are usually the ones cheering mass shootings and issuing thoughts and prayers.

it's strange world.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by msugolfguy 2019-08-12, 11:14

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
msugolfguy wrote:

Recently some pro life people have said it's ok to show pictures of aborted children. Because the terrible pictures should be shocking and changed your mind on the issue. See Ben Shapiro for that quote.

I'd like to propose the same thing for mass shootings. So we can see the carnage of that as well.
I'm not sure who that is.. I suspect he's some right wing "pro-life" person?

it's kind of funny how the most loudly "pro-life" people are usually the ones cheering mass shootings and issuing thoughts and prayers.

it's strange world.

He's a right winger who isn't that bad. He often says "facts don't care about your feelings" however when confronted with some facts recently he didn't like he stomped off a BBC broadcast like a child. So you know typical hypocrisy.

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-08-12, 11:29

msugolfguy wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
I'm not sure who that is.. I suspect he's some right wing "pro-life" person?

it's kind of funny how the most loudly "pro-life" people are usually the ones cheering mass shootings and issuing thoughts and prayers.

it's strange world.

He's a right winger who isn't that bad. He often says "facts don't care about your feelings" however when confronted with some facts recently he didn't like he stomped off a BBC broadcast like a child. So you know typical hypocrisy.
yeah he seems like a typical republican. facts don't care about someone's feelings? That seems like an odd thing to say....

does he know that facts don't even have feelings? In order for them to care (or not care), it would be necessary to have the capacity to feel emotion. It's like saying "a rock doesn't care about your feelings"...

they're a strange bunch.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by steveschneider 2019-08-12, 12:20

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
msugolfguy wrote:

He's a right winger who isn't that bad. He often says "facts don't care about your feelings" however when confronted with some facts recently he didn't like he stomped off a BBC broadcast like a child. So you know typical hypocrisy.
yeah he seems like a typical republican. facts don't care about someone's feelings? That seems like an odd thing to say....

does he know that facts don't even have feelings? In order for them to care (or not care), it would be necessary to have the capacity to feel emotion. It's like saying "a rock doesn't care about your feelings"....

they're a strange bunch.

Ben Shapiro is a moron. Funny since I quit twitter I don’t see his stuff anymore. I think right wing stars on twitter are probably going viral so often thanks to Russians manipulating the algorithms. Outside of twitter I never hear about or see people like him or Candace Owens.

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-08-12, 12:24

steveschneider wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
yeah he seems like a typical republican. facts don't care about someone's feelings? That seems like an odd thing to say....

does he know that facts don't even have feelings? In order for them to care (or not care), it would be necessary to have the capacity to feel emotion. It's like saying "a rock doesn't care about your feelings"....

they're a strange bunch.

Ben Shapiro is a moron. Funny since I quit twitter I don’t see his stuff anymore. I think right wing stars on twitter are probably going viral so often thanks to Russians manipulating the algorithms. Outside of twitter I never hear about or see people like him or Candace Owens.
yeah - I'd say the more removed you are from garbage like the mainstream media, Twitter, etc. the more informed you actually are.

in fact, I would be will to bet that if you lived in a cave in the hills of Tennessee with absolutely no contact to outside civilization, you're more informed than idiots glued to that stuff. Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? 502811600
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by steveschneider 2019-08-12, 12:27

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
steveschneider wrote:

Ben Shapiro is a moron. Funny since I quit twitter I don’t see his stuff anymore. I think right wing stars on twitter are probably going viral so often thanks to Russians manipulating the algorithms. Outside of twitter I never hear about or see people like him or Candace Owens.
yeah - I'd say the more removed you are from garbage like the mainstream media, Twitter, etc. the more informed you actually are.

I suspect if you lived in a cave in the hills of Tennessee with absolutely no contact to outside civilization, you're more informed than idiots glued to that stuff.

I read recently that it was Russians manipulating algorithms that makes most of those racist hicks in Walmarts going off on people of color or that bigot in Oakland that called the cops on those folks bbq'ing it was all Russians troll farms manipulating the algorithms to make those vids go viral. My guess is it happens so much on Twitter, I think they are out to fuel the culture war in the USA and throw some gas on the flames.

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-08-12, 12:41

steveschneider wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
yeah - I'd say the more removed you are from garbage like the mainstream media, Twitter, etc. the more informed you actually are.

I suspect if you lived in a cave in the hills of Tennessee with absolutely no contact to outside civilization, you're more informed than idiots glued to that stuff.

I read recently that it was Russians manipulating algorithms that makes most of those racist hicks in Walmarts going off on people of color or that bigot in Oakland that called the cops on those folks bbq'ing it was all Russians troll farms manipulating the algorithms to make those vids go viral. My guess is it happens so much on Twitter, I think they are out to fuel the culture war in the USA and throw some gas on the flames.
yeah, America is a stupid, easily-manipulated country.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by AvgMSUJoe 2019-08-12, 14:56


That Shapiro dbag was recently owned by your hero on the twitters.


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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2019-08-12, 15:21

AvgMSUJoe wrote:HEY BOB...

That Shapiro dbag was recently owned by your hero on the twitters.

Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? 502811600

my daughter had mentioned that to me and showed me (though I didn't realize it was this same guy).. was pretty good. Jason is pretty sharp, very well-read and I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to get into a war of wit and words with him (his songwriting will tell you that he knows how to use words).

thanks for sharing this. Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? 502811600
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

Post by tGreenWay 2019-08-12, 18:43

Floyd Robertson wrote:You guys should google AR 15 and you'll make new friends when the FBI and ATF bros knock on your door.

Very smart people like me know you’re both wrong. AR stands for Armed & Ready.
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Should we have a Mass Shooting Board? Empty Re: Should we have a Mass Shooting Board?

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