Spartan Swill
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Will the Swill swell under the new rules?

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Will the Swill swell under the new rules? Empty Will the Swill swell under the new rules?

Post by Ruckus 2014-04-22, 06:38

Now that some ground rules have been laid down for the forum, specifically the established RCMB posters only rule, does your opinion on the future of this forum change? I guess I just don't see this place growing without brining in new users. But Src has made his decision and I suspect he will be obstinate till the end. Do you think this place will survive on an invite from tRCMB only basis? Any idea how long someone needs to post in tRCMB to post here?

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Join date : 2014-04-16

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Will the Swill swell under the new rules? Empty Re: Will the Swill swell under the new rules?

Post by SeeRockCity 2014-04-22, 08:05

New posters are always welcome here. But, like any other forum, we're not going to make them moderators just for creating new user account.

Also, what new rules are you referring to? I laid put a process for governance, not new rules.
Ephor (Board Steward)
Ephor (Board Steward)

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Will the Swill swell under the new rules? Empty Re: Will the Swill swell under the new rules?

Post by NigelUno 2014-04-22, 08:37

Ruckus wrote:Now that some ground rules have been laid down for the forum, specifically the established RCMB posters only rule, does your opinion on the future of this forum change?  I guess I just don't see this place growing without brining in new users.  But Src has made his decision and I suspect he will be obstinate till the end.  Do you think this place will survive on an invite from tRCMB only basis?  Any idea how long someone needs to post in tRCMB to post here?

New users are welcome. "New" users who want to talk about tRCMB all the time...

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Will the Swill swell under the new rules? Empty Re: Will the Swill swell under the new rules?

Post by ROtown Sparty 2014-04-22, 09:32

I think the swill has been swell and it's worked pretty well. It doesn't really smell and it works okay on my cell.
ROtown Sparty
ROtown Sparty

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Will the Swill swell under the new rules? Empty Re: Will the Swill swell under the new rules?

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