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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Robert J Sakimano
Other Teams Pursuing That
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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by steveschneider 2014-07-25, 08:44

What a horrible way to go, and looks like one of the dogs has a prior history of attacking a person.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by InTenSity 2014-07-25, 08:49

Sad story, but I'm guessing since the person who has the dogs has to have some $$, they were allowed to keep the dog after the attack. A quick look on the googles shows sales of puppies between $1-2k. This isn't a poor man's dog.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by Hut1hut2 2014-07-25, 08:55

But, it's the owner not the breed!

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by InTenSity 2014-07-25, 09:09

Reading through more of the story, this is just sad. The owners should end up with jailtime and I'm guessing at least one, if not both the dogs will be put down. In a prior lawsuit, part of the settlement is that the owners had to build a fence, and they never did. I'm a dog lover as much as the next person, but I hate people who get bully breeds and do it just to breed them, or because they think it is some type of status symbol. The family of the deceased man should end up with just about all the assets of the dog owners. There is just no excuse to have those type of dogs running in the open, absolutely negligent, and the owner should be brought up on some type of manslaughter charges.

Afterward, the dogs retreated to their owner’s home, where there is at least one other dog and an unknown number of puppies, although Parks said authorities do not know the breed.
This is a breeder who doesn't give a shit about the dogs. This is the equivalent of leaving a loaded gun in a room full of children on a table, and then wondering why someone is dead.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2014-07-25, 09:43

"She said she filed a lawsuit against the owners, which has been settled. She said she was represented by Sam Bernstein’s law office but declined to give out any more details. She said the owners have no fence around their house, which was one of the stipulations in the lawsuit."

Maybe if the bitch just didn't take the money and run...
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by Guest 2014-07-25, 09:49

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:"She said she filed a lawsuit against the owners, which has been settled. She said she was represented by Sam Bernstein’s law office but declined to give out any more details. She said the owners have no fence around their house, which was one of the stipulations in the lawsuit."

Maybe if the bitch just didn't take the money and run...

We need to ban dogs to stop this type of senseless death.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by steveschneider 2014-07-25, 09:51

InTenSity wrote:Reading through more of the story, this is just sad. The owners should end up with jailtime and I'm guessing at least one, if not both the dogs will be put down. In a prior lawsuit, part of the settlement is that the owners had to build a fence, and they never did. I'm a dog lover as much as the next person, but I hate people who get bully breeds and do it just to breed them, or because they think it is some type of status symbol. The family of the deceased man should end up with just about all the assets of the dog owners. There is just no excuse to have those type of dogs running in the open, absolutely negligent, and the owner should be brought up on some type of manslaughter charges.

This is a breeder who doesn't give a shit about the dogs. This is the equivalent of leaving a loaded gun in a room full of children on a table, and then wondering why someone is dead.

I remember a mastiff not sure if its the same type of mastiff but this dog killed some lady in San Francisco a while back in the hallway of her apartment. I like your term 'bully breed'. I volunteered in a shelter a while back, all you saw was a bunch of pit bulls that were raised by idiots to be bully dogs and when they got to be too much they'd send them to the no kill shelter. Those dogs didn't stand a chance of ever being adopted.

Some of the dogs were victims of horrific levels of abuse to, people would **** their dogs up and leave them for dad out in the middle of nowhere. My guess is the dog probably attacked the owner or one of their friends and then they'd retaliate on the pet. Sad story all around.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by DWags 2014-07-25, 09:56

LooseGoose wrote:

We need to ban dogs to stop this type of senseless death.

Some associations ban certain types of Dogs.   Don't know if that helps, but I'm assuming if there isn't a Cane Corso or a Pit Bull in my association, I have less of a chance to get attacked by one.  Sure, "If pit bulls are outlawed, only outlaws will have pit bulls".   I'm sure that there are the crazy anti government don't tread on my rights dog owners in those associations that have a dozen or so of them in their house for protection, but I still think my chances are less of getting attacked in those associations than in an area that says "sure, hell yeah, how many dogs you want in your house".

Who knows though.

Last edited by DWags on 2014-07-25, 10:11; edited 1 time in total

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by InTenSity 2014-07-25, 09:58

We need to ban dogs to stop this type of senseless death.

I know you're butthurt over guns, this is a stupid answer. Just an FYI, there are countries that have banned these type of dogs and there are some laws that ban different animals, so overall, just a fail of an answer.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by tTito 2014-07-25, 10:05

Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia 2743283739 

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-07-25, 10:09

LooseGoose wrote:

We need to ban dogs to stop this type of senseless death.
perfectly okay with that..

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by AMwood 2014-07-25, 10:13

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
perfectly okay with that..

especially if the ban includes your wife's dog.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-07-25, 10:14

AMwood wrote:

especially if the ban includes your wife's dog.
you see where I'm coming from....
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2014-07-25, 10:17

I found this story a bit shocking because it's a 46 year old man, and if he was a jogger, probably a relatively in shape 46 year old man. I know those dogs are bad asses, and fighting machines but usually these types of stories involve a little kid, or a waif-type chick. I know my dog is bigger than the reported size of those two dogs and I would think I would be able to fight off a couple of dogs of that size or get to a safe place before they took my life.

Also that is really close to the barn where we have the horse. Scary to think that could have been my wife or kids.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by Guest 2014-07-25, 10:35

InTenSity wrote:

I know you're butthurt over guns, this is a stupid answer. Just an FYI, there are countries that have banned these type of dogs and there are some laws that ban different animals, so overall, just a fail of an answer.

So other countries do it but my answer is "stupid" and a "fail". OK. Good logic there.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2014-07-25, 10:39

LooseGoose wrote:

We need to ban dogs to stop this type of senseless death.

This place sucks now. Just a big wells hall.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by Toe 2014-07-25, 10:41

WhiteBoyHatcher wrote:I found this story a bit shocking because it's a 46 year old man, and if he was a jogger, probably a relatively in shape 46 year old man. I know those dogs are bad asses, and fighting machines but usually these types of stories involve a little kid, or a waif-type chick. I know my dog is bigger than the reported size of those two dogs and I would think I would be able to fight off a couple of dogs of that size or get to a safe place before they took my life.

Also that is really close to the barn where we have the horse. Scary to think that could have been my wife or kids.

jogger = waif-dude

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by InTenSity 2014-07-25, 10:44

LooseGoose wrote:

So other countries do it but my answer is "stupid" and a "fail".   OK.   Good logic there.
Your answer is stupid because anytime there is a story in which someone dies, someone has to come into one of these threads and say. "Let's ban butter!" because your fucking butthurt about people wanting to ban guns when a school full of children are shot up. I've already well'd this up enough, but it gets lame reading this reply, time and time again. No fucking guns are banned at this time, so just STFU and let it go.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by Guest 2014-07-25, 10:46

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:

This place sucks now. Just a big wells hall.

And here they said *I* was butthurt. I don't know how it's "wells hall" to support the banning of killer dogs.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2014-07-25, 10:49

InTenSity wrote:
Your answer is stupid because anytime there is a story in which someone dies, someone has to come into one of these threads and say. "Let's ban butter!" because your fucking butthurt about people wanting to ban guns when a school full of children are shot up. I've already well'd this up enough, but it gets lame reading this reply, time and time again. No fucking guns are banned at this time, so just STFU and let it go.
ya gotta get a kick out of how easy the gun nuts are manipulated.. politicians, lobbyists, gun manufacturers, etc. are using their fear, paranoia, intellectual vulnerabilities and emotional gullibility.. and laughing all the way to the bank.. while never denouncing mass shootings..

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by The_Dude 2014-07-25, 11:23

InTenSity wrote:
Your answer is stupid because anytime there is a story in which someone dies, someone has to come into one of these threads and say. "Let's ban butter!" because your fucking butthurt about people wanting to ban guns when a school full of children are shot up. I've already well'd this up enough, but it gets lame reading this reply, time and time again. No fucking guns are banned at this time, so just STFU and let it go.

Not to be rude, but you seem like you are the one that's butt hurt. It's a running joke to say stuff like let's just ban ____, but you're butt hurt is off the charts you can't even laugh at the humor.

Lighten up Francis.
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Pet Troll

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by InTenSity 2014-07-25, 11:48

The_Dude wrote:

Not to be rude, but you seem like you are the one that's butt hurt.  It's a running joke to say stuff like let's just ban ____, but you're butt hurt is off the charts you can't even laugh at the humor.

Lighten up Francis.
Didn't realize it was a gag. The baiting just gets old after a while, especially from the same people over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Maybe get new material and people will find it funny.

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Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia Empty Re: Two dogs take a joggers life in Livonia

Post by By-Tor 2014-07-25, 11:49

To clarify- The victim was from Livonia. The attack happened in Metamora Twp. which is south of Lapeer.

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