Spartan Swill
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Is Anyone on Here Worried about AI Taking Over?

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Is Anyone on Here Worried about AI Taking Over? Empty Is Anyone on Here Worried about AI Taking Over?

Post by Trapper Gus 2023-04-02, 08:10

Seems like the latest "scary thing" in the MSM, or at least during the time they can get their collective3 lips off of trump's you know what.

Here is an article about one form of AI which identifies one of the limitations of said tech, namely how it interfaces with the Real World.

As a technical specialist engineer I was assigned research on blending sensors together way back in the 1990's, which at that time involved the use of neural networks and advanced logic methods (fuzzy logic & other non-linear system theory). Needless to say, those methods would work for very specific cases but were not as adaptive as they needed to be to pass a Turning Test.

IMO AI is unlikely to be able to handle the unexpected as well as a person does. However, knowing the greed of corporations, I expect they will try AI in all sorts of places to replace those expensive and hard to control humans.

I see self-driving cars expanding their driving capabilities to the point that on average they will be safer than human drivers, at which point insurance companies will start pushing the vehicle industry into providing them and pushing drivers, via lower insurance rates, into using them.
Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

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Age : 70
Location : 40 Mile Point Lighthouse

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