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Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos

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Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos Empty Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos

Post by Trapper Gus 2023-10-11, 11:53

Reading the news in the last few days does anyone here support the idea that a state at war should follow a "burnt earth" tactic of killing the total population of the "enemy" without regard?

It seems to be one side of an argument about the basic way that groups of people who have different viewpoints should act.
Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

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Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos Empty Re: Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos

Post by Cameron 2023-10-11, 14:48

I have seen people advocating Palestinian genocide in no uncertain terms. I am against that, if that's what you're asking.

I do wonder if China will sense opportunity and move on Taiwan soon. Seems like a possibility at this point, US resources and attention are going to be very divided.

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Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos Empty Re: Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos

Post by Trapper Gus 2023-10-11, 14:56

Cameron wrote:I have seen people advocating Palestinian genocide in no uncertain terms. I am against that, if that's what you're asking.

I do wonder if China will sense opportunity and move on Taiwan soon. Seems like a possibility at this point, US resources and attention are going to be very divided.

Yes, that is part of what I'm asking, and further I'm asking if non-combatants in general should be considered targets and should a war goal be to kill the entire population of the "enemy" or should there be rules about that.

People on the nets are saying that the globe is dividing into those who are following the (present) American rules that only the military should be targeted verses a set of countries, Russia leading the way, saying that the entire population of the "enemy" country should be wiped out.
Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

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Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos Empty Re: Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos

Post by Zurn 2023-10-12, 07:46

Trapper Gus wrote:Reading the news in the last few days does anyone here support the idea that a state at war should follow a "burnt earth" tactic of killing the total population of the "enemy" without regard?

It seems to be one side of an argument about the basic way that groups of people who have different viewpoints should act.

The only advocates of such a policy that I know of are the various Palestinian terror organizations whose stated goal is to kill Jews and destroy the state of Israel.

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Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos Empty Re: Ukraine v Russia, Israel v Hamas & the Pax American Order v Chaos

Post by Spartytruth 2023-10-12, 08:13

There are 2.5 million people in Gaza. An area half the size of New York. 1/2 are children.

There is no power. The power plant ran out of fuel today.

Just think how the world would be different if after 9/11 we had not gone into Afghanistan and Iraq. What could have been saved? This could be a great time for Israel to exercise a little restraint.

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