Spartan Swill
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Ducks trying to find reasons to hate MSU, come up empty -- even mentioning tRCMB

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Ducks trying to find reasons to hate MSU, come up empty -- even mentioning tRCMB Empty Ducks trying to find reasons to hate MSU, come up empty -- even mentioning tRCMB

Post by SpartanInNH Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:56 pm

Damn, this shit is hilarious.

Tako Tuesdays Can't Find the Hate

Check out the comments:

"You need to keep the insane hordes from RCMB away from here. I found out about this link from twitter. If a guy called MSUDersh shows up, dish it out to him real good.
He’s a friend of mine from OffTackleEmpire, and he’s been chippy all offseason. We’ve nicknamed him Dershbag, and he enjoys it." by LincolnParkWildcat on Sep 2, 2014 | 12:31 PM

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