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Can a brother get some consistency in the bowl projections?

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Can a brother get some consistency in the bowl projections? Empty Can a brother get some consistency in the bowl projections?

Post by Rocinante 2014-11-17, 12:23

Every bowl projection that I've seen has a different MSU matchup. Some are snoozers.

CBS: MSU vs. MSU in the Fiesta. That would be cool.

SB Nation: MSU vs. (Girley-less)UGA in the Peach bowl (yawn)

Sout: MSU vs. LSU in the Outback Bowl (I mean... okay but meh)

Sporting News: MSU vs. Duke in the Orange Bowl (vomit.)

I've also seen various things like MSU vs. Colorado State (what.) in the Peach Bowl... MSU vs. Baylor in the Cotton Bowl (That'll work).

What's it take to get some consistency around here? All I know it they batter be up against a top 10 team and really it should be an SEC team. Need to show that they can play with the big boys dammit.


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Can a brother get some consistency in the bowl projections? Empty Re: Can a brother get some consistency in the bowl projections?

Post by InTenSity 2014-11-17, 12:26

Rocinante wrote:Every bowl projection that I've seen has a different MSU matchup.  Some are snoozers.

CBS: MSU vs. MSU in the Fiesta.  That would be cool.

SB Nation: MSU vs. (Girley-less)UGA in the Peach bowl (yawn)

Sout: MSU vs. LSU in the Outback Bowl (I mean... okay but meh)

Sporting News: MSU vs. Duke in the Orange Bowl (vomit.)

I've also seen various things like MSU vs. Colorado State (what.) in the Peach Bowl... MSU vs. Baylor in the Cotton Bowl (That'll work).

What's it take to get some consistency around here?  All I know it they batter be up against a top 10 team and really it should be an SEC team.  Need to show that they can play with the big boys dammit.  

MSU VS LSU in Outback?!? How would that even happen? That site is expecting us to drop our last 2 games? Isn't LSU 7/3 or 7/4?
I also thought the B1G wasn't playing in the Orange Bowl this year, so that isn't even an option. I'd love it though because then I can see them play. 
If I had to guess, we'll either play a B12 team in Texas, probably at their own stadium, or an SEC team in FL, probably 10 miles from their stadium.

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Can a brother get some consistency in the bowl projections? Empty Re: Can a brother get some consistency in the bowl projections?

Post by Rocinante 2014-11-17, 12:30

InTenSity wrote:
MSU VS LSU in Outback?!? How would that even happen? That site is expecting us to drop our last 2 games? Isn't LSU 7/3 or 7/4?
I also thought the B1G wasn't playing in the Orange Bowl this year, so that isn't even an option. I'd love it though because then I can see them play. 
If I had to guess, we'll either play a B12 team in Texas, probably at their own stadium, or an SEC team in FL, probably 10 miles from their stadium.

Sorry, apparently the Sporting News doesn't know it's called the Citrus Bowl again?  I didn't either. I'm still not sure... It's confusing.

I have no idea what I'm talking about. Citrus is B1G and SEC

Orange is ACC and At Large.

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Location : East Lansing, MI

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