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Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!!

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Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!! Empty Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!!

Post by Ass Dan 2014-11-19, 11:08

Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!! Vote_or_die
Ass Dan
Ass Dan

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Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!! Empty Re: Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!!

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2014-11-19, 13:50

Do you even like all those games or are you just jonesing for action?

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Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!! Empty Re: Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!!

Post by InTenSity 2014-11-19, 13:52

I voted no on all of them, mainly because if all were to pass, we would have around $600 in play this week. Some of the bets I actually liked, but I'd feel better with a $30-40 bet. Then again I voted no on Duke +8 last night.

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Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!! Empty Re: Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!!

Post by InTenSity 2014-12-05, 09:18

Bump! Couple new bets up.

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Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!! Empty Re: Attention swill gamblers: new props to vote on!!

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