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Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony

Frank Ricard
Ass Dan
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Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony Empty Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony

Post by LoneWolfSparty 2014-05-03, 19:11

Caught part of it on WDIV 4's 7pm news cast. What a terrible speech. She was awful. How did she become a CEO?

I am starting to think its true that GM just used her to try and get a better outcome for the ignition switch problem and subsequent cover up.

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Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony Empty Re: Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony

Post by DWags 2014-05-03, 19:20

LoneWolfSparty wrote: How did she become a CEO?


Is it possible to blow job your way to the top?

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Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony Empty Re: Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony

Post by Ass Dan 2014-05-03, 19:52

She's done a great job as CEO so far in my opinion. Obviously didn't see the speech she gave today but she's done a great job handling the whole recall crisis and is a media darling.

Ass Dan
Ass Dan

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Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony Empty Re: Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony

Post by Frank Ricard 2014-05-03, 19:56

LoneWolfSparty wrote:Caught part of it on WDIV 4's 7pm news cast. What a terrible speech. She was awful.

Maybe her and Mary Sue had a few before the big speech
Frank Ricard

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Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony Empty Re: Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony

Post by ErnieMcCracken 2014-05-03, 20:04

Ass Dan wrote:She's done a great job as CEO so far in my opinion. Obviously didn't see the speech she gave today but she's done a great job handling the whole recall crisis and is a media darling.

This GM recall crisis has been going on for 2+ months. They hardly seem on top of it. Being transparent, getting the bad news out, fixing the problem and start talking about good news again should be the plan. Instead it's drip, drip, drip prolonging the crisis.

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Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony Empty Re: Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony

Post by NigelUno 2014-05-03, 21:17

ErnieMcCracken wrote:

This GM recall crisis has been going on for 2+ months. They hardly seem on top of it. Being transparent, getting the bad news out, fixing the problem and start talking about good news again should be the plan. Instead it's drip, drip, drip prolonging the crisis.

Well, I can see why she was giving a speech at UM then.

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Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony Empty Re: Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony

Post by Three_Putt_Par 2014-05-03, 21:28

NigelUno wrote:

Well, I can see why she was giving a speech at UM then.

Seems a lot like the sexual assault case involving a certain kicker at UM we've all heard about....

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Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony Empty Re: Mary Barra speaks at scum's graduation ceremony

Post by Duke Silver 2014-05-03, 21:43

I just spoke with my buddy whose little sister graduated at the outhouse today and he specifically mentioned she gave a good speech. But I guess we can all different opinions and still be friends.

Duke Silver
Duke Silver

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