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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Cym Jim
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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by Guest 2014-04-18, 18:24

Just want to get this in before this place is overrun with raging Libs.

The reinvented Democratic Party runs entirely on conspiracy theories about Republican bigotry. It complains that Republicans secretly believe that they’re a Communist conspiracy to destroy America, while their entire platform is an accusation that the Republican Party is a secret conspiracy to enslave black people.

The Democratic Party runs on racial paranoia, on class paranoia, on gender paranoia; obsessed with portraying the Republican Party as a Nazi cult dedicated to serving Southern racists, the Koch Brothers and Israel.

Conspiracy theories aren’t a fringe element in the Democratic Party; they’re the entire ticket.

The left built up its pyramid of racial paranoia, its obsession with a Republican “Southern Strategy” to prove that the real racists weren’t the Democrats who fought for segregation, but the Republicans who fought against it, and its claim that since then the Republicans hid their racism in calls for small government and lower taxes, which, if you own a special Noam Chomsky decoder ring, really means Supermegaracism.

If the Republican Party and the conservative opposition embody racism so thoroughly and covertly that there is nothing non-racist about them, there is nothing left to do but to destroy them. Having reduced the right to a total evil with no redeeming qualities, destroying them seems benevolent.

The average MSNBC viewer, New York Times reader and progressive suburbanite is not interested in a close look at his political movement. Instead of giving him something to believe in, his party’s media outlets give him someone to hate.

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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by Cym Jim 2014-04-20, 02:32

You racist brah?
Cym Jim
Cym Jim

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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by Rocinante 2014-04-23, 18:01

The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Become-american-citizen-Kenny-Powers-Eastbound-Down


The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Animated-Waving-American-Flag-

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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by Cameron 2014-04-23, 18:17


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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by Enrico Palazzo 2014-04-23, 18:47

LooseGoose wrote:Just want to get this in before this place is overrun with raging Libs.

The reinvented Democratic Party runs entirely on conspiracy theories about Republican bigotry. It complains that Republicans secretly believe that they’re a Communist conspiracy to destroy America, while their entire platform is an accusation that the Republican Party is a secret conspiracy to enslave black people.

The Democratic Party runs on racial paranoia, on class paranoia, on gender paranoia; obsessed with portraying the Republican Party as a Nazi cult dedicated to serving Southern racists, the Koch Brothers and Israel.

Conspiracy theories aren’t a fringe element in the Democratic Party; they’re the entire ticket.

The left built up its pyramid of racial paranoia, its obsession with a Republican “Southern Strategy” to prove that the real racists weren’t the Democrats who fought for segregation, but the Republicans who fought against it, and its claim that since then the Republicans hid their racism in calls for small government and lower taxes, which, if you own a special Noam Chomsky decoder ring, really means Supermegaracism.

If the Republican Party and the conservative opposition embody racism so thoroughly and covertly that there is nothing non-racist about them, there is nothing left to do but to destroy them. Having reduced the right to a total evil with no redeeming qualities, destroying them seems benevolent.

The average MSNBC viewer, New York Times reader and progressive suburbanite is not interested in a close look at his political movement. Instead of giving him something to believe in, his party’s media outlets give him someone to hate.

Front Page Mag.  lol!

making a fool of yourself on yet another board, eh MotherGoose?  Rolling Eyes
Enrico Palazzo

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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by Guest 2014-04-24, 11:36

Enrico Palazzo wrote:making a fool of yourself on yet another board, eh MotherGoose?  Rolling Eyes


 The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party 1837840279 The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party 1837840279 

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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by Enrico Palazzo 2014-04-24, 11:53

LooseGoose wrote:


 The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party 1837840279 The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party 1837840279 

if you're going to be a dumbass and post BS you should expect it, MotherGoose.

And, if the conservatives like yourself don't want to be labeled as racists then stop acting like and embracing racists (e.g. your buddy Clive Bundy).
Enrico Palazzo

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Join date : 2014-04-23

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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by Youngblood 96 2014-04-26, 18:44

Enrico Palazzo wrote:

making a fool of yourself on yet another board, eh MotherGoose?  Rolling Eyes

 The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party 1966794946  at the irony here.

On the 'other board' Enrico responded to a post of mine about the racist comment by the Clippers owner who happens to be a democratic supporter.  Enrico replied with a link to a Donald Sterling from a different state and with a different middle initial who made a couple of $250 contributions to the RNC.  Not only did Enrico provide a link to the wrong guy, when I pointed out his laughable error, he then goes on to call me a racist to cover up his massive fail.  What a coward.   The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party 502811600 

The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Fail11

Last edited by Youngblood 96 on 2014-04-28, 09:51; edited 1 time in total
Youngblood 96
Youngblood 96

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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by Guest 2014-04-27, 23:05

[quote="LooseGoose"]Just want to get this in before this place is overrun with raging Libs.

seems about right

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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by GRR Spartan 2014-04-30, 08:25

LooseGoose wrote:


 The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party 1837840279 The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party 1837840279 

Lead with your face, whine about your bloody nose and imply some religious superiority.

Same goose different board.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

Post by Cosmo_Kramer 2014-04-30, 10:37

The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Obama-and-Limbuagh

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The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party Empty Re: The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

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