Spartan Swill
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Old white men will not save America.

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Old white men will not save America.  Empty Old white men will not save America.

Post by kingstonlake 2018-10-04, 18:52

Cop killer. Disbarred attorney.  God bless the second amendment and the NRA. Amirite?

The search warrant that was being served at his home was part of a child sexual assault investigation, and the subject of that investigation is 27-year-old Seth Hopkins, who lives there, according to the law enforcement official.

Police have been called to the home dozens of times over the years, the official said.

Hopkins, according to the senior law enforcement official, was perched like a sniper

Old white men will not save America.  Ikwspd10
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Old white men will not save America.  Empty Re: Old white men will not save America.

Post by DWags 2018-10-04, 18:57

Old white guys ruined it. We got nothing left to destroy. We’re leaving and taking the last of the social security with us. Good luck and Godspeed

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Old white men will not save America.  Empty Re: Old white men will not save America.

Post by steveschneider 2018-10-04, 22:22

DWags wrote:Old white guys ruined it. We got nothing left to destroy. We’re leaving and taking the last of the social security with us. Good luck and Godspeed

Smoke em while you got em.

Posts : 34271
Join date : 2014-05-02

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Old white men will not save America.  Empty Re: Old white men will not save America.

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