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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by duffy munn 2019-01-20, 10:37

DWags wrote:For fucks sake. In May of 2018 a one line email says Perles account was shut down. Not collecting the final 200k. Then six months later Perles a stroke victim with Parkinson’s and in a wheel chair “suddenly” resigns. Then we need to take a leap of faith and believe he did it to get Snyder to place a pro Engler guy in..... WHICH HE FUCKING DIDNT DO!

Fuck these fucking fucks. And the pos creep doesn’t give one example of a “pledge contract” that MSU sued for.

Cool. Get ready for these nothing stories to be turned into evil MSU articles once a month now.

George has certainly been a polarizing if not controversial figure in MSU history. One thing that should never be questioned is his love for the University.

I don't think he stepped down from the BOT as a political move. I think he did because he is old, sick and tired. I wish the media and people in general would just leave him and Sally alone and let him try to enjoy whatever time he has left.
duffy munn

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2019-01-20, 10:41

Poor MSU. I wish everyone would just leave MSU alone.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by duffy munn 2019-01-20, 10:46

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Poor MSU. I wish everyone would just leave MSU alone.

You seem to be enjoying the circus, OTPT.
duffy munn

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by steveschneider 2019-01-20, 10:47

Why are the repubs so hell bent on getting their folks in power at MSU? They want to make the facts that they disagree with more fair and balanced? Or is it because they want to strip kids of critical thinking which will turn them into obedient law abiding citizens?

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2019-01-20, 10:53

duffy munn wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Poor MSU. I wish everyone would just leave MSU alone.

You seem to be enjoying the circus, OTPT.

I’m enjoying seeing people spin and defend MSU at every corner. It’s almost like a societal experiment to watch from afar.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2019-01-20, 10:53

duffy munn wrote:
DWags wrote:For fucks sake. In May of 2018 a one line email says Perles account was shut down. Not collecting the final 200k. Then six months later Perles a stroke victim with Parkinson’s and in a wheel chair “suddenly” resigns. Then we need to take a leap of faith and believe he did it to get Snyder to place a pro Engler guy in..... WHICH HE FUCKING DIDNT DO!

Fuck these fucking fucks. And the pos creep doesn’t give one example of a “pledge contract” that MSU sued for.

Cool. Get ready for these nothing stories to be turned into evil MSU articles once a month now.

George has certainly been a polarizing if not controversial figure in MSU history. One thing that should never be questioned is his love for the University.

I don't think he stepped down from the BOT as a political move. I think he did because he is old, sick and tired. I wish the media and people in general would just leave him and Sally alone and let him try to enjoy whatever time he has left.

I don't think there intent here is to place blame on George Duffy. I think it paints a fairly obvious connection between a sick old guy perhaps not in his right mind being manipulated by JF, JE and perhaps Breslin to further their dealings in the admin. At least that's what I took from it. Perhaps I will read it again.

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by DWags 2019-01-20, 10:53

WhiteBoyHatcher wrote:Umm.....what? There's lots of quotes in there spelling out what happened Wags. They may be anonymous but you think they are invented? You can keep the tinfoil hat on if you want I guess.

Who did Snyder appoint for Perles quick resignation? Was she pro Engler? Was the debt wiped out in May or November? If it was May, that’s one slow “quick” resignation and you need to tell which level of friend of Perles they quoted. Everyone knows he had levels of friends and the dozen who were tightest would never be quoted. I’m calling bullshit.

Finally my tinfoil hat wants to ask you if you actually think that there isn’t favors done for donors or by donors to board members and vice versa? Didn’t Michigan just have a one day story about donors and a billion dollar investment fund? Tennessee with Fullmer. Jerry Jones at Arkansas Knight at Oregon. It doesn’t end.

But yeah, a wheel chaired stroke victim with Parkinson’s suddenly resigns for a 200k forgiveness to get Snyder to appoint someone who was never appointed by Snyder.

I know there is graft and back scratching at our schoo (like many others) but don’t mind me if I’m going to wait for a bit more believable story to throw an old man who has donated craptons of money to MSU under a bus.

Story doesn’t pass my sniff test. I’ll jump on the pile when the next one comes out.

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by duffy munn 2019-01-20, 11:00

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
duffy munn wrote:

You seem to be enjoying the circus, OTPT.

I’m enjoying seeing people spin and defend MSU at every corner. It’s almost like a societal experiment to watch from afar.

I'm not defending anything through this whole mess. The University has botched everything every step of the way.

Sorry if it upsets you that I think people should leave old, sick man and his wife alone.
duffy munn

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by DWags 2019-01-20, 11:03

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
duffy munn wrote:

You seem to be enjoying the circus, OTPT.

I’m enjoying seeing people spin and defend MSU at every corner. It’s almost like a societal experiment to watch from afar.

MSU has a shit ton of things wrong with it. From block tuition to good ol boy favors to shitty worthless classes to the way alumni are treated at football games. But to call bullshit on a bullshit story isn’t defending the U, it’s making a point about a two bit paper.

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2019-01-20, 11:03

duffy munn wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:

I’m enjoying seeing people spin and defend MSU at every corner. It’s almost like a societal experiment to watch from afar.
Sorry if it upsets you that I think people should leave old, sick man and his wife alone.

When did i say or imply this? Anywhere? No? Ok, cool - good talk and post.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by duffy munn 2019-01-20, 11:23

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
duffy munn wrote:
Sorry if it upsets you that I think people should leave old, sick man and his wife alone.

When did i say or imply this? Anywhere? No? Ok, cool - good talk and post.

I'm not going to dig it up but in my thread about George and Sally getting harassed you said you didn't care. To me that implies people who do are wrong.
duffy munn

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by DWags 2019-01-20, 11:31

duffy munn wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:

I’m enjoying seeing people spin and defend MSU at every corner. It’s almost like a societal experiment to watch from afar.

I'm not defending anything through this whole mess. The University has botched everything every step of the way.

Sorry if it upsets you that I think people should leave old, sick man and his wife alone.

And I don’t even feel like I’m defending coach as much as I think it was a fairly weak news story.

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2019-01-20, 11:32

duffy munn wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:

When did i say or imply this? Anywhere? No? Ok, cool - good talk and post.

I'm not going to dig it up but in my thread about George and Sally getting harassed you said you didn't care. To me that implies people who do are wrong.

Someone not caring about something = people who do care are wrong? What sort of fucked up logic is that? Wait, that’s an insult to the word “logic” by saying that. It’s illogical. Get it together.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by SawGreen 2019-01-20, 22:21

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
duffy munn wrote:

You seem to be enjoying the circus, OTPT.

I’m enjoying seeing people spin and defend MSU at every corner. It’s almost like a societal experiment to watch from afar.

I get the impression that you get your jollies by believing the worst in people. You are prime rib to today's media.

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by DWags 2019-01-21, 02:30

duffy munn wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:

I’m enjoying seeing people spin and defend MSU at every corner. It’s almost like a societal experiment to watch from afar.

I'm not defending anything through this whole mess. The University has botched everything every step of the way.

Sorry if it upsets you that I think people should leave old, sick man and his wife alone.

Here’s the last piece of logic I need explained. The theory that Perles is bribed on May 18 so he can resign to get a pro Engler supporter in. Why didn’t these conspirators just keep Perles in as a pro Engler voter? Because now they’ll have to say because he was in bad health. Oh, but not so bad that he needed to resign in November.
Doesn’t pass my smell test. Write about msu’s Plethora of problems. This is a bull shit non issue.

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Floyd Robertson 2019-03-21, 07:37

Can anybody explain why new AG Nessell is going after Engler? I'm not sure what's to be gained or how it helps the continued healing over this mess.
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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by DWags 2019-03-21, 07:53

Floyd Robertson wrote:Can anybody explain why new AG Nessell is going after Engler? I'm not sure what's to be gained or how it helps the continued healing over this mess.

I thought that letter to her kicked her ass a bit.

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Floyd Robertson 2019-03-21, 07:54

DWags wrote:
Floyd Robertson wrote:Can anybody explain why new AG Nessell is going after Engler? I'm not sure what's to be gained or how it helps the continued healing over this mess.

I thought that letter to her kicked her ass a bit.

You lost me (not hard to do in all of this), I don't remember a letter.
Floyd Robertson
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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2019-03-21, 08:02

What the fuck now? Can everyone just let this shit go (politicians, not you guys)? It's fucking opening day for the tourney.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Floyd Robertson 2019-03-21, 08:05

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:What the fuck now? Can everyone just let this shit go (politicians, not you guys)? It's fucking opening day for the tourney.

She's all bent out shape because he's dodging her questions or request for an interview and he's been spotted at the tournament practice.
Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2019-03-21, 09:04

Engler should lose some weight. That fupa means business
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by DWags 2019-03-21, 09:06

Floyd Robertson wrote:
DWags wrote:

I thought that letter to her kicked her ass a bit.

You lost me (not hard to do in all of this), I don't remember a letter.

The Lansing State Journal was given the letter his attorney wrote in answer to the news story where she complained that he wouldn't sit for an interview. It's a pretty well written, ABC reasons where he was, what he was doing and how they agreed to an interview via email. It also says, and gives point by point reasons why our AG needs to remove herself as the prosecutor in this case or as anyone who would interview Engler, because she is obviously biased against him.

Here's the deal. He is in DC most of the time. He has a house there and a house here. he does come into Lansing and he has been there for Basketball games, he also said he was willing to do an interview on the 28th of March in DC. She the went to the papers and complained he was "ducking" her. His attorney pretty much ripped it to shreds yesterday, publicly. I don't get why she just wasn't quiet, wasn't grinding, keeping her head down, doing the work and lining her ducks up. She goes to the papers. The opposite example of that would be Mueller. How many interviews and complaints has he had in the papers? Why was a newspaper interview needed at this point? Just shut up and prosecute the case. So, yeah, I'd give the publicity win to Engler. Those who speak second and do so publicly usually get the best of those who shoot their mouth off in the papers. Just my opinion

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Floyd Robertson 2019-03-21, 09:21

DWags wrote:
Floyd Robertson wrote:

You lost me (not hard to do in all of this), I don't remember a letter.

The Lansing State Journal was given the letter his attorney wrote in answer to the news story where she complained that he wouldn't sit for an interview. It's a pretty well written, ABC reasons where he was, what he was doing and how they agreed to an interview via email. It also says, and gives point by point reasons why our AG needs to remove herself as the prosecutor in this case or as anyone who would interview Engler, because she is obviously biased against him.

Here's the deal. He is in DC most of the time. He has a house there and a house here. he does come into Lansing and he has been there for Basketball games, he also said he was willing to do an interview on the 28th of March in DC. She the went to the papers and complained he was "ducking" her. His attorney pretty much ripped it to shreds yesterday, publicly. I don't get why she just wasn't quiet, wasn't grinding, keeping her head down, doing the work and lining her ducks up. She goes to the papers. The opposite example of that would be Mueller. How many interviews and complaints has he had in the papers? Why was a newspaper interview needed at this point? Just shut up and prosecute the case. So, yeah, I'd give the publicity win to Engler. Those who speak second and do so publicly usually get the best of those who shoot their mouth off in the papers. Just my opinion

Thanks for all that, DWags!
Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Jake from State Farm 2019-03-21, 09:30

Hissy fit emails
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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2019-03-21, 09:34

I think Engler should get off his fat ass and cooperate - end the games on both sides.
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2019-03-21, 09:35

Engler - Page 5 Tenor

Also, Engler is losing pretty much all of my goodwill from when he stood up for the university against ESPN's bullshit. Carry on douche.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

Post by Cameron 2019-03-21, 09:39

Nobody looks good here. If Engler is in Michigan, they shouldn't need to go to DC to talk to him. But they also shouldn't be going public with their annoyance.

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Engler - Page 5 Empty Re: Engler

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