Spartan Swill
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Some of these are kind of funny

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Some of these are kind of funny Empty Some of these are kind of funny

Post by SeeRockCity 02/12/15, 09:49 am

Discussion on Connor Cook at an Iowa board.

"Connor Cook orders a Whopper at McDonald's, and he gets one."

"The circus ran away to join Connor Cook."

Ephor (Board Steward)
Ephor (Board Steward)

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Some of these are kind of funny Empty Re: Some of these are kind of funny

Post by Robert J Sakimano 02/12/15, 09:51 am

Iowa sucks.. we win by at least 20.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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Some of these are kind of funny Empty Re: Some of these are kind of funny

Post by DWags 02/12/15, 10:15 am

Connor cook once ejected an official from a football game.

Connor cook's mom has a tattoo that says "son"


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Some of these are kind of funny Empty Re: Some of these are kind of funny

Post by The Pantry 02/12/15, 11:09 am

Once a rattlesnake bit him, after 5 days of excruciating pain, the snake finally died...
The Pantry
The Pantry

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Some of these are kind of funny Empty Re: Some of these are kind of funny

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