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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Tim Wakefield
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Nordic 2020-09-29, 23:07

kingstonlake wrote:
InTenSity wrote:Anyone catch trump telling the proud boys to back off and stand by? He didn't miss speak. Voting for trump is voting for white supremacists.

I’m on board with the few pundits who’ve said this will be the last debate between them. And it should be.

I doubt anyone will watch a round 2

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by InTenSity 2020-09-29, 23:09

Cameron wrote:
InTenSity wrote:Anyone catch trump telling the proud boys to back off and stand by? He didn't miss speak. Voting for trump is voting for white supremacists.
He said back off and stand by, and then in the next sentence or two said something like "somebody's gotta do something." It was insane.
I forgot about that. Very alarming. Anyone on the left who is thinking of not voting Biden is putting the country at risk.
Hold your nose and vote Biden. If he wins, then in 4 years the democrats can put someone else up.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Tim Wakefield 2020-09-29, 23:10

Biden gets emotional about his dead kid and trump keeps talking shit. Trash
Tim Wakefield
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-29, 23:12

The Pantry wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:

I’m on board with the few pundits who’ve said this will be the last debate between them. And it should be.
Not on board to see if Biden can make it through two more debates? What a surprise.

I’m sorry Biden didn’t fall over and stutter like you thought he would. I’m sure Trump asking “which son, the cocaine addict” when Biden mentioned his son who served in Iraq and telling white supremacy groups to stand by, was a big win for him in your eyes. American lost and you probably feel like trump won.
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-29, 23:16

How about the end Melania up on stage looking awkward with the Donald and Biden getting a hug from his wife?

One spouse looked ready for a divorce!

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by DWags 2020-09-29, 23:21

The whole proud boy thing is frightening

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-29, 23:23

steveschneider wrote:How about the end Melania up on stage looking awkward with the Donald and Biden getting a hug from his wife?

One spouse looked ready for a divorce!

He patted her on the shoulder. I pat my golf partner on the shoulder when he wins a hole.
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-29, 23:24

kingstonlake wrote:
steveschneider wrote:How about the end Melania up on stage looking awkward with the Donald and Biden getting a hug from his wife?

One spouse looked ready for a divorce!

He patted her on the shoulder. I pat my golf partner on the shoulder when he wins a hole.

lol lol!!!

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-29, 23:27

Btw that fact checking four eyed geek on CNN looks like his brain is about to melt going over all the horse shit whoppers Trump spewed our of his tiny fat orange mouth right over the top of his butt chin. What an awful night for America.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Tim Wakefield 2020-09-29, 23:28

Congrats Pantry, your guy owned lots of libs tonight. Hope you're proud!!
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Nordic 2020-09-29, 23:32

Tim Wakefield wrote:Congrats Pantry, your guy owned lots of libs tonight. Hope you're proud!!

Any thoughts on the debate wake?

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-29, 23:36

Undecided voters...seriously?

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by GRR Spartan 2020-09-29, 23:36

The Pantry like Trump thinks being an asshole is an endearing quality and makes one look tough.

Trump looked like an asshole tonight and The Pantry approves.

Like others I think the raw number of undercided voters is minuscule, damned near statistically insignificant. I know the MI GOP has read the polling data. That's why the last two GOP Secretary of State in MI, Terry Lynn Land and Ruth Johnson are suing current MI Se of State Benson who plans to go be a recent court order allowing absentee ballots postmarked by Nov 2 (The day before the election) to be counted if they arrive up to 14 days after the election.

Make no mistake, the GOP knows its in big trouble in MI to keep on challenging and like Trump they don't want every vote to count. They want to win the 2020 election by decision of the SCOTUS.

Last edited by GRR Spartan on 2020-09-29, 23:45; edited 1 time in total
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Tim Wakefield 2020-09-29, 23:37

Nordic wrote:
Tim Wakefield wrote:Congrats Pantry, your guy owned lots of libs tonight. Hope you're proud!!

Any thoughts on the debate wake?

Shit show and I hope they pull the plug on the rest. No need for another one of those

For me it boils down to this: one candidate is old as fuck and will probably be ineffective. The alternative acts like a 5 year old and is actively harming the country. Ineffective > harmful. Give me the old guy
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by NigelUno 2020-09-29, 23:48

steveschneider wrote:How about the end Melania up on stage looking awkward with the Donald and Biden getting a hug from his wife?

One spouse looked ready for a divorce!

Her long nightmare will be over soon.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Rocinante 2020-09-30, 00:38

First, the number of undecideds is not “statistically insignificant” in states like Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, and possibly even Michigan, it could be the margin of victory, so stop saying that.

Second, fuck the proud boys. I hope those dickless flag fucking morons try something after the election, I’d love to see the FBI mow their nazi asses down and settle this “sovereign citizen” bullshit once and for all. Been letting these white terrorists get away with this shit for too fucking long.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Rocinante 2020-09-30, 00:38

Oh and I didn’t watch. Thanks for the rundown.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by WhiteBoyHatcher 2020-09-30, 00:42

Tim Wakefield wrote:
Nordic wrote:

Any thoughts on the debate wake?

Shit show and I hope they pull the plug on the rest. No need for another one of those

For me it boils down to this: one candidate is old as fuck and will probably be ineffective. The alternative acts like a 5 year old and is actively harming the country. Ineffective > harmful. Give me the old guy

Wake, I love this. Especially coming from a young-ish dude. This is exactly where the country needs to be right now. This is the "sane" position. I didn't watch, and I won't watch another one. Because the truth you just spit is the truth, and 1,4 or 8 debates ain't changing it.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-30, 05:49

kingstonlake wrote:I can’t stand trump. I know he’s a pathetic and pathological liar. The last thing I want is three debates with moderators getting to pissing matches with Trump. I can get all that I want watching a presidential briefing. Biden needs to put him in check. Call out his lies. I mean JFC if Biden’s even remotely been conscious the last four years, it shouldn’t be that hard.

For the record I was wrong. It was worse than one of his presidential briefings. For the life of me I can’t figure or why the media expects him to adhere to rules or stop being who he is.
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-30, 06:55

That whole thing was Trumps brand of chaos and you either love it or hate it. Outside of America the sentiment is they pity us and I think most Americans just want the embarrassment to end. Everyone attacked Pelosi as saying it was an awful thing to say (mostly men) that she wouldn’t dignify him with a debate. She was right and she knew. There’s going to be two more of these, and they can cut mics all they want it’s going to be a shit show as long as there is that clown on the stage.

Last, this showed he rejects all norms and is a sociopath so expect him not to leave, try to steal it.and his order to the proud boys was him threatening armed conflict.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-30, 07:01

I wasnt really expecting to watch much. I had said on here yesterday that the theater of it was intriguing but that it would mostly be boring. I had my favorite paint drying videos queued up on Youtube, but I couldn't look away from the insanity. I realized I was watching something historic.

On CNN, Jake Tapper's first thought was that it was "a hot mess inside a dumpster fire in a trainwreck". Dana Bash said "it was a shit show".

Hard to disagree with those takes. It wasnt a debate by any stretch of the imagination. It was an argument.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-30, 07:02

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:

And you want to task him with fact checking on top of not being able to manage a debate. Bold strategy.....

Sorry let me back track for you and say that we should start with more competent people than the only semi sane person Fox News can vomit up from their bile hole then we should have them do some extremely basic fact checking in addition their very simple duties yes I do not think that is too much to ask

Wallace at times was literally yelling at the Preaident of the United States to stop and be quiet. There aren't many people that would do that, let alone be effective (just look at Wallace's one on one interview with Trump compared to others).

But I will say that he waited too long to really try to stop it. Since you're a soccer fan, you'll get this analogy, that it is like when a ref let's a lot of things go without issuing a yellow card, and then it becomes hard to start issuing them. So the game devolves to chaos.

If there are any more debates, for the sake of the American people, the mics need to be muted when they aren't talking. But that is a condition that both sides need to agree to and good luck with that.

Last edited by MiamiSpartan on 2020-09-30, 07:11; edited 1 time in total

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-30, 07:06

Cameron wrote:
InTenSity wrote:Anyone catch trump telling the proud boys to back off and stand by? He didn't miss speak. Voting for trump is voting for white supremacists.
He said back off and stand by, and then in the next sentence or two said something like "somebody's gotta do something." It was insane.

He didn't say back off, he said stand back. Back off might actually be interpreted as asking them to stop. The Proud Boys are celebrating. They've put the "Stand back and Stand By" on t shirts. They're all over social media giddy that the president gave them orders that they will be called upon to take care of antifa. Several of them are saying things like "we're ready when you are, sir".

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-30, 07:10

The Pantry wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:

I’m on board with the few pundits who’ve said this will be the last debate between them. And it should be.
Not on board to see if Biden can make it through two more debates? What a surprise.

This was not a debate, it was an argument. If that's how you roll, cool. But claiming a win? That's like a DB picking up a clear incomplete pass, while the refs are blowing the whistle, running it into the end zone, and claiming you scored a TD.

There's no winners there, just 320 million+ losers last night.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-30, 07:20

MiamiSpartan wrote:
The Pantry wrote:Not on board to see if Biden can make it through two more debates? What a surprise.

This was not a debate, it was an argument. If that's how you roll, cool. But claiming a win? That's like a DB picking up a clear incomplete pass, while the refs are blowing the whistle, running it into the end zone, and claiming you scored a TD.

There's no winners there, just 320 million+ losers last night.

Biden won the fact checking contest...the entire mail in voting segment by Trump was fact checked and found to be 99.9% horse shit.

Biden was the more adult of the two, he stood there more composed and his looking into the camera to talk directly to the American people I believe made the point we are better off with this guy. Trump looked like the Pistons in game four of their last series against Jordan’s bulls completely outclassed and desperately trying to commit dirty flagrant fouls to try to tip the game.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-30, 07:21

so how'd it go??

did y'all learn a lot?
Robert J Sakimano
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by DWags 2020-09-30, 07:21

MiamiSpartan wrote:
The Pantry wrote:Not on board to see if Biden can make it through two more debates? What a surprise.

This was not a debate, it was an argument. If that's how you roll, cool. But claiming a win? That's like a DB picking up a clear incomplete pass, while the refs are blowing the whistle, running it into the end zone, and claiming you scored a TD.

There's no winners there, just 320 million+ losers last night.

Not disagreeing at all. It was a complete shit show. I turned it off and watched old batman t.v. series for an hour and a half. However, I saw the highlights and the talking heads, I watched the focus groups. Even the knuckle draggers in Ohio had a hard time with Trump. America has spoken this morning, 60% think Biden did a better job, 28% think Trump did. And the proud boys comment, if that doesn't scare the hell out of you nothing will. This man is off the rails crazy and he has our nuclear codes.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-30, 07:43

Robert J Sakimano wrote:so how'd it go??

did y'all learn a lot?

We learned that America is a very stupid country.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-30, 07:45

steveschneider wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:so how'd it go??

did y'all learn a lot?

We learned that America is a very stupid country.
I swear, I feel like I've heard that somewhere before..

Robert J Sakimano
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-30, 07:46

I saw the clip where the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator refused to denounce white supremacists.

I'm old enough to remember when his supporters would argue with me when I called him a racist.
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-30, 07:59

after a review of mainstream media headlines and a few clips, as promised, here are my takeaways:

- the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator can't run on his record of hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, the worst economy since The Great Depression, etc., so this is another prong in his attempt to suppress the vote. Via chaos and an utter disrespect for each of us, he hopes that Americans will be so frustrated that we'll disengage from the process.

- he's drug-addicted and mentally ill.

- the Commission on Presidential Debates (or whatever they're called) needs to suspend further debates. Apparently there are two left? Maybe have one be a townhall for Biden and one be a townhall for the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator.

- if America doesn't vote to put an end to this on November 3rd, our country is over. Everything that was once great about America will be dead. Forever.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-30, 08:11

Robert J Sakimano wrote:after a review of mainstream media headlines and a few clips, as promised, here are my takeaways:

- the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator can't run on his record of hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, the worst economy since The Great Depression, etc., so this is another prong in his attempt to suppress the vote. Via chaos and an utter disrespect for each of us, he hopes that Americans will be so frustrated that we'll disengage from the process.

- he's drug-addicted and mentally ill.

- the Commission on Presidential Debates (or whatever they're called) needs to suspend further debates. Apparently there are two left? Maybe have one be a townhall for Biden and one be a townhall for the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator.

- if America doesn't vote to put an end to this on November 3rd, our country is over. Everything that was once great about America will be dead. Forever.

You should have seen the undecided voters on cnn after the debate. The house is burning down and these idiots are stuck in neutral trying to figure a few things out.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-30, 08:29

steveschneider wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:after a review of mainstream media headlines and a few clips, as promised, here are my takeaways:

- the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator can't run on his record of hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, the worst economy since The Great Depression, etc., so this is another prong in his attempt to suppress the vote. Via chaos and an utter disrespect for each of us, he hopes that Americans will be so frustrated that we'll disengage from the process.

- he's drug-addicted and mentally ill.

- the Commission on Presidential Debates (or whatever they're called) needs to suspend further debates. Apparently there are two left? Maybe have one be a townhall for Biden and one be a townhall for the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator.

- if America doesn't vote to put an end to this on November 3rd, our country is over. Everything that was once great about America will be dead. Forever.

You should have seen the undecided voters on cnn after the debate. The house is burning down and these idiots are stuck in neutral trying to figure a few things out.
and we have a decades-long attack on education by the GOP to thank for this.
Robert J Sakimano
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by NigelUno 2020-09-30, 08:34

steveschneider wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:after a review of mainstream media headlines and a few clips, as promised, here are my takeaways:

- the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator can't run on his record of hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, the worst economy since The Great Depression, etc., so this is another prong in his attempt to suppress the vote. Via chaos and an utter disrespect for each of us, he hopes that Americans will be so frustrated that we'll disengage from the process.

- he's drug-addicted and mentally ill.

- the Commission on Presidential Debates (or whatever they're called) needs to suspend further debates. Apparently there are two left? Maybe have one be a townhall for Biden and one be a townhall for the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator.

- if America doesn't vote to put an end to this on November 3rd, our country is over. Everything that was once great about America will be dead. Forever.

You should have seen the undecided voters on cnn after the debate. The house is burning down and these idiots are stuck in neutral trying to figure a few things out.

Anyone undecided at this point is someone who voted for Trump last time, that's just trying to figure out if they can stomach voting for him again without throwing up.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-30, 08:35

DWags wrote:
MiamiSpartan wrote:

This was not a debate, it was an argument. If that's how you roll, cool. But claiming a win? That's like a DB picking up a clear incomplete pass, while the refs are blowing the whistle, running it into the end zone, and claiming you scored a TD.

There's no winners there, just 320 million+ losers last night.

Not disagreeing at all. It was a complete shit show. I turned it off and watched old batman t.v. series for an hour and a half. However, I saw the highlights and the talking heads, I watched the focus groups. Even the knuckle draggers in Ohio had a hard time with Trump. America has spoken this morning, 60% think Biden did a better job, 28% think Trump did. And the proud boys comment, if that doesn't scare the hell out of you nothing will. This man is off the rails crazy and he has our nuclear codes.

Yeah, I agree with all that. What I meant about 320 million losers is that this was an embarrassment for the country, and I'd love to hear how the Qanon Facebook groups blame that on Biden.

In terms of head to head, Trump came away looking far worse. It is hard to judge on debate performance, because it wasn't a debate. But Trump's tactics, interrupting, fighting with the moderator, etc. likely did not endear himself to voters. A few (his base) may like that, but I dont think that played well for most. A president that calls himself Mr Law and Order can't follow simple debate rules that he agreed to.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-30, 08:41

steveschneider wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:after a review of mainstream media headlines and a few clips, as promised, here are my takeaways:

- the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator can't run on his record of hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, the worst economy since The Great Depression, etc., so this is another prong in his attempt to suppress the vote. Via chaos and an utter disrespect for each of us, he hopes that Americans will be so frustrated that we'll disengage from the process.

- he's drug-addicted and mentally ill.

- the Commission on Presidential Debates (or whatever they're called) needs to suspend further debates. Apparently there are two left? Maybe have one be a townhall for Biden and one be a townhall for the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator.

- if America doesn't vote to put an end to this on November 3rd, our country is over. Everything that was once great about America will be dead. Forever.

You should have seen the undecided voters on cnn after the debate. The house is burning down and these idiots are stuck in neutral trying to figure a few things out.

The numpties in Ohio? Saw a little bit if that. One guy said about Biden calling Trump a clown, that it is out of line to speak like that about the commander in chief. Lol, wut? But that commander in chief calling a US Senator "pocahontas" in the same debate is ok?

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-30, 08:42

MiamiSpartan wrote:
DWags wrote:

Not disagreeing at all. It was a complete shit show. I turned it off and watched old batman t.v. series for an hour and a half. However, I saw the highlights and the talking heads, I watched the focus groups. Even the knuckle draggers in Ohio had a hard time with Trump. America has spoken this morning, 60% think Biden did a better job, 28% think Trump did. And the proud boys comment, if that doesn't scare the hell out of you nothing will. This man is off the rails crazy and he has our nuclear codes.

Yeah, I agree with all that. What I meant about 320 million losers is that this was an embarrassment for the country, and I'd love to hear how the Qanon Facebook groups blame that on Biden.

In terms of head to head, Trump came away looking far worse. It is hard to judge on debate performance, because it wasn't a debate. But Trump's tactics, interrupting, fighting with the moderator, etc. likely did not endear himself to voters. A few (his base) may like that, but I dont think that played well for most. A president that calls himself Mr Law and Order can't follow simple debate rules that he agreed to.
it's clear that he knows he's going to lose.. he isn't even trying to reach out to broaden his base. He's simply trying to sew up the disgusting, pathetic supporters who voted for him in 2016 while counting on the media, Russia, the USPS, and, ultimately, the courts to effectively 'award' him a victory.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-30, 08:59

NigelUno wrote:
steveschneider wrote:

You should have seen the undecided voters on cnn after the debate. The house is burning down and these idiots are stuck in neutral trying to figure a few things out.

Anyone undecided at this point is someone who voted for Trump last time, that's just trying to figure out if they can stomach voting for him again without throwing up.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-30, 09:32

All the talk about letting the moderator cut the mic get real. Trump will get his mic cut more (rightfully so) and the repubs will whine about media bias. Also, if Trump wants to turn it into a bar fight he still can.

Though Pelosi was right about the debates these are a win for Biden. He will be even more prepared next time and Trump will further damage himself. There will be two more and Biden will show up to both of them.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  - Page 4 Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2020-09-30, 09:36

The next debate is a town hall anyway. The president is free to talk over Biden while he answers a voters question and I’m pretty comfortable with letting him do that
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