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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Nordic 2017-12-13, 12:06

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:
Nordic wrote:I’ll expand on this LWS.

I fully believe that autonomous vehicles will be the springboard to the next big industrial revolution. Automation will drive our everyday life. In 20 years everything we do will be completely different.  From our jobs, to getting groceries, to money, to everyday life.  I don’t know the exact timing, but I will say that is coming faster and will be a bigger smack in the face than 90% of Americans realize. If you’re in your 20s and 30s and not planning on retiring in the next 20 years, you better be preparing yourself for this professionally.I plan on being retired. I’m getting too old to adapt at the level that will be required. But people will, we always do.

Anyway, cryptos are in line with my opinions on this. The tech behind it is what initially intrigued me. After doing more research, I became particularly drawn to ETH. It is more than just a crypto. ETH is what pushed me over the edge in investing in cyrptos. Though I’m pretty evenly invested in BTC, LTC & ETH. ETH has the potential to change B2B. Automate it. Note, I said potential. There are big risks.

I question whether these early adopters will be the right fit. Are they the ones to spark a revolution in how we do B2B and personal transaction? Or will it be some form of off-shoot that has not come along yet? I have no idea. There are 1000s of these things sprouting up, and there will be 1000xs more. They will not all survive.  When the dust settles, yes, I fully believe will be doing transactions with some form of crypto/blockchain technology.

90% of the investors (not the money) right now are in it for USD profits, not so they can buy milk with bitcoin in 2020. That kind of defeats the whole intent. It’s a commodity (sort of), not a currency right now. Once the allure of not being able to make USD or Euros or Yuan off crypto trading wears off, it will crash. The big question then is, will it rebound or never regain traction before something else comes along. The next 12 months will be interesting.

Cryptos are backed by the same thing paper currency is backed by. Nothing. BTC’s value right now is based what its perceived paper currency value is. USD isn’t backed by gold. BTC is currently basically backed by USD/Euro/Yuan. Insert Alanis Morissette song. Long-term it will need to be valued based on consumer faith that it is a currency and be somewhat stable, like the USD is now.

The decentralization aspect is what has drawn a lot of early “investors”. Fuck the man right?!? Right now this is a fringe group. Can this philosophy attract the masses?  Can we all unite globally? Hell, I hate my neighbors (j/k, they are cool...but hands off my bitcoin). As much as we bitch about the guberment infringing on my rights(!), people generally crave order and some semblance of a stabilizing force and backing (no matter how fake).

tTy’s opinions on cryptos are slightly different than mine. He sees currency chaos. I don’t necessarily agree or at least agree that it is a good thing. If tTy is correct and the value of the USD and other foreign currencies turn to shit, then we are all sitting on millions of $s worth of crypto (the fact that I keep converting back to $s is telling in and of itself). We are rich! But WTF are we going to buy? In order for the cryptos or gold or silver to go parabolic in tTys scenarios requires a colossal collapse of the US/world economy/currencies.  This is like having your buddy shot at you for a million dollars (errr bitcoin). Hopefully he hits you in the leg and not the face.

I fully appreciate tTy’s opinions. Definitely respect his passion about it. He could be right. I’m sure in some capacity he is. The world will be very different in 20 years. But we are coming at this from different directions investment wise. So yeah, I’m invested. Mainly because of the tech, but also maybe a bit of tTy chaos theory. But I also see lots of risks and managed my investments accordingly. I’m in it for the long haul or bust. Though I have been considering day trading it while the Facebook investors (I include myself in this group) are diving in head first.



Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 6GJo1

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by TheReal_LWS 2017-12-13, 13:05

Nordic, well thought out take. I am still not sure what cryptocurrency will become. I mean we've been moving toward a paperless currency for a while now and maybe the cryptos will be it. I think at some point there will be consolidation. tTy's point about chaos is true, but eventually the government will get involved (already talk of the Fed starting one) and think all of current ones will be folded into it.

On automation, you are right. But I have a prediction. Once these early adopter of autonomous vehicles have some high profile accidents with deaths involved, I think you will see a pull back. Anything above Level 3 autonomy will be highly scrutinized. But I believe Level 5 autonomy is still at least 20 years away. Maybe I will be wrong about this, but I also think at some point there will be a backlash against AI and autonomy. Kind of like what was explored in the story and movie I, Robot.

Regardless, you are right our lives will change drastically in 20-30 years much like they have in the last 20-30 years. Think about the photo counter at a store. Gone. Think about the music section at the store, almost gone. Think about the movie section at a store, very small.

Where cryptocurrency fits into all of this is yet to be determined. Will the U.S. dollar go away? Or will it become a cryptocurrency itself? Or will there become one global cryptocurrency? Lots of questions.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Nordic 2017-12-13, 13:17

TheReal_LWS wrote: but eventually the government will get involved .

This is bound to happen. Either the government or a big box corp. For the pure reason that I can't see them sitting on the sidelines and not monetizing it in someway. Which contradicts BTC's intent, but still.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by tTy 2017-12-14, 01:02

Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600


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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by tTy 2017-12-14, 01:05

Hmmmm, BTC down, BTH up to 1900...... Maybe this is the futures affect. If so, bring it..... But if the CBOE and CME start thinking bout getting into the ETH, LTC game, I'm out. I'll buy phyzz metal with my proceeds.... OR, just pay off my fucking house and buy a lambo.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by tTy 2017-12-14, 01:16

Nordy, if Chiner and the Ruskies can unseat the USD as the world reserve currency and issue something backed by gold that you can purchase oil with, game over for the USD. A gallon of milk will cost 25 bucks, or a hundred billionth of a bitcoin. It's in the works. The USD is going down. I'm not talking about ALL fiats dying, I'm talking about the USD dying. It is already dead, nobody realizes it though, there are WAY TOO MANY OF THEM...... WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-14, 08:31

tTy wrote:Nordy, if Chiner and the Ruskies can unseat the USD as the world reserve currency and issue something backed by gold that you can purchase oil with, game over for the USD. A gallon of milk will cost 25 bucks, or a hundred billionth of a bitcoin. It's in the works. The USD is going down. I'm not talking about ALL fiats dying, I'm talking about the USD dying. It is already dead, nobody realizes it though, there are WAY TOO MANY OF THEM...... WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538

Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by TheReal_LWS 2017-12-14, 08:36

tTy wrote:Hmmmm, BTC down, BTH up to 1900...... Maybe this is the futures affect. If so, bring it..... But if the CBOE and CME start thinking bout getting into the ETH, LTC game, I'm out. I'll buy phyzz metal with my proceeds.... OR, just pay off my fucking house and buy a lambo.
tTy wrote:Nordy, if Chiner and the Ruskies can unseat the USD as the world reserve currency and issue something backed by gold that you can purchase oil with, game over for the USD. A gallon of milk will cost 25 bucks, or a hundred billionth of a bitcoin. It's in the works. The USD is going down. I'm not talking about ALL fiats dying, I'm talking about the USD dying. It is already dead, nobody realizes it though, there are WAY TOO MANY OF THEM...... WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obviously the governments will try to hold onto fiats for dear life. But you may be right. The problem I see is that by time the fiats die the WAY TOO MANY OF THEM will apply to cryptos too.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by kingstonlake 2017-12-14, 09:21

So to cut this crypto thing into a real basic cliff notes type of thing.....

You're purely speculating on a stocks (crypto) growth and ability to maintain viability and transition into mainstream acceptance and usage as purchasing power?
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by TheReal_LWS 2017-12-14, 09:26

kingstonlake wrote:So to cut this crypto thing into a real basic cliff notes type of thing.....

You're purely speculating on a stocks (crypto) growth and ability to maintain viability and transition into mainstream acceptance and usage as purchasing power?

Pretty much. Like everything else in today's economies that isn't tangible, it boils down to people's outlook on the investment. Is it seen positively? Its value will rise. Is it seen negatively? Its value will fall.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-14, 09:26

kingstonlake wrote:So to cut this crypto thing into a real basic cliff notes type of thing.....

You're purely speculating on a stocks (crypto) growth and ability to maintain viability and transition into mainstream acceptance and usage as purchasing power?

I'm in it purely to make money. Cryptos definitely have a future but who knows what that will eventually look like when it becomes mainstream. I'm talking being able to use Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin... whatever to buy groceries with. That's a loooong way off in my opinion.

Regardless of that, I got in with a decent chunk of change back at the end of October. The run up have been very nice.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by kingstonlake 2017-12-14, 09:32

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:So to cut this crypto thing into a real basic cliff notes type of thing.....

You're purely speculating on a stocks (crypto) growth and ability to maintain viability and transition into mainstream acceptance and usage as purchasing power?

I'm in it purely to make money. Cryptos definitely have a future but who knows what that will eventually look like when it becomes mainstream. I'm talking being able to use Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin... whatever to buy groceries with. That's a loooong way off in my opinion.

Regardless of that, I got in with a decent chunk of change back at the end of October. The run up have been very nice.

So if you decided to sell off and....collect USD's?
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-14, 09:42

kingstonlake wrote:
Watch Out Pylon! wrote:

I'm in it purely to make money. Cryptos definitely have a future but who knows what that will eventually look like when it becomes mainstream. I'm talking being able to use Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin... whatever to buy groceries with. That's a loooong way off in my opinion.

Regardless of that, I got in with a decent chunk of change back at the end of October. The run up have been very nice.

So if you decided to sell off and....collect USD's?

I've been trading stocks tied to cryptos. BTSC, BTCS, SWRM, INTV. Currently I'm in GBTC. The crypto purists here will poop on me for not buying cryptos through Coinbase. But what I do get from buying these pink sheet stocks is immediate return on my investment and insurance that my "wallet" won't get hacked. You can do what Ty suggests and take your coins offline but fuck that. I keep an eye on trends throughout the day and sell off and buy back in every so often.

I've taken a big portion of what I've made and put them into more traditional mutual funds. If this trend keeps going on for a while I'll honestly be able to retire sooner than I was planning. Who knows though. The whole thing could collapse tomorrow. I still will have made some serious cash from what I've put into my safer investments.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by kingstonlake 2017-12-14, 09:57

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:

So if you decided to sell off and....collect USD's?

I've been trading stocks tied to cryptos. BTSC, BTCS, SWRM, INTV. Currently I'm in GBTC. The crypto purists here will poop on me for not buying cryptos through Coinbase. But what I do get from buying these pink sheet stocks is immediate return on my investment and insurance that my "wallet" won't get hacked. You can do what Ty suggests and take your coins offline but fuck that. I keep an eye on trends throughout the day and sell off and buy back in every so often.

I've taken a big portion of what I've made and put them into more traditional mutual funds. If this trend keeps going on for a while I'll honestly be able to retire sooner than I was planning. Who knows though. The whole thing could collapse tomorrow. I still will have made some serious cash from what I've put into my safer investments.

So you're transition your gains into purchases of traditional stocks/funds. You're able to purchase these stocks/funds with your crypto currencies?
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2017-12-14, 10:00

5dimes uses bitcoin i think
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by kingstonlake 2017-12-14, 10:06

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:5dimes uses bitcoin i think

Bovada as well.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-14, 10:13

kingstonlake wrote:
Watch Out Pylon! wrote:

I've been trading stocks tied to cryptos. BTSC, BTCS, SWRM, INTV. Currently I'm in GBTC. The crypto purists here will poop on me for not buying cryptos through Coinbase. But what I do get from buying these pink sheet stocks is immediate return on my investment and insurance that my "wallet" won't get hacked. You can do what Ty suggests and take your coins offline but fuck that. I keep an eye on trends throughout the day and sell off and buy back in every so often.

I've taken a big portion of what I've made and put them into more traditional mutual funds. If this trend keeps going on for a while I'll honestly be able to retire sooner than I was planning. Who knows though. The whole thing could collapse tomorrow. I still will have made some serious cash from what I've put into my safer investments.

So you're transition your gains into purchases of traditional stocks/funds.  You're able to purchase these stocks/funds with your crypto currencies?  

Not quite. The initial money came from the aforementioned mutual funds I talked about. I own stocks that deal in cryptos. I have never owned a bitcoin. Take GBTC for example. It is supposed to track bitcoin at .091% per share with a certain "premium" added to it. I won't go into specifics of this premium just to keep things simple. I've been doing pretty well with this one. I just sold of my shares at the opening bell this morning because it was in the green yesterday while Bitcoin lost a bit and still hasn't gained it back this morning. Sure enough, after an initial uptick it's in the red so far today. It's not rocket science, I'm just following trends.

Where I made a shit ton of money was in my initial investment of BTSC. This was a shady stock where one guy was using 4 bitcoin miners, but whatever I saw what it has done previously and figured it would spike again. I bought in at .06. It got up to .63 and crashed back to .15. I got out at .37. Still a 600%+ ROI in just over a month. Not too fucking bad.

Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Trends10

This is the list of today's gains/losses so far of what I'm following. Everything is dipping. I'll buy back in soon as long as bitcoin isn't tanking, which it isn't right now. Again, not rocket science. Just following trends.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by kingstonlake 2017-12-14, 10:19

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:

So you're transition your gains into purchases of traditional stocks/funds.  You're able to purchase these stocks/funds with your crypto currencies?  

Not quite. The initial money came from the aforementioned mutual funds I talked about. I own stocks that deal in cryptos. I have never owned a bitcoin. Take GBTC for example. It is supposed to track bitcoin at .091% per share with a certain "premium" added to it. I won't go into specifics of this premium just to keep things simple. I've been doing pretty well with this one. I just sold of my shares at the opening bell this morning because it was in the green yesterday while Bitcoin lost a bit and still hasn't gained it back this morning. Sure enough, after an initial uptick it's in the red so far today. It's not rocket science, I'm just following trends.

Where I made a shit ton of money was in my initial investment of BTSC. This was a shady stock where one guy was using 4 bitcoin miners, but whatever I saw what it has done previously and figured it would spike again. I bought in at .06. It got up to .63 and crashed back to .15. I got out at .37. Still a 600%+ ROI in just over a month. Not too fucking bad.

Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Trends10

This is the list of today's gains/losses so far of what I'm following. Everything is dipping. I'll buy back in soon as long as bitcoin isn't tanking, which is isn't right now. Again, not rocket science. Just following trends.

I see. you're dabbling in stocks with crypto attached. not the crypto itself.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-14, 10:22

kingstonlake wrote:
Watch Out Pylon! wrote:

Not quite. The initial money came from the aforementioned mutual funds I talked about. I own stocks that deal in cryptos. I have never owned a bitcoin. Take GBTC for example. It is supposed to track bitcoin at .091% per share with a certain "premium" added to it. I won't go into specifics of this premium just to keep things simple. I've been doing pretty well with this one. I just sold of my shares at the opening bell this morning because it was in the green yesterday while Bitcoin lost a bit and still hasn't gained it back this morning. Sure enough, after an initial uptick it's in the red so far today. It's not rocket science, I'm just following trends.

Where I made a shit ton of money was in my initial investment of BTSC. This was a shady stock where one guy was using 4 bitcoin miners, but whatever I saw what it has done previously and figured it would spike again. I bought in at .06. It got up to .63 and crashed back to .15. I got out at .37. Still a 600%+ ROI in just over a month. Not too fucking bad.

Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Trends10

This is the list of today's gains/losses so far of what I'm following. Everything is dipping. I'll buy back in soon as long as bitcoin isn't tanking, which is isn't right now. Again, not rocket science. Just following trends.

I see. you're dabbling in stocks with crypto attached. not the crypto itself.

Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-14, 10:44

kingstonlake wrote:
Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:5dimes uses bitcoin i think

Bovada as well.

Question for you guys that do own bitcoin. Have you actually used any of it to buy anything with? Let's say you did at the beginning of the year when bitcoin was valued at roughly $1000. Was your purchasing power back then 1/16th of what it is today?
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by TheReal_LWS 2017-12-14, 10:53

Bloody day so far for cryptos.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by kingstonlake 2017-12-14, 11:28

TheReal_LWS wrote:Bloody day so far for cryptos.

Media putting out some fear mongering.....
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by InTenSity 2017-12-14, 11:34

I'm ready to buy again when ETH hits $500.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-14, 11:41

kingstonlake wrote:
TheReal_LWS wrote:Bloody day so far for cryptos.

Media putting out some fear mongering.....
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2017-12-14, 12:13

When should i buy litecoin bros
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Tim Wakefield 2017-12-14, 12:17

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:When should i buy litecoin bros

< 300 USD seems like a good spot. But i have a weird feeling it's gonna crash.* I took out my initial investment so it's all profit from here, but i'm considering cashing it all out while it's worth something

*I've been wrong about everything crypto-related so far though so don't listen to me Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600
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Tim Wakefield

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by steveschneider 2017-12-14, 12:31

Off topic, but does anyone feel that confident in the market right now? I've moved out of most of my equities and have cash sitting on the side. Market looks so top heavy to me it seems like it's going to come down in the next couple of years. I guess it has room to run.

Any values out there you guys are looking at?

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Guest 2017-12-14, 12:35

steveschneider wrote:Off topic, but does anyone feel that confident in the market right now? I've moved out of most of my equities and have cash sitting on the side. Market looks so top heavy to me it seems like it's going to come down in the next couple of years. I guess it has room to run.

Any values out there you guys are looking at?

Pioneer Aviation.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by InTenSity 2017-12-14, 12:36

I've been expecting something similar to happen as 2013. That is when I heard about BTC. It rallied to $1200 or something like that, within a month it had crashed to $500 and in that year down to $200. I bought a little bit here and there, but didn't really trust it. Again when it hit $1200 people were saying it could go to $10k, so seemed like a good time to get in.
Here is my guess. I bought some LTC last weekend, it isn't available to me until tomorrow, during that time I've so far doubled the little bit I put in. I would expect a crash to happen over the weekend or next week. This stuff keeps coming back. If you are messing around with rent $$, get out now. If you are messing around with play $$, buy and hold, or play around with it.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Tim Wakefield 2017-12-14, 13:16

InTenSity wrote:I've been expecting something similar to happen as 2013. That is when I heard about BTC. It rallied to $1200 or something like that, within a month it had crashed to $500 and in that year down to $200. I bought a little bit here and there, but didn't really trust it. Again when it hit $1200 people were saying it could go to $10k, so seemed like a good time to get in.
Here is my guess. I bought some LTC last weekend, it isn't available to me until tomorrow, during that time I've so far doubled the little bit I put in. I would expect a crash to happen over the weekend or next week. This stuff keeps coming back. If you are messing around with rent $$, get out now. If you are messing around with play $$, buy and hold, or play around with it.

Went onto r/Bitcoin to do some research and found this post: LINK

I'm spooked. I'm also a skeptic who doesn't know shit about this stuff. I'll take my 300% profit from two weeks ago and be happy. I hope it keeps going up for you guys, though. I'll still be an interested observer.
Tim Wakefield
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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-14, 13:59

Tim Wakefield wrote:
InTenSity wrote:I've been expecting something similar to happen as 2013. That is when I heard about BTC. It rallied to $1200 or something like that, within a month it had crashed to $500 and in that year down to $200. I bought a little bit here and there, but didn't really trust it. Again when it hit $1200 people were saying it could go to $10k, so seemed like a good time to get in.
Here is my guess. I bought some LTC last weekend, it isn't available to me until tomorrow, during that time I've so far doubled the little bit I put in. I would expect a crash to happen over the weekend or next week. This stuff keeps coming back. If you are messing around with rent $$, get out now. If you are messing around with play $$, buy and hold, or play around with it.

Went onto r/Bitcoin to do some research and found this post: LINK

I'm spooked. I'm also a skeptic who doesn't know shit about this stuff. I'll take my 300% profit from two weeks ago and be happy. I hope it keeps going up for you guys, though. I'll still be an interested observer.

God damn fucking Silkroad. By 2017 standards I have spent over a million US dollars on drugs at this point. Should have just kept my coins. I remember back when you could spend 3 or 4 entire bitcoins on a bag of weed or some primo acid via DNM. I EVEN BOUGHT A PIZZA WITH A BITCOIN IN EARLY 2010 WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING?!?!

This is what I'm getting at with my question earlier. With how much bitcoin is fluctuating these days it seems really dumb to use it as an actual currency. The dude in the quote paid $16,500 for a fucking pizza. That's insane.

Speculation only of cryptocurrencies is not sustainable and is pretty much a textbook definition of a bubble. And with the volatility of cryptos intrinsic value at the moment most everyone is staying the fuck away from accepting it as payment.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Guest 2017-12-14, 14:30

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
Tim Wakefield wrote:

Went onto r/Bitcoin to do some research and found this post: LINK

I'm spooked. I'm also a skeptic who doesn't know shit about this stuff. I'll take my 300% profit from two weeks ago and be happy. I hope it keeps going up for you guys, though. I'll still be an interested observer.

God damn fucking Silkroad. By 2017 standards I have spent over a million US dollars on drugs at this point. Should have just kept my coins. I remember back when you could spend 3 or 4 entire bitcoins on a bag of weed or some primo acid via DNM. I EVEN BOUGHT A PIZZA WITH A BITCOIN IN EARLY 2010 WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING?!?!

This is what I'm getting at with my question earlier. With how much bitcoin is fluctuating these days it seems really dumb to use it as an actual currency. The dude in the quote paid $16,500 for a fucking pizza. That's insane.

Speculation only of cryptocurrencies is not sustainable and is pretty much a textbook definition of a bubble. And with the volatility of cryptos intrinsic value at the moment most everyone is staying the fuck away from accepting it as payment.

That's one way to look at things but it's applicable to anyone that was in early on anything. The Microsoft, Amazon and Google employees that sold stock to buy cars, etc. There are plenty of people on the other side of that equation - that held stock thinking it was going sky high and ended up with toilet paper.

The most well known case is Ronald Wayne - sold his share of Apple to Jobs for $800 in 1976, now worth $35 Billion or so. Think he goes back to every ball point pen he bought in 1976 and values it at $22M?

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-14, 14:43

LooseGoose wrote:
Watch Out Pylon! wrote:

This is what I'm getting at with my question earlier. With how much bitcoin is fluctuating these days it seems really dumb to use it as an actual currency. The dude in the quote paid $16,500 for a fucking pizza. That's insane.

Speculation only of cryptocurrencies is not sustainable and is pretty much a textbook definition of a bubble. And with the volatility of cryptos intrinsic value at the moment most everyone is staying the fuck away from accepting it as payment.

That's one way to look at things but it's applicable to anyone that was in early on anything.   The Microsoft, Amazon and Google employees that sold stock to buy cars, etc.   There are plenty of people on the other side of that equation - that held stock thinking it was going sky high and ended up with toilet paper.  

The most well known case is Ronald Wayne - sold his share of Apple to Jobs for $800 in 1976, now worth $35 Billion or so.   Think he goes back to every ball point pen he bought in 1976 and values it at $22M?

Yeah, but the big difference is those companies made things or provided services. Cryptocurrencies are supposed to be um... currency. Who is currently accepting bitcoin as payment? Another issue is the realtime transaction aspect of cryptos. Watch this video. Would you trust someone behind a Subway counter to walk you through how to pay for a sub? I sure as shit wouldn't. Cryptos need to get on a card reading system or something just as easy before they can go mainstream.

So, Subway is one company that accepts bitcoin. I wonder how much that dude paid for his sub with today's bitcoin value?

Edit: Just caught the end of the video where it shows how much he spent. He paid $667 for that sub. Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2017-12-14, 14:58

Gambling websites take cryptos pylon
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by steveschneider 2017-12-14, 15:08

InTenSity wrote:I've been expecting something similar to happen as 2013. That is when I heard about BTC. It rallied to $1200 or something like that, within a month it had crashed to $500 and in that year down to $200. I bought a little bit here and there, but didn't really trust it. Again when it hit $1200 people were saying it could go to $10k, so seemed like a good time to get in.
Here is my guess. I bought some LTC last weekend, it isn't available to me until tomorrow, during that time I've so far doubled the little bit I put in. I would expect a crash to happen over the weekend or next week. This stuff keeps coming back. If you are messing around with rent $$, get out now. If you are messing around with play $$, buy and hold, or play around with it.

I'm probably just going to play it conservative next year and put my money in a few index funds or something like that. I think the bull still has legs, but this wild run can't go on forever.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by tTy 2017-12-15, 01:23

Watch Out Pylon! wrote:
tTy wrote:Nordy, if Chiner and the Ruskies can unseat the USD as the world reserve currency and issue something backed by gold that you can purchase oil with, game over for the USD. A gallon of milk will cost 25 bucks, or a hundred billionth of a bitcoin. It's in the works. The USD is going down. I'm not talking about ALL fiats dying, I'm talking about the USD dying. It is already dead, nobody realizes it though, there are WAY TOO MANY OF THEM...... WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538

Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600

You don't think this is a thing? You might want to do a little research.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2017-12-15, 01:39

Is Coinbase’s fee 1.49 or 4%?
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-15, 08:33

Gonna be a good day today.
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Watch Out Pylon! 2017-12-15, 08:33

tTy wrote:
Watch Out Pylon! wrote:

Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538 Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 1550444538

Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 502811600

You don't think this is a thing? You might want to do a little research.

Do you have your bunker fully stocked?
Watch Out Pylon!
Watch Out Pylon!

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

Post by Nordic 2017-12-15, 09:25

steveschneider wrote:Off topic, but does anyone feel that confident in the market right now? I've moved out of most of my equities and have cash sitting on the side. Market looks so top heavy to me it seems like it's going to come down in the next couple of years. I guess it has room to run.

Any values out there you guys are looking at?

I don't know shit about investing. I have two guys that handle my main investments. Neither have invested recent deposits (monthly auto deducts) in the market and holding it in cash right now. FWIW.

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Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask) - Page 10 Empty Re: Introducing Ethereum (Bitcoin but better...or worse...depends on who you ask)

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