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The political hodge podge thread

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by DWags 2017-01-24, 14:43

LooseGoose wrote:Think she'll get fired?

Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take 'a bullet' for Trump

Smart girl. But if she said that, she needs to be fired.


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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-01-24, 15:02

LooseGoose wrote:Think she'll get fired?

Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take 'a bullet' for Trump
she sound very pro-life.... The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 3493939353
Robert J Sakimano
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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Floyd Robertson 2017-01-24, 15:10

RIP to da EPA

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-24, 15:52

DWags wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:Think she'll get fired?

Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take 'a bullet' for Trump

Smart girl. But if she said that, she needs to be fired.

She had it posted to her Facebook for 2-3 days.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-24, 15:54

Floyd Robertson wrote:RIP to da EPA

The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 C29fcX2XUAIQQzd

I'd like to have the executives at the EPA held to the same standard they hold private businesses to.

EPA spill: 'The magnitude of it, you can't even describe it'

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Cameron 2017-01-24, 19:01

Secret Service lady needs to learn how to manage facebook privacy settings. Not that difficult. Seems like she has done plenty to earn some sort of discipline, seems to be a repeat social media offender. Even acknowledged the rule she was breaking in one of the posts, so she can't claim ignorance either.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-24, 21:49

And the next time someone tells you that Planned Parenthood provides neo-natal care.....or for that matter the next time they claim they do.


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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Cameron 2017-01-24, 22:19

LooseGoose wrote:And the next time someone tells you that Planned Parenthood provides neo-natal care.....or for that matter the next time they claim they do.

Interesting. I was given to understand that abortion makes up only a small percentage of what Planned Parenthood does. The video was obviously put together by someone with an agenda, so I'm reticent to take it at face value. It wouldn't be the first video that has faked footage and/or audio. It also could be that whoever made this video chose to call Planned Parenthood centers knowing in advance that the chosen centers were some of those that do not offer prenatal care (I'm assuming every service that the organization offers is not offered at every location).

For me personally, I need to know what the truth is before I can actually decide what, if anything, I think ought to be done about it. This article I'm sure doesn't paint a complete picture, but it has helped me fill in some gaps:

Some excerpts...

Out of the 10.6 million services, 327,653 of them were abortion procedures — which leads us to the Planned Parenthood figure.

While each service is listed separately, many clients received multiple services. A woman may get a pregnancy test, birth control and a pap smear, but she would be counted three times, once for each service, in the annual report.

SBA List, which opposes abortion rights, arrives at its 94 percent figure by comparing abortions to two other categories of services that are provided to pregnant patients — or “pregnancy services.”

Recall the earlier breakdown of Planned Parenthood’s services. SBA List compares abortions to the number of prenatal services (18,684) and adoption referrals to other agencies (1,880). Using this measure, abortions do account for 94 percent of the combined three categories.

But Planned Parenthood does not provide the number of pregnant clients it has in a year, or what services they received. So pregnant women may have come to the clinic to receive a service other than (or in addition to) an abortion, prenatal care or adoption referral — the only three services counted in SBA List’s criteria. SBA List also does not include 1.13 million pregnancy tests, a portion of which may be given to a pregnant woman.

Another way to calculate is by the number of total patients. Recall Planned Parenthood health centers saw 2.7 million patients (men and women) in 2013. If the 327,653 abortion procedures were given to individual patients, patients who received abortions would account for 12 percent of total patients.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by DWags 2017-01-24, 22:40

I'm sure you're wondering what the catch is. The answer is: there isn't one. Planned Parenthood is very clear about their mission. Here it is:

Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention: 80 percent of our patients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Page 29 of their 2014-15 annual report breaks this down into the following colorful chart, available to anyone with an internet connection:

Page 30 provides more detailed data: Prenatal visits accounted for 17,149 "clinical interactions" out of a total of 9,455,582. That's 0.18 percent of the total. I've added the blue sliver at the top to illustrate this.

In other words, Planned Parenthood doesn't pretend that prenatal care represents a big share of what they do. For the most part, they provide contraception, abortions, STD testing, and various screening services. The folks who ran this sting operation knew this perfectly well, and deliberately chose to call and ask about a service that very few clinics provide—all so they could get lots of "undercover" phone calls of Planned Parenthood receptionists turning them away when they asked for help. They could have saved themselves a lot of time by just sticking a camera in front of a couple of pages of Planned Parenthood's annual report.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Cameron 2017-01-24, 22:45

DWags wrote:
The folks who ran this sting operation knew this perfectly well, and deliberately chose to call and ask about a service that very few clinics provide—all so they could get lots of "undercover" phone calls of Planned Parenthood receptionists turning them away when they asked for help.

Boom. Called it.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Cameron 2017-01-24, 22:49

Also, DWags, being that this is the hodge podge thread, it would be the perfect spot for your discussion about the death penalty as it relates to abortion.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-25, 12:01

Cameron wrote:
Another way to calculate is by the number of total patients. Recall Planned Parenthood health centers saw 2.7 million patients (men and women) in 2013. If the 327,653 abortion procedures were given to individual patients, patients who received abortions would account for 12 percent of total patients.

Another way to calculate would be % of income. 86% of their non-government revenue. I'm sure many could argue that some one way or another but it's their main driver.

We Figured Out the Source of the Disputed '86%' Figure From Yesterday's Planned Parenthood Hearing

Thus, while 41% of Planned Parenthood's total revenue is from government grants and reimbursements, using the numbers from Lummis, another 25% of its total revenue — $262 million — is from abortion. That means the remaining 34% of total revenue comes from other services and donations, according to its calculations.

Richards did not challenge the figure that 86% of Planned Parenthood's non-government health services revenue comes from abortion during the hearing. Representatives from Planned Parenthood did not return IJ's request for comment if the figure was accurate.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-25, 12:04

DWags wrote:In other words, Planned Parenthood doesn't pretend that prenatal care represents a big share of what they do. For the most part, they provide contraception, abortions, STD testing, and various screening services. The folks who ran this sting operation knew this perfectly well, and deliberately chose to call and ask about a service that very few clinics provide—all so they could get lots of "undercover" phone calls of Planned Parenthood receptionists turning them away when they asked for help. They could have saved themselves a lot of time by just sticking a camera in front of a couple of pages of Planned Parenthood's annual report.

Wags? We can agree they were running a "gotcha" sting. So we agree there. What we disagree is about PP pretending. Review the speeches they give to the public where they DO emphasize their pre-natal care. Of course that plays well in Peoria so they say it. The truth is they don't do it.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Cameron 2017-01-25, 12:40

LooseGoosei wrote:

Another way to calculate would be % of income.   86% of their non-government revenue.  I'm sure many could argue that some one way or another but it's their main driver.

We Figured Out the Source of the Disputed '86%' Figure From Yesterday's Planned Parenthood Hearing

Thus, while 41% of Planned Parenthood's total revenue is from government grants and reimbursements, using the numbers from Lummis, another 25% of its total revenue — $262 million — is from abortion. That means the remaining 34% of total revenue comes from other services and donations, according to its calculations.

Richards did not challenge the figure that 86% of Planned Parenthood's non-government health services revenue comes from abortion during the hearing. Representatives from Planned Parenthood did not return IJ's request for comment if the figure was accurate.
86% of their non-government revenue, but 25% of the total. Just makes up such a high percent of the non-government revenue because the government can't pay for abortions, not the case with other procedures.

Regardless, the WaPo link had all sorts of numbers and other sources have plenty more, I'm not surprised you picked one of the highest ones you could find. Might as well stick with 94%, Goose. That number isn't wrong, just misleading, and it supports your side.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-01-25, 12:46

I'm gonna wait and see what that republican who makes the edited videos to make people look bad.. and seems to get arrested every other week for it.. has to say about the situation.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by xsanguine 2017-01-25, 13:01

Like this one, Bob?


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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by NigelUno 2017-01-25, 13:02

LooseGoose wrote:
Floyd Robertson wrote:RIP to da EPA

The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 C29fcX2XUAIQQzd

I'd like to have the executives at the EPA held to the same standard they hold private businesses to.

EPA spill: 'The magnitude of it, you can't even describe it'

Meaning what?

Don't pollute the water? Do you think there's a different standard?


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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Other Teams Pursuing That 2017-01-25, 14:46

Does the biggest blind republican on this board still claim to not be a republican?

The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 502811600 The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 502811600
Other Teams Pursuing That
Other Teams Pursuing That

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by DWags 2017-01-25, 15:07

Goose, piece of shit people who try to put a stupid "sting" on a great organization and who only had to look at PP very public very open books yearly, then publish this on youtube or whatever, basically trying to get a bunch of ignorant people from their echo chamber to re publish it like PP is doing something illegal are basically scum of the earth. I know, I know they're christians. Lord forbid Lady Gaga grab her on genitals, while these lying pieces of shit do all kinds immoral crap to incite the deplorables.

If I seem to be overly critical, I don't mean to be. I can't stand pieces of shit liars, or hypocrites. It's a sore spot with me. One of the reasons I think maybe I'm still married to a tree hugging hippy is because I learned a quarter century ago, just fucking tell the truth. Be honest, do things the right way. I''m sure these people will get their way, and they'll leave the people who really do something for the women seeking abortions to fit for themselves. Which they will, because that's who they are. Cool fucking people.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-01-25, 15:20

DWags wrote:Goose, piece of shit people who try to put a stupid "sting" on a great organization and who only had to look at PP very public very open books yearly, then publish this on youtube or whatever, basically trying to get a bunch of ignorant people from their echo chamber to re publish it like PP is doing something illegal are basically scum of the earth. I know, I know they're christians. Lord forbid Lady Gaga grab her on genitals, while these lying pieces of shit do all kinds immoral crap to incite the deplorables.

If I seem to be overly critical, I don't mean to be. I can't stand pieces of shit liars, or hypocrites. It's a sore spot with me. One of the reasons I think maybe I'm still married to a tree hugging hippy is because I learned a quarter century ago, just fucking tell the truth. Be honest, do things the right way. I''m sure these people will get their way, and they'll leave the people who really do something for the women seeking abortions to fit for themselves. Which they will, because that's who they are. Cool fucking people.
you don't seem near as angry as Goose does.

Don't get me wrong.. I don't have a problem with Goose. He just seems easily agitated.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by DWags 2017-01-25, 15:26

I get agitated over this. Lady pretty close to me puts her soul into a lot of this. Just see on a personal level shit a lot of these assholes don't. I have to let it go. "walk a mile in their shoes type shit".

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-01-25, 15:31

DWags wrote:I get agitated over this. Lady pretty close to me puts her soul into a lot of this. Just see on a personal level shit a lot of these assholes don't. I have to let it go. "walk a mile in their shoes type shit".
I hear ya.. I see it every day, as well - in one fashion or another.
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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-25, 18:21

DWags wrote:Goose, piece of shit people who try to put a stupid "sting" on a great organization and who only had to look at PP very public very open books yearly, then publish this on youtube or whatever, basically trying to get a bunch of ignorant people from their echo chamber to re publish it like PP is doing something illegal are basically scum of the earth. I know, I know they're christians. Lord forbid Lady Gaga grab her on genitals, while these lying pieces of shit do all kinds immoral crap to incite the deplorables.

If I seem to be overly critical, I don't mean to be. I can't stand pieces of shit liars, or hypocrites. It's a sore spot with me. One of the reasons I think maybe I'm still married to a tree hugging hippy is because I learned a quarter century ago, just fucking tell the truth. Be honest, do things the right way. I''m sure these people will get their way, and they'll leave the people who really do something for the women seeking abortions to fit for themselves. Which they will, because that's who they are. Cool fucking people.

Abortions must be polling really badly right now, PP is advertising preventing them now.

Although with 400 views they're not pushing it too hard.


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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-25, 18:21

Other Teams Pursuing That wrote:Does the biggest blind republican on this board still claim to not be a republican?

The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 502811600 The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 502811600

Which position that the Republican party disagrees with convinced you?

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-25, 18:23

DWags wrote:Goose, piece of shit people who try to put a stupid "sting" on a great organization

You mean the same piece of shit people that exposed PP for selling fetal body parts for profit? The same ones that law enforcement in DC just credited with stopping an attack on the Metro?? Yeah, they're bad people.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-25, 18:24

Robert J Sakimano wrote:you don't seem near as angry as Goose does.

Bob darling? Are you sure you've been reading Wag's messages?

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by xsanguine 2017-01-25, 18:38

DWags wrote:I get agitated over this. Lady pretty close to me puts her soul into a lot of this. Just see on a personal level shit a lot of these assholes don't. I have to let it go. "walk a mile in their shoes type shit".

You have seemed quite agitated the last few days... figured something had "inspired" it.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by DWags 2017-01-25, 20:03

LooseGoose wrote:
DWags wrote:Goose, piece of shit people who try to put a stupid "sting" on a great organization

You mean the same piece of shit people that exposed PP for selling fetal body parts for profit? The same ones that law enforcement in DC just credited with stopping an attack on the Metro?? Yeah, they're bad people.
Is that true? Is that true?

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-25, 20:30

One of the more upbeat articles I ve seen.

Trump’s White House Charm Offensive a Contrast to Solitary Obama

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-25, 20:33

DWags wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:

You mean the same piece of shit people that exposed PP for selling fetal body parts for profit? The same ones that law enforcement in DC just credited with stopping an attack on the Metro?? Yeah, they're bad people.
Is that true? Is that true?

Well Wags I'm not sure NPR is a neutral party here. It's all in how you frame the "sale". See they were allowed to charge their "costs" for obtaining the tissue then it wasn't a sale. So for example they could deliver a brain to someone for $500 and claim it cost them the $500 to extract the brain and that wasn't a "SALE".

So you go ahead and comfort yourself all you want. The fact is they were charging exorbitant fees to "obtain" fetal tissue. They only collected those fees when they delivered such tissue. In any other circumstance that would be a sale.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by GRR Spartan 2017-01-25, 20:43

Small government Goose wanting to  take away choices from the child brearing females in the US.

But what the fuck.  Goose is a guy living in Oscoda County.  Why the hell should he care if any woman loses any rights.

The Secret Service agent needs to resign. I have no doubt there were agents who shared the same view about JFK and many other Presidents regardless of political party. The differnce for those before 2004 was there was no Facebook and people kept those thought to themselves

Last edited by GRR Spartan on 2017-01-25, 20:49; edited 1 time in total
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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by DWags 2017-01-25, 20:45

LooseGoose wrote:
DWags wrote:Is that true? Is that true?

Well Wags I'm not sure NPR is a neutral party here. It's all in how you frame the "sale". See they were allowed to charge their "costs" for obtaining the tissue then it wasn't a sale. So for example they could deliver a brain to someone for $500 and claim it cost them the $500 to extract the brain and that wasn't a "SALE".

So you go ahead and comfort yourself all you want. The fact is they were charging exorbitant fees to "obtain" fetal tissue. They only collected those fees when they delivered such tissue. In any other circumstance that would be a sale.

What source did you use?

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Guest 2017-01-25, 22:18

DWags wrote:
LooseGoose wrote:

Well Wags I'm not sure NPR is a neutral party here. It's all in how you frame the "sale". See they were allowed to charge their "costs" for obtaining the tissue then it wasn't a sale. So for example they could deliver a brain to someone for $500 and claim it cost them the $500 to extract the brain and that wasn't a "SALE".

So you go ahead and comfort yourself all you want. The fact is they were charging exorbitant fees to "obtain" fetal tissue. They only collected those fees when they delivered such tissue. In any other circumstance that would be a sale.

What source did you use?

I'll dig up more info tomorrow. I'm heading for bed right now, just came in to post an article for Cameron.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by I.B. Fine 2017-01-26, 13:58

Here is an interesting headline
Federal judge: Ohio's three-drug death penalty cocktail poses 'substantial risk of serious harm'
um, duh!
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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by DWags 2017-01-26, 14:00

LooseGoose wrote:
DWags wrote:

What source did you use?

I'll dig up more info tomorrow. I'm heading for bed right now, just came in to post an article for Cameron.

I googled it. I know the source.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by xsanguine 2017-01-26, 15:44

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Like cold gravy...

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by xsanguine 2017-01-26, 15:46

Virtue signalling is quite the trend these days...

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2017-01-26, 15:49

xsanguine wrote:

Virtue signalling is quite the trend these days...
white people got us where we are.. so I'm cool with it.
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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by DWags 2017-01-26, 15:56

xsanguine wrote:

Virtue signalling is quite the trend these days...

She's as crazy as Trump.

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The political hodge podge thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The political hodge podge thread

Post by I.B. Fine 2017-01-26, 17:02

I find it amusing how frightened the Democratic Party is about possibly losing their monolithic lock on black voters.
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