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Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains

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Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains Empty Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains

Post by Trapper Gus 2024-01-31, 08:19

Wait, I thought it was Bill Gates doing this, not some right-wing wacko like Elon.

Seriously, all the noise about this is because of his name.

There has been US Government funded research (yes, Elon using our money once again for his gain) on this for several years, and development has reached first experimental stages. There was a quadriplegic who had a device attached to her brain in Pittsburg who was able to control a mechanical arm with it.
Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

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Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains Empty Re: Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains

Post by Zurn 2024-01-31, 08:23

Vaguely familiar with neuralink.

Don't be mad at Elon for "using our money". It is your government that is granting it to him. Contact your Senators and Congressperson and tell them to stop the funding if that is your desire.

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Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains Empty Re: Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains

Post by Trapper Gus 2024-01-31, 08:32

Zurn wrote:Vaguely familiar with neuralink.

Don't be mad at Elon for "using our money".   It is your government that is granting it to him.  Contact your Senators and Congressperson and tell them to stop the funding if that is your desire.  

Oh, I'm not made are Elon for the tech advances he takes advantage of, just for his fucking tax evasion on the taxes he owns the country which has created all these opportunities for him.  He should show some gratitude for all these opportunities.
Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

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Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains Empty Re: Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains

Post by Zurn 2024-01-31, 08:35

Trapper Gus wrote: his fucking tax evasion on the taxes he owns the country

You should let the FBI or IRS or somebody know about this. I'm outraged!

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Location : First to 100 in tSwill 2023 Pickem'

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Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains Empty Re: Elon Musk Taking Over People's Brains

Post by Trapper Gus 2024-01-31, 09:33

Zurn wrote:
Trapper Gus wrote: his fucking tax evasion on the taxes he owns the country

You should let the FBI or IRS or somebody know about this.   I'm outraged!

So, you support increasing funding the IRS and are voting only for Democratic Candidates, like I do, which is the only thing we can do to try to take some control back from the "Elon Musks" of this world, glad to know that.

It would be nice if Musk would accept his moral responsibilities and follow the Golden Rule which is at the center of most moral systems instead of being the complete morally corrupt person he has been, without being forced to do so via government force.
Trapper Gus
Trapper Gus

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Age : 70
Location : 40 Mile Point Lighthouse

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