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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-29, 11:33

this is where we can discuss how great of an orator the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator is.. how he has a keen ability to articulate even the most delicate of nuance to the American public in a highly effective manner not seen in modern political history.

we can also discuss how Joe Biden is suffering from early-mid stage dementia, is clearly failing cognitively and is ultimately just a (barely) walking advertisement for your local long term care/assisted living facility. If he manages to stay awake, it'll clearly be a victory of sorts for Team Biden.

I'm not going to watch this garbage, of course, but I'll peruse some headlines tomorrow and see how the mainstream media magnifies its predetermined agenda to spoon feed to it's loyal, yet incredibly naive and ignorant followers and keep them tuned in to the next mainstream media "made for TV" event.

tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  3493939353
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-29, 12:03

clicked on a CNN link.. this is what I got:

Most political pundits dismissed Trump heading into the 2016 debates, yet he came out swinging and, from my vantage point, caught Clinton off guard in each one.

Trump shepherded in an incredibly strong economy -- one which hit the lowest unemployment rate in a half-century in 2019, historically low unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics, and a soaring stock market.

It is my hope that Trump will remind American voters why he ran for president in the first place -- to fight for the men and women of this nation, the blue-collar families that have been forgotten time and time again by our national policymakers.

tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  502811600  tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  502811600

Caution: Mainstream Media Link
Robert J Sakimano
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Floyd Robertson 2020-09-29, 12:15

I read earlier that Chris Wallace (tonight's moderator) isn't going to be fact-checking in real-time, saying something like it's his job to be as invisible as possible during the debate.

Frankly, that's a copout, IMHO. Given Trump's penchant for lying (22,000+ and counting), for those undecideds who watch it, calling out his bullshit in real-time is more important than ever. They aren't going to go looking for the fact-checks later.
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-29, 12:23

Floyd Robertson wrote:I read earlier that Chris Wallace (tonight's moderator) isn't going to be fact-checking in real-time, saying something like it's his job to be as invisible as possible during the debate.

Frankly, that's a copout, IMHO. Given Trump's penchant for lying (22,000+ and counting), for those undecideds who watch it, calling out his bullshit in real-time is more important than ever. They aren't going to go looking for the fact-checks later.
agree.. it would be nice, but I stopped hoping a long time ago that the mainstream media would do their job. America is a very stupid country and, as such, we get what we deserve.

when a failed reality TV star who filed for bankruptcy 5 times is elected president simply because he makes disgusting racists feel better about their pathetic lives, we deserve the worst economy since The Great Depression and 250,000 Americans dead from the virus by Election Day.

I ain't saying it's right.. I'm just saying that it's the way it is. Maybe we can turn it around in 5 weeks, but I'm not overly confident.
Robert J Sakimano
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Floyd Robertson 2020-09-29, 12:31

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
Floyd Robertson wrote:I read earlier that Chris Wallace (tonight's moderator) isn't going to be fact-checking in real-time, saying something like it's his job to be as invisible as possible during the debate.

Frankly, that's a copout, IMHO. Given Trump's penchant for lying (22,000+ and counting), for those undecideds who watch it, calling out his bullshit in real-time is more important than ever. They aren't going to go looking for the fact-checks later.
agree.. it would be nice, but I stopped hoping a long time ago that the mainstream media would do their job. America is a very stupid country and, as such, we get what we deserve.

when a failed reality TV star who filed for bankruptcy 5 times is elected president simply because he makes disgusting racists feel better about their pathetic lives, we deserve the worst economy since The Great Depression and 250,000 Americans dead from the virus by Election Day.

I ain't saying it's right.. I'm just saying that it's the way it is. Maybe we can turn it around in 5 weeks, but I'm not overly confident.

The funny thing it, Wallace interviewed Trump a few weeks and called him out several times for bullshit answers. But somehow he thinks this setting is different and the press should let voters believe what they want/hear.
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-29, 12:37

Floyd Robertson wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
agree.. it would be nice, but I stopped hoping a long time ago that the mainstream media would do their job. America is a very stupid country and, as such, we get what we deserve.

when a failed reality TV star who filed for bankruptcy 5 times is elected president simply because he makes disgusting racists feel better about their pathetic lives, we deserve the worst economy since The Great Depression and 250,000 Americans dead from the virus by Election Day.

I ain't saying it's right.. I'm just saying that it's the way it is. Maybe we can turn it around in 5 weeks, but I'm not overly confident.

The funny thing it, Wallace interviewed Trump a few weeks and called him out several times for bullshit answers. But somehow he thinks this setting is different and the press should let voters believe what they want/hear.
just another reason of why the people who spend 90 minutes of their life watching this thing tonight will come away less informed than when they went in.

Robert J Sakimano
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2020-09-29, 12:55

Floyd Robertson wrote:I read earlier that Chris Wallace (tonight's moderator) isn't going to be fact-checking in real-time, saying something like it's his job to be as invisible as possible during the debate.

Frankly, that's a copout, IMHO. Given Trump's penchant for lying (22,000+ and counting), for those undecideds who watch it, calling out his bullshit in real-time is more important than ever. They aren't going to go looking for the fact-checks later.

That’s a pretty asinine opinion of what a moderators job is. If that’s all they were there for then we could just print the questions on huge cue cards and have someone hold them up.
Travis of the Cosmos
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-29, 13:43

Live fact checking is a bad idea. That’s the job of the opponent on stage or the post debate tv discussion. I mean, they give the opponent rebuttal time. In 2016 Trumps whining about rigged debates played well I’d imagine. Mostly because people are stupid. Last thing I’d want is a moderator deciding who and what they’re going to take issue with. If Trump says only 400 people dies from covid it’s Biden’s job to correct him.
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Floyd Robertson 2020-09-29, 13:49

kingstonlake wrote:Live fact checking is a bad idea. That’s the job of the opponent on stage or the post debate tv discussion. I mean, they give the opponent rebuttal time. In 2016 Trumps whining about rigged debates played well I’d imagine. Mostly because people are stupid. Last thing I’d want is a moderator deciding who and what they’re going to take issue with. If Trump says only 400 people dies from covid it’s Biden’s job to correct him.

How about looping in and let them use the crawler to give thumbs up or thumbs down?
Floyd Robertson
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Travis of the Cosmos 2020-09-29, 13:50

kingstonlake wrote:Live fact checking is a bad idea. That’s the job of the opponent on stage or the post debate tv discussion. I mean, they give the opponent rebuttal time. In 2016 Trumps whining about rigged debates played well I’d imagine. Mostly because people are stupid. Last thing I’d want is a moderator deciding who and what they’re going to take issue with. If Trump says only 400 people dies from covid it’s Biden’s job to correct him.

It’s not though.
Travis of the Cosmos
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Rocinante 2020-09-29, 14:01

Why is he even there if he’s not going to call out lies? It’s a losing strategy for Biden to do it. So lies just get to hang out there. This is a shitshow before it even begins. Another reason I won’t be watching.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Rocinante 2020-09-29, 14:01

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:Live fact checking is a bad idea. That’s the job of the opponent on stage or the post debate tv discussion. I mean, they give the opponent rebuttal time. In 2016 Trumps whining about rigged debates played well I’d imagine. Mostly because people are stupid. Last thing I’d want is a moderator deciding who and what they’re going to take issue with. If Trump says only 400 people dies from covid it’s Biden’s job to correct him.

It’s not though.


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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-29, 14:40

Maybe you don’t fact check the debate but the press could note that trump is a pathological liar in the preview and post debate shows.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-29, 14:43

steveschneider wrote:Maybe you don’t fact check the debate but the press could note that trump is a pathological liar in the preview and post debate shows.
they could've done that 4 years ago but they chose to normalize his lies because he was good for ratings, as America is a stupid country.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-29, 14:47

The Presidental Debate Commission or whatever it is called said that they don't expect their moderators to fact check. I dont know why you guys think it is the moderator's job. When have moderators at a presidential debate ever fact checked the candidates. They are there to keep them on topic, on the allotted time, etc. It's politics, which is effectively synonymous with lying. It isn't like lying is something new in these just because Trump does it more than others.

Ultimately, a moderator fact checking a candidate will bring claims of bias from both sides. Both sides will feel hard done because they will think that the other guy didn't get fact checked as much or as stringently, or that something wasn't fact checked at all. In this year's case specifically, if Biden doesn't want to fact check because he doesn't have time with so many lies, then how will the moderator have time?

Anyone that thinks that Chris Wallace is copping out is not very familiar with the man's work.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-29, 14:48

Travis of the Cosmos wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:Live fact checking is a bad idea. That’s the job of the opponent on stage or the post debate tv discussion. I mean, they give the opponent rebuttal time. In 2016 Trumps whining about rigged debates played well I’d imagine. Mostly because people are stupid. Last thing I’d want is a moderator deciding who and what they’re going to take issue with. If Trump says only 400 people dies from covid it’s Biden’s job to correct him.

It’s not though.

It is though.
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-29, 14:49

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
steveschneider wrote:Maybe you don’t fact check the debate but the press could note that trump is a pathological liar in the preview and post debate shows.
they could've done that 4 years ago but they chose to normalize his lies because he was good for ratings, as America is a stupid country.

Better late than never.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-29, 14:49

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
steveschneider wrote:Maybe you don’t fact check the debate but the press could note that trump is a pathological liar in the preview and post debate shows.
they could've done that 4 years ago but they chose to normalize his lies because he was good for ratings, as America is a stupid country.

The fact that you think they didn't/don't/won't (except for FoxNews) is why you're so confused.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-29, 14:53

I can’t stand trump. I know he’s a pathetic and pathological liar. The last thing I want is three debates with moderators getting to pissing matches with Trump. I can get all that I want watching a presidential briefing. Biden needs to put him in check. Call out his lies. I mean JFC if Biden’s even remotely been conscious the last four years, it shouldn’t be that hard.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-29, 14:53

MiamiSpartan wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote: they could've done that 4 years ago but they chose to normalize his lies because he was good for ratings, as America is a stupid country.

The fact that you think they didn't/don't/won't (except for FoxNews) is why you're so confused.
did you see the CNN article I posted at the top of this thread where they talked about how great the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator performed against Hillary? and how great the economy is? and how he's fighting for blue collar families?

tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  502811600
Robert J Sakimano
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-29, 14:55

kingstonlake wrote:I can’t stand trump. I know he’s a pathetic and pathological liar. The last thing I want is three debates with moderators getting to pissing matches with Trump. I can get all that I want watching a presidential briefing. Biden needs to put him in check. Call out his lies. I mean JFC if Biden’s even remotely been conscious the last four years, it shouldn’t be that hard.
I'd stand up there in a fuckin' pair of jeans, boots and a band t-shirt and launch into that bloated sack of pathetic, disgusting white supremacist filth.. then I'd start in on the mainstream media guy reading questions.

I'd have 1,000 marriage proposals by the end of the evening.. and that's just the ones from dudes.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-29, 15:06

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:I can’t stand trump. I know he’s a pathetic and pathological liar. The last thing I want is three debates with moderators getting to pissing matches with Trump. I can get all that I want watching a presidential briefing. Biden needs to put him in check. Call out his lies. I mean JFC if Biden’s even remotely been conscious the last four years, it shouldn’t be that hard.
I'd stand up there in a fuckin' pair of jeans, boots and a band t-shirt and launch into that bloated sack of pathetic, disgusting white supremacist filth.. then I'd start in on the mainstream media guy reading questions.

I'd have 1,000 marriage proposals by the end of the evening.. and that's just the ones from dudes.

What if it was in Mackinaw City?
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-29, 15:08

Biden is going to school Trump tonight. I'm predicting a blowout.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-29, 15:28

kingstonlake wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote:
I'd stand up there in a fuckin' pair of jeans, boots and a band t-shirt and launch into that bloated sack of pathetic, disgusting white supremacist filth.. then I'd start in on the mainstream media guy reading questions.

I'd have 1,000 marriage proposals by the end of the evening.. and that's just the ones from dudes.

What if it was in Mackinaw City?
we'd wallow in fudge and have ourselves a big time.
Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Rocinante 2020-09-29, 15:29

kingstonlake wrote:I can’t stand trump. I know he’s a pathetic and pathological liar. The last thing I want is three debates with moderators getting to pissing matches with Trump. I can get all that I want watching a presidential briefing. Biden needs to put him in check. Call out his lies. I mean JFC if Biden’s even remotely been conscious the last four years, it shouldn’t be that hard.

Then the questions should be printed on a screen and timers should be automated and mics should be cut at a preordained moment. Don’t need a moderator.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-29, 15:31

Rocinante wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:I can’t stand trump. I know he’s a pathetic and pathological liar. The last thing I want is three debates with moderators getting to pissing matches with Trump. I can get all that I want watching a presidential briefing. Biden needs to put him in check. Call out his lies. I mean JFC if Biden’s even remotely been conscious the last four years, it shouldn’t be that hard.

Then the questions should be printed on a screen and timers should be automated and mics should be cut at a preordained moment. Don’t need a moderator.

LOL ok.
Swill Pick 'em 2022 Extended Season Champion

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Rocinante 2020-09-29, 15:33

kingstonlake wrote:
Rocinante wrote:

Then the questions should be printed on a screen and timers should be automated and mics should be cut at a preordained moment. Don’t need a moderator.

LOL ok.

So what’s the point of a moderator?

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by The Pantry 2020-09-29, 15:45

tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  502811600  Have no fear!  The mostly liberal mainstream media got this covered.

tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Bingo10
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-29, 15:50

Rocinante wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:

LOL ok.

So what’s the point of a moderator?

Follow up questions. Trying to make sure debate rules are followed. An answer to a question may invite a follow up question. “Mr Biden, Mr Trump has made a claim that your [insert policy] is not in the best interest of the nation. How do you respond?” Mr Trump, Mr Biden has made a specific claim that you [insert issue] did not follow the constitution in your actions. How to you respond to that specific claim.” A moderator can help stop a filibuster or attempt to sidestep a specific claim.
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-29, 15:52

Oh look. The genius who says campaign ads are desperation is back lol!

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by The Pantry 2020-09-29, 15:55

You gotta admit. Biden's been pouring it on extremely thick lately.
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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-29, 15:56

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
MiamiSpartan wrote:

The fact that you think they didn't/don't/won't (except for FoxNews) is why you're so confused.
did you see the CNN article I posted at the top of this thread where they talked about how great the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator performed against Hillary? and how great the economy is? and how he's fighting for blue collar families?

tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  502811600

If you're going to move the goal posts so much, at least use something better than an Opinion piece. Like I said, this explains your confusion if you take a single opinion piece as being the stance of the network, when there are countless articles and stories (online and on TV) that say the very opposite.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-29, 15:59

The Pantry wrote:tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  502811600  Have no fear!  The mostly liberal mainstream media got this covered.

tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Bingo10

Liberal? The Post?

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Robert J Sakimano 2020-09-29, 16:02

MiamiSpartan wrote:
Robert J Sakimano wrote: did you see the CNN article I posted at the top of this thread where they talked about how great the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator performed against Hillary? and how great the economy is? and how he's fighting for blue collar families?

tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  502811600

If you're going to move the goal posts so much, at least use something better than an Opinion piece. Like I said, this explains your confusion if you take a single opinion piece as being the stance of the network, when there are countless articles and stories (online and on TV) that say the very opposite.
just pointing out that CNN is promoting how great the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator is.

Robert J Sakimano
Robert J Sakimano

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by MiamiSpartan 2020-09-29, 16:18

Robert J Sakimano wrote:
MiamiSpartan wrote:

If you're going to move the goal posts so much, at least use something better than an Opinion piece. Like I said, this explains your confusion if you take a single opinion piece as being the stance of the network, when there are countless articles and stories (online and on TV) that say the very opposite.
just pointing out that CNN is promoting how great the racist, bigoted christian sexual predator is.

Uh huh. :rolleyes:

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Rocinante 2020-09-29, 16:20

kingstonlake wrote:
Rocinante wrote:

So what’s the point of a moderator?

Follow up questions. Trying to make sure debate rules are followed. An answer to a question may invite a follow up question. “Mr Biden, Mr Trump has made a claim that your [insert policy] is not in the best interest of the nation. How do you respond?” Mr Trump, Mr Biden has made a specific claim that you [insert issue] did not follow the constitution in your actions. How to you respond to that specific claim.” A moderator can help stop a filibuster or attempt to sidestep a specific claim.

So what you’re saying is a moderator can call attention to the claims a debater has made? What would be the motivation for such a move?

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by GRR Spartan 2020-09-29, 16:28

Trump will say Biden was a US Senator that passed all the tax laws that allowed him to pay zero taxes therefore Trump's not having to pay taxes is all Biden's fault.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by Rocinante 2020-09-29, 16:32

He hasn’t had to pay taxes because he’s consistently lost so much more money than he’s made. It has almost nothing to do with the law. He’s just a shitty, shitty businessman.

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by steveschneider 2020-09-29, 16:36

MiamiSpartan wrote:
The Pantry wrote:tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  502811600  Have no fear!  The mostly liberal mainstream media got this covered.

tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Bingo10

Liberal? The Post?

I knew he was a fan of Murdoch Media. He denied watching Fox but ah ha he’s a NY Post fan!

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tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..  Empty Re: tOfficial 2020 Presidential Debate Thread..

Post by kingstonlake 2020-09-29, 17:05

Rocinante wrote:
kingstonlake wrote:

Follow up questions. Trying to make sure debate rules are followed. An answer to a question may invite a follow up question. “Mr Biden, Mr Trump has made a claim that your [insert policy] is not in the best interest of the nation. How do you respond?” Mr Trump, Mr Biden has made a specific claim that you [insert issue] did not follow the constitution in your actions. How to you respond to that specific claim.” A moderator can help stop a filibuster or attempt to sidestep a specific claim.

So what you’re saying is a moderator can call attention to the claims a debater has made? What would be the motivation for such a move?

Roc, if you want moderators calling candidates liars that’s fine with me. I want candidates fact checking each other. A moderators job is to moderate the two candidates. Not to be the judge and jury.
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