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Neera Tanden gets voted down for OMB leader. Why?

Heat Miser
Travis of the Cosmos
GRR Spartan
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Neera Tanden gets voted down for OMB leader. Why? - Page 3 Empty Re: Neera Tanden gets voted down for OMB leader. Why?

Post by GRR Spartan 2021-03-03, 10:15

Tanden stepped on too many toes and her tweets, while we can clain double standard to the heaven, made it too damned much work to vote for her.

re Social Security.  Unless you were lucky enough to win the birth lottery, never worked as a trust fund child, you have paid Social Security and if you start drawing at 62 to 70 in 2021 you are getting a maximum benefit of $2324 to $3895.  

Regardless of your 401K no one collecting their SS is going to be happy seeing their monthly income take a $581 or larger hit.  That's $6972 a year which can pay for a lot of stuff.

I'll repeat my "simple way to help SS.  

Incease annual taxable maximum income from $142,800 to $250,000 for individuals and adjust for inflation annually.

Collect SS Tax all income to $250K. That means income from trusts and investments would be subject to tax.

Raise minimum age from 62 to 64.  In 1940 when monthly benefits began life expectancy for American men was 60.8 and 65.2 for women.  In 2021 life expectancy drop 1 year and is still at 77.8 years.
GRR Spartan
GRR Spartan

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Neera Tanden gets voted down for OMB leader. Why? - Page 3 Empty Re: Neera Tanden gets voted down for OMB leader. Why?

Post by steveschneider 2021-03-03, 10:46

GRR Spartan wrote:Tanden stepped on too many toes and her tweets, while we can clain double standard to the heaven, made it too damned much work to vote for her.

re Social Security.  Unless you were lucky enough to win the birth lottery, never worked as a trust fund child, you have paid Social Security and if you start drawing at 62 to 70 in 2021 you are getting a maximum benefit of $2324 to $3895.  

Regardless of your 401K no one collecting their SS is going to be happy seeing their monthly income take a $581 or larger hit.  That's $6972 a year which can pay for a lot of stuff.

I'll repeat my "simple way to help SS.  

Incease annual taxable maximum income from $142,800 to $250,000 for individuals and adjust for inflation annually.

Collect SS Tax all income to $250K. That means income from trusts and investments would be subject to tax.

Raise minimum age from 62 to 64.  In 1940 when monthly benefits began life expectancy for American men was 60.8 and 65.2 for women.  In 2021 life expectancy drop 1 year and is still at 77.8 years.

Most people complaining about her tweets can't even cite one example where she stepped over the line.  She called Cruz as more heartless than a vampire. Give me a break. Trump on the debate stage denigrated Biden and Wallace with some very pernicious personal attacks and despite his declining ratings he was later rewarded by NBC with his town hall on their network and cable platforms.

The real story here is gender and race. You can't talk shit in politics if you are a woman of color.

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